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  1. J

    Have GS...what to get next?

    I also rotate GS w/ S&H's..definately produces results. I can lift a little heavier from the S&h's and GS's are giving me the definition and cut I love. ~Chrissy~:)
  2. J

    Can anyone recommend a good health insurance company?

    Gayle Thank you so much for the info. I will check into Aetna. Yes, I realize (and the other post confirms)it is a must. Thank you for caring. ~Chrissy~I
  3. J

    Can anyone recommend a good health insurance company?

    Hi Everyone, I'm leaving the company I've worked at since I graduated college 15 yrs. ago. My husband owns a karate studio and has no insurance. I have always provided the family insurance through my company. I am going back to school for Nursing this September and need to get us...
  4. J

    Triceps are screaming!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi Sarah, I did the same workout today but only did chest. I usually can do both muscles but just didn't have it in me today. Sure is a challenging workout. I am now doing 2 sets on the chest presses with 20's and the final set w/ 15's. Not getting any furthur with those darn pushups...
  5. J

    What is your favorite dvd from the Hardcore series?

    Go heavy...just pause your DVD or VCR..the bonus burn at the end is great too! I love GS just as much as S&H ~Chrissy~
  6. J

    GS Styles...

    Jane, I started with the Pyramids to build up my strength. I moved on to rotating GS's and S&H. The workouts are now focusing on 2 to 3 muscles and hit them harder and I am really seeing results. With Pyramids I felt results and w/ GS & SH, I see results. Hope that helps ~Chrissy~
  7. J

    I think I pulled my groin muscle

    Laurie, Thanks, it is still here this morning so I will try the ice when I get home from work today. I will be extra careful. Thanks for your advice and concern. ~Chrissy~
  8. J

    Has anyone here done a triathalon?

    Sarah Good luck w/ the 1/2 marathon. Let us know how you do. The furthest I've run is the Falmouth MA 10k. It's popular in New England. Most years you can't even get a number. I would like to do a 1/2 marathon someday. Maybe next year I will be up for the challenge. I always think of...
  9. J

    I feel like Cinderella today!

    Kim That's funny, I do the same thing. This Friday we are leaving for Cape Cod and I will clean and organize. I hate to admit this but in the back of my head I want my house to be nice just in case I die while away on vacation. Must hide my viabrator real well and make sure my underwear...
  10. J

    Peanut Butter Cupcake Recipe

    Thank you thank you thank you for this recipe. A mother made this for one of my husband's karate parties and he hid 1/2 of them in his office. The Mom made them for the kids, not for him. But he gobbled them up. Two karate Christmas parties she brought them. She said she would email me the...
  11. J

    I think I pulled my groin muscle

    I'm hoping someone know what this is and how long before it goes away. Yesterday I did Cathe's S&H Chest,Back then I did a bunch of laps in my pool. This morning I woke up to a muscle twinge in my groin area. The weird thing is, I'm just sitting inactive and it starts up. I was still able to...
  12. J

    Has anyone here done a triathalon?

    Thanks for the good advice. I am very excited. I am alternating early morning runs and bike rides and as much swim time in my pool. I just picked up a couple of swim caps (my hair was getting fried) and speedo goggles. Sarah ~ Danskin's triathalon is nice for a newbie. It's a 1/2mile...
  13. J

    Has anyone here done a triathalon?

    Hi Everyone, I am doing my first triathalon July 31st (Danskin). I was hoping to get some advice on what to wear for the swim portion and then how best to transition into the bike portion. I was just going to wear a sports bra and bikini bottoms and keep that on for the bike ride and run...
  14. J

    Give up on Low Max?

    Good advice from all..thank you and have a fun 4th! ~Chrissy~
  15. J

    Give up on Low Max?

    Thanks for that great advice. I will try the blast portion and focus on learning more steps every time I do the workout w/running in place or basic stepping in between. I like those ideas. I am hoping that I too will become addicted to step! Thanks again for all the encouragement.:-)...
  16. J

    Working out for more than an hour at a time

    i do the same as Pinky..need energy to have a "give it all you got" work out. I also make sure not to go over 1 1/2hrs and get the protein drink into my system right away.
  17. J

    Give up on Low Max?

    I need some advice. I love Cathe's GS's, S&H's, Pyramids & Bootcamp. For my cardio, I run. Anyways, I thought it would be nice to get some cardio in w/ a step workout so I ordered Low Max. I just put it in today and quit 1/2 way through the warm up. I went out for a heart bursting 25 min...
  18. J

    Mirror Image

    I agree with those GAP dressing rooms. They have great lighting!
  19. J

    Is combining GS w/ S&H's okay?

    Thanks guys, I will alternate weekly and bump up the weight. I appreciate the good advice. ~Chrissy~
  20. J

    If you had to give away all of your Cathe workouts, except ONE...

    Bootcamp for me...I wonder what workout Cathe would choose