More Muscle

I think we all agree that muscle is a nice thing to have. Has anyone solely concentrated on adding muscle by taking your aerobics either completely out of the workout or limiting it to intense work 3 times a week? Also did you have to significantly increase your caloric intake or could you still add while sticking to your current eating program? No one wants to add on any fat. Let me know what some of your experiences have been, I'm trying to find just the right mix for me. I want to stay very toned but I would like to add muscle size. Thanks for any replies.
Hi Mic! To build muscle make sure you have the following ingredients in the mix:

1) A few extra calories
2) A little extra protein
3) A lot of extra sleep
4) Heavy and slow weight lifting

Good Luck!
I'm not sure about the aerobics, but the best way to keep muscle is to provide those muscles with enough protein. And, not all fat is bad for you, or carbs for that matter. It's the type of fat and carbs that you eat. Staying away from trans fats and simple sugars and eating plenty of quality protein should keep your body very healthy in the dietary standpoint.

Hope this helped a bit.
Doing S&H once a week alternated with intense cardio 3x/week gave me more muscle. I didn't change my eating at all. I was afraid to cut my cardio to 3x, but decided to try it for a short time. Results were great!

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