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  1. F

    CTX video per day?

    I just received the complete set of the Cross Train Express VIDEOS! I am wondering, with these videos are you supposed to do one per day as your rotation? Is this mostly a strength program or a cardio program or both? I have mentioned this before, but I did an intense S&H rotation for...
  2. F

    PLEASE help me find the One Body part per day rotation!

    I have searched and searched. It was only last week, or maybe this past week, that Cathe had posted a rotation using the one body part with S&H per week with cardio rotation. Can someone please help me find this again? Thanks!
  3. F

    Who will win tonight on American Idol????

    When they had the final 32 on the show my kids and I each chose a winner. I chose Fantasia out of all 32, and if she wins, I am going to play the lottery!!! :D
  4. F

    My first cruise!! Gotta lose 20!

    Danna; You can use them twice per day. So, if you do the uppers seperate from the lowers, that would be TWO whole hours!!! Trust me, I tried to do a little more, but my teeth got so sensitive! LOL! Sometimes nothing will stop me!}(
  5. F

    Cardio and Weights...need a suggestion

    I did C&W for the first time yesterday. Wow, those moves are tough! But it felt really great. Since you work every muscle with that workout, should the next day be absolutely NO weights? I don't think I was lifting my heaviest because it was a new workout for me and I was getting down the...
  6. F

    PMS and motivation

    Yes, I do the exact same thing. But my problem is that my cycle is SOOOOOOO irregular that I never know if I am in PMS or just under the weather. (hindsight is 20/20) So, with my cycles ranging from 30-60 days, I have to make sure that I am not looking for an "excuse" if I am just being...
  7. F

    Power Hour question regarding results....

    >That's a good one! You really got me laughing there at the >thought of doing PH on a day with another weight workout!! >LOL!!!:7 >Don't mean to make fun of your question, and I'm sure you are >perfectly serious. Just try it and you'll see why I'm >laughing. >-Nancy Nancy, What...
  8. F

    My first cruise!! Gotta lose 20!

    Danna; I have the same problem at times, but when my willpower is down and the food is calling to me, I use my Crest White Strips. 30 minutes later, my craving is usually gone. And there is NO way that you can eat or drink with those on. Plus, you get a white smile for your cruise.:D
  9. F

    Power Hour question regarding results....

    Is this a workout to add into a rotation for its own day? or one that you would add in as a "minor" workout between heavier weight workouts?
  10. F

    Power Hour question regarding results....

    I just got Power Hour and was wondering what sort of results you get from this? I have been using the S&H since mid-March and in the past couple of weeks I have been using the Pyramids and PS. Is Power Hour intense enough to add muscle size? Do many of you use this workout? Thanks again...
  11. F

    Can I still make "dramatic" changes in an hour or less?

    My schedule for the next 6 weeks or so is going to be crazy. I will have enough time for an hour per day, ONLY, to workout. This is discouraging because I have been working out for about 2 hours (give or take) and love the changes I am making. I have 10 pounds to lose, and my eating is pretty...
  12. F

    Where did your boobs go?????

    Even another nurse that I work with noticed a few weeks ago. She said she was hesitant to tell me. We usually have our scrub jackets on, but the other day it was hot and I took mine off and had on only my shirt and she said "they were gone!" (We are OB nurses, and have worked together for 15...
  13. F

    Where did your boobs go?????

    I did notice that since lifting with the S&H, my chest seems to have that definite muscle look...hmmm...hard to explain but you know what I mean. You can see my bone all the way to my clavicle, but I do have some definition in my pecs. Which my DH says makes my boobs seem "smaller" because...
  14. F

    More Muscle

    AndreaL; Did you use the S&H once per week as one workout or did you do one body part per day? Just curious...
  15. F

    Biceps on S&H without a barbell....

    Just bumping this up.......
  16. F

    The dreaded bathing suit try on....

    I understand. We all do. But I'll bet that if you wore that same suit that you tried on, and went to the beach, it would look FANTASTIC!! The dressing room is possessed. There is only SO far that you can get from that mirror and NO bathing suit looks good when you still have your underwear...
  17. F

    Help! Can I be saved??

    Thank you. That is a lot of food for thought. I learned through Cathe that visualizing your muscle contracting before it actually does, makes the movement much more effective. This article is a lot like that. It can really be amazing how much power the mind has OVER the body. Sometimes...
  18. F

    Where did your boobs go?????

    Okay. I went away for the weekend with my DH and saw tons of people I had not seen for a year! The first thing that SEVERAL (yes, more than 9) people said to me was, " Jackie, where did your boobs go?" Of course, they weren't intending to be mean but.... Anyway, I did get quite a few...
  19. F

    Do you bake?

    >If you do, could you answer this question? If you bake >brownies and they are perfect except for the bottom (too hard) >what is the problem? The problem is that there is less brownie to eat!!! Just kidding! Make sure that you take the brownies out of the oven at the SPECIFIED time...
  20. F

    Need ideas for PUB/PLB rotation? Is this okay?

    I have just completed an 8 week cycle of S&H and mixed in some Firm cardio and also occasional PS workouts. I am wanting to start a rotation using the PUB and PLB. My goal is the add some killer definition to my upper body. Lean out the lower body. I maybe have 5-10 pounds to...