Where did your boobs go?????

Jackie...did you eat a toad before going to this convention???

After nursing babies and having a size triple E (I'm not kidding), mine have disappeared and I'm glad they are gone and I don't care if I ever see them again. :7 :7 :7 They get in the way when I do any plyometrics, jogging, even waterskiing. Much more comfortable to be flat, less baggage. I believe my pecs stick out over them currently. }( }( }( .

Briee (eat the toad and you'll forget about your chest disappearing, at least for the day)
I don't know why this happens either but 90% of female bodybuilders have no boobs. My story is opposite of yours.When I was lighter and did just cardio my boobs were smaller.Then when I started lifting they got a little bigger.But keep in mind that I am not as strict with my eating as I use to be.
You didn't happen to change Brith Control methods did you? A friend of mine had big boobs and when she switched brith control methods she noticed a major difference in size.
Other then that...no answers here!
Mine shrunk too! I lost 80 pounds without ever losing a bit of my chest about 7 years ago. I was totally amazed that I managed to lose that amount of weight and kept my chest.

I've been slimming down a bit lately (after an injury put some weight and inches on a couple of years ago) and someone commented to me that I am "too thin" and "even my chest is gone." (and by no means I am too think so the smaller size is that attributed to that). Not long after, I did notice a difference and BF tells me that I have "no chest" anymore. I still wear a C but I am a big girl (6 feet tall) adn they do appear smaller.

I posted to Cathe on this but never got an answer from her. I wonder if it is more cardio or more muscle tone (which seemed to be the common response to my post from others) or something else?
> I don't know why this happens either but 90% of female
>bodybuilders have no boobs.

Most likely from having extremely low body fat (below double digits) and losing most of the fat from the area. Also, maybe women who have the genetics to get to the contests have naturally smaller breasts (manybe more testosterone and less estrogen) than women who can't get that muscular.
I noticed gymnasts have the same thing. They are hard as a rock but have no chest. I gues when you work so hard the body fat just can't hold on once you achieve a certian athletic capability. So I thinks it's a good thing then. BTW I breast fed to and going from a C to a E was a shocker. I couldn't even sleep on my stomach because they were so big. I say smaller is much better cause I know it from first hand experiance, although there are days I miss the cleavage!:D
I noticed gymnasts have the same thing. They are hard as a rock but have no chest. I gues when you work so hard the body fat just can't hold on once you achieve a certian athletic capability. So I thinks it's a good thing then. BTW I breast fed to and going from a C to a E was a shocker. I couldn't even sleep on my stomach because they were so big. I say smaller is much better cause I know it from first hand experiance, although there are days I miss the cleavage!:D
I did notice that since lifting with the S&H, my chest seems to have that definite muscle look...hmmm...hard to explain but you know what I mean. You can see my bone all the way to my clavicle, but I do have some definition in my pecs. Which my DH says makes my boobs seem "smaller" because more of the muscle is bringing it "back" against my chest, and not so "lobular"!

WOW!!! It took me about 7 minutes and I still could not think of a better word than "lobular"!!!

Even another nurse that I work with noticed a few weeks ago. She said she was hesitant to tell me. We usually have our scrub jackets on, but the other day it was hot and I took mine off and had on only my shirt and she said "they were gone!" (We are OB nurses, and have worked together for 15 YEARS!!)

Yep, and my mom noticed too. :-(
I just wanna know why that never happens to me. I would LOVE for my boobs to disappear. But NO!!! Here they stay - D is about as small as these puppies get....

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