GS Styles...


I just purchased two of the GS on eBay. Back, Shoulders, Biceps and Chest and Triceps... got them for $21 apiece and that included shipping.

How are these different from the Pyramids which I have and love?

I bought them because I wanted more versatility in my resistance training w/o's. My Pyramids are on DVD. I have MIS (which I did tonight) but it is on tape.

I see GS on a lot of rotations and wonder how those of you who have them like them. There wasn't a GS Legs being offered with them, have to get that later.

I started with the Pyramids to build up my strength. I moved on to rotating GS's and S&H. The workouts are now focusing on 2 to 3 muscles and hit them harder and I am really seeing results. With Pyramids I felt results and w/ GS & SH, I see results.

Hope that helps


I have been using the GSs for 3 months and I really like them. I have definitely seen results. My muscles are much more dense and I can see definition in all parts of the muscle. I still LOVE the pyramids when I want something that is quick and to the point. They go by so fast!
I love all the Gym Styles. I've definitely built muscle with these workouts, but I think I've achieved more strength gains rather than more definition. The fun factor is pretty high in my opinion (compared to say, Slow & Heavy which is hugely effective, but a little more on the dull side). The only complaint I have about the Gym Styles is the speed (i.e. virtually no rest between exercises) but that is easily remedied by hitting the "pause" button.


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