Give up on Low Max?


I need some advice. I love Cathe's GS's, S&H's, Pyramids & Bootcamp. For my cardio, I run. Anyways, I thought it would be nice to get some cardio in w/ a step workout so I ordered Low Max. I just put it in today and quit 1/2 way through the warm up. I went out for a heart bursting 25 min. run instead. It just seemed weird trying to do step...totally different and I couln't keep up w/ her mamba's. Even if I knew these moves, I just don't know if this is for me.

My question is "Does step grow on you"? or am I just not meant for step. I love Bootcamp. Those are all moves I like. I do that once every few weeks. So should I put Low Max up on ebay?

I say give it a chance!! I put in my first step video, All Step, got into position and ready to roll... then I just stopped and stared. "Who in the heck can keep up this this?" I kept at it though. I don't know how much of a w/o I got the first few times because I was always stopping, trying to catch up to where they were. It was pitiful really....:p

LowMax is an awesome w/o. I did it last night.
pop that baby in and do the blast only mix.I have two left feet and get backwards on everything.I perfer athletic moves not fancy ones.the blast are SIMPLE moves.I am telling you the fire in your legs is like no other.only 23 min. and IF you feel like it go for a run afterwards if you don't fall down first:+ I can't do anything after I am done I feel quite toasty.and sweaty to.Don't be like me sell a dvd only to buy it back and love it-having to pick a little crow out of my teeth;)
Well, I say give it another try BUT some people can't step. My SIL just can NOT catch on to the simplest step tapes and I can usually get them by the second or third time.

I, on the other hand, cannot do hi/lo. At all. I just don't get it. I can do Leslie but that is it.

Don't feel bad if you can't get it but do give it another try.:)
Chrissy ~ Yes, give it another try. I'm a runner and only did step at my health club back in the early 90's. She was an excellent instructor and cued very well. She moved, so that was the end of my stepping days, until I tried Imax 2 off of FitTv. Now I'm hooked on step all over again. You know what I would do when I was learning, I would do my regular cardio (usually running) and then try a few intervals out at a time with no risers. That worked for me. I almost gave up on Imax 2. I'm so glad I didn't. I'm currently trying to figure Imax 3 out. Someone here suggested doing the Step Only premix. That was a great idea. Maybe you could give that a try once you get the hang of Low Max.



PS. if step isn't for you, what about kickboxing?
Honestly, if you are new to step, try one of the workouts geared towards beginners. I had a similar experience, with IMAX2 (which I still am working on getting)... it was just too difficult of a place to start. Anyway, I figured step wasn't for me but then bought the High Step (primarily for leg work) & received the High Step Circuit DVD with it... and REALLY liked it a lot. The w/o itself is fairly simple but it is a GREAT intro to Cathe's step moves. I liked step so much after this experience that I proceeded to buy all of her earlier stuff (Cardio Hits) as well as the Basic Step/Body Fusion workout which is geared toward beginning steppers. I think it's a matter of starting in a more logical place.

I would say, give it another try, or consider buying something that will introduce you to the moves in an easier way.

Good luck!
Thanks for that great advice. I will try the blast portion and focus on learning more steps every time I do the workout w/running in place or basic stepping in between. I like those ideas. I am hoping that I too will become addicted to step! Thanks again for all the encouragement.:)

Keep practicing Chrissy! When I first started stepping I ended up watching more then exercising. I never thought I'd be able to do it. But I just kept practicing and doing it over and over and now the Step workouts are my absolute favorites. I have so much fun doing them.
Maybe stepping isn't for you, but you won't know if you don't try your best. Good luck!:D

I meant to say at the end of my other post to try the Step Only of Low Max not Imax 3. You're probably thinking I was crazy for suggesting one of the Imaxes when you're trying to get the hang of Low Max! Anyway, try out the step only premix for Low Max, if there is one.

I find with stepping that you have to listen to the cues and not watch so much. I know that sounds weird, but if you listen to the cues and keep moving you end up doing the movement without a lot of effort. I think the worst thing you can do is stop and watch. Just my 2 cents. I love this workout and I did not get it the first time. I think having challenging choreography makes the workout something to work towards and feel good about once you get it down.

Anwyay, give it sometime and maybe you could run before hand a little so that you don't feel anxious about getting a workout in. :)

I agree with Susan. I find step easier if I don't watch and just listen. Of course you need to know what the movements are that are being cued. I used to teach step aerobics a very long time ago and not watching me was one of the learning tools I would tell my students, but instead to just listen to me once they knew what the cues meant. It works most of the time.
From one giftedly uncoordinated person: give it a chance. If you still don't like it, you can sell it later. I've never been able to follow even the simplest dance moves, but once you get into step, it's a lot of fun--and a nice change from running and hi/lo. And the more Cathe step workouts you learn, the easier the new ones get because you're familiar with her choreography and only have to learn the new stuff.

I felt the same way after getting IMAX2, because Cathe doesn't break things down in that one, either. I finally got it down and loved it! Months later I got the Cross Train Xpress series, which has a breakdown of most of the moves in IMAX2. I thought "ahhhh, so that's where she teaches it."

I've even figured out Rhythmic Step, which is really saying something for me.:+

Good Luck,

Carol F
Chrissy, I am so glad you are going to give it a try. It is so much FUN!! You will be on here before long screaming... "I've got to have the IMAXS!!" There are still moves that I modify simply because they are uncomfortable for me. I don't do a lot triple back turning, turn-face-in (I think that is what that is called... I'm not sure 'cuz I don't do them:+ ). I tend to get dizzy if I turn too much so I just stay forward and Cathe will tell you that is an option. She is great at giving options. Practice, practice, then make it YOUR workout and do what is comfortable for you.
You've gotten a lot of great advice. I just wanted to reiterate it. Listen, don't watch, once you figure out the moves, and try it again. I started with Circuit Max. I could do the Hi/Lo and the Kick Boxing, but basically tripped over my step for the stepping part for the first three or four times I did it. When she introduces a new move, simply stop and watch the first time or two she does it, then try it. It's so much easier that way.

I, too, am about as coordinated as a lump of coal, but I'm starting to get Low Max. Keep at it. You'll get it - and it's a great workout!

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