Can anyone recommend a good health insurance company?


Hi Everyone,

I'm leaving the company I've worked at since I graduated college 15 yrs. ago. My husband owns a karate studio and has no insurance. I have always provided the family insurance through my company.

I am going back to school for Nursing this September and need to get us covered. I was hoping a few of you could recommend a few companies. I currently have Blue Cross but they are too expensive.

Any help is appreciated.:) On a fitness triathalon is next Sunday..I am a bit nervous and very excited too. My first one.

Hi, Chrissy!

I have an individual plan thru Aetna. It's an "Aetna Individual Advantage Plan". You can go to their site at and get the pdf files there to print off at home. The print-offs will include details about coverages, premiums, exclusions, and an application for all their options.

I recently resigned my FT job to return to being a SAHM again and although my children are covered thru the state, I am not eligible because I am healthy (go figure!). I was able to find a policy that won't brake my monthly budget but still allows for coverages on many, many things. You can choose from 3 types of policies...HMO, PPO, and a third that I can't remember right now. Personally, because I am healthy (knock on wood), I chose a policy with a bit of a higher deductible for services ($2,500) to bring the monthly premium cost down a bit. However, if I need something major done, that level deductible won't hurt the bank accounts too much.

I hope this helps you. Let me know if you need any more help; sometimes the Aetna website can be hard to navigate.

If I may, allow me to be a "mom" for a quick moment. WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT GO WITHOUT INSURANCE! I have first hand, personal experience of doing just that, and it was not a pretty situation. Make sure you get some kind of coverage. OK, MOOOOM! I'm done lecturing now! (sorry)

Just curious, how did you get your kids covered thru the state? What state are you in? I am wanting to be a SAHM too and health insurance is the biggest barrier. My husband's job has no benefits and I have carried the insurance with my job for 21 years. The job however is driving me insane and I don't mean that lightly. I need to give up the job for my health. So I'm very interested how to get my son covered thru the state. Thanks
Oh my gosh ,Medical insurance is a big deal at my house right now ... Ummmm for the first time in years ,We have none .Its very scary.And because of a big mistake Drs made with my 4 year old alittle over a year ago ,we are just finding out that hes UN insurable (Unless We were really rich)until hes 18 !!!! .I'm like so freaking out !!! And hes not eliglable thru my state either !!! Time to Sue those DRs !!! Maybe ,I actually have an appt with Malpractice Attorney On Monday ! Oh Boy !!!x( x( I'm not real excited but maybe he can help us !!

Thank you so much for the info. I will check into Aetna. Yes, I realize (and the other post confirms)it is a must. Thank you for caring.

I have had Aetna and Blue Cross. Blue Cross was awful in terms of getting claims and prescriptions approved. Aetna is much better. If I have a choice I won't go with Blue Cross again. They just raised their rates where I am and are more expensive than Aetna. I don't know about other insurance companies. I have only had experience with Aetna and Blue Cross.
To answer the ? about state coverage for my boys. Long story short...and the reason for my 'lecture' above, is that my DH got sick with leukemia in July 2003. AT that time, we had no incurance on him and me cuz I was a SAHM and he was unemployed for almost one year at that time. He qualified for Public Assistance (welfare), as well as the kids, but not me. He has since passed away from the disease, and my children are covered thru CHIP thru the Dept of Publice WElfare or Public Assistance. You can do a google search and find it easily.

I hope this helps. Let me know if there is anything else you guys need.


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