Biceps on S&H without a barbell....


I do not have a barbell and just substitute my dumb bells as I can.

With the Biceps on S&H, we do the traditional curls, then the hammer curls, then you switch to barbell curls.

Should I just leave that exercise out? Is there a specific difference in the biceps that is targeted with using the barbell?
I was wondering if using the barbell hits the muscle in a different way.

So, I have just been adding another three sets of traditional curls with my dumb bells and curl 2 counts up and 6 counts down on the last three sets.
Some ideas: if you want to change exercises for the third set, you can try a variety of moves. You can curl up with palms up, then turn your hands so that you do a hammer curl down. Or the opposite: hammer curl up, then turn hands to palms facing you and lower in regular curl position. You could change the angle of the curl, so that your forearms are out at more of a 45 degree angle from your body.

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