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  1. G

    No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 27, 2005

    RE: No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 27, 200... Hi everyone! Can I join your check-in? I currently am trying to lose 20 pounds and my eating habits pretty much consist of junk. I am going to journal everything I eat and try no sweets and salt and drink more water and no eating...
  2. G

    Need help losing 20 pounds in 8 weeks.........

    Kathryn, I'm sure your right. I guess I should just really concentrate on eating healthy. I have no problem with the exercise part, but my eating right now is very unhealthy. I had my third and last child when I was 36 and lost all of my weight and was at a pretty healthy weight, but...
  3. G

    Need help losing 20 pounds in 8 weeks.........

    Thanks guys for replying. I think I am really going to concentrate on my diet and try to do cardio in the morning and weights in the evening incorporating my P90X and Cathe workouts. I will give this a try for a month and see what happens, but really concentrate on my diet and try not to eat...
  4. G

    Need help losing 20 pounds in 8 weeks.........

    I will be 41 in September and I would like to shed 20 pounds by then. I am really trying to clean up my diet, but with three kids at home and with me working at home as a medical transcriptionist I am having a very hard time this summer sticking to any type of diet. Does anyone have...
  5. G

    Work from home?

    I am also a medical transcriptionist working at home for a hospital. You can make really good money, but you need loads of experience and you need to be a smart typist. There are courses you can take online and once you are finished with school, you probably would need to work in house for a...
  6. G

    P90X Daily Check In for Monday May 23rd, 2005

    Hi everyone! I am doing week 2 of the classic rotation and I did chest, back and ab ripper today. Tomorrow will be Pylo X - hopefully I can get through it all. I haven't been able to yet. I might do a half hour of Imax 2 if I don't get through with it all. I have 30 lbs to lose and I want...
  7. G

    P90X: Daily Check in for Thursday May 12th

    Hello P90X users! Do you mind if I join your thread. I just started P90X and I will be doing Yoga X for the first time today and I am a little scared -I'm not very flexible. I was thinking about doing a cardio instead, but I talked myself back into doing Yoga X. A little about myself -...
  8. G

    Getting VERY annoyed!

    Lori, My husband suggested try spraying it with pledge and wiping it dry. It worked for me. Good Luck! Anne
  9. G

    How old are you?

    I'm pretty much a lurker, but I feel I need to help the 40-50 group out. I just turned 40 in September. Anne
  10. G

    New Years Challenge - November 11

    Hi everyone! I had WI this morning and I am down 3 lbs, so I have lost 4.5 lbs since we started. I'm going to a tailgate party this weekend so I hope I don't screw up all of my efforts. Yesterday I was out of town on business so I didn't have time to work out and today I am very tired with...
  11. G

    New Year's Challenge Nov 9

    Great job future fitness dynamo!!!!! My weigh in is Thursday and I hope I will shed at least 3 pounds. Are you still on the core diet? 5.5 lbs in a week is great. Today I am going to do ME, I love that work out. Otherwise, I am going to drink my water and definitely stick to core after...
  12. G

    New Years Challenge-Nov 07

    Hi everyone! I haven't been doing well at all on this challenge. I'm thinking of switching to the Flex plan, but try to incorporate more core foods on it instead of eating junk. I think I will do that tomorrow. TOM is here and weigh in is Thursday. I lost 1.5 last week, so hopefully...
  13. G

    2 Month New Year Challenge Oct31-Nov7

    Good morning everyone! I am doing much better than the previous two days and I have started off by drinking 32 oz of water and I just did IMAX 2. I got to get my house cleaned today and then if time I am going to do 200 walking lunges. I'm going to try to do them twice a week. I didn't do...
  14. G

    2 Month New Year Challenge Oct31-Nov7

    Hello everyone! I haven't posted in a couple of days because I also have a bad sinus infection and just did not feel like doing a thing. The core diet has been okay for me. Today was WI and I lost 1.5 lbs. I know I could have done better if I followed the diet better. I haven't been...
  15. G

    Where has Wanda been?

    Hi Wanda, I too am an MT and I have been for 18 years. I used to work for one of the biggest national companies out there, but last year I found a job working for a major hospital in Ohio at home and I totally love it and I am making more money than what I did at the national company with...
  16. G

    2 Month New Year Challenge Oct31-Nov7

    Good afternoon! I have been eating really good today and I am getting my water in. I'm a little tired, so I don't think I will do PUB and walk 4 miles. I think I will either use this as a rest day or do CTX kickboxing tonight. I have to take my daughter to dance tonight and I will not get...
  17. G

    2 Month New Year Challenge Oct31-Nov7

    Did you guys see the IMAX 3 pictures? Amazing. I get more and more motivated every time I see the hardcore pictures. I have 30 pounds to lose before my husband will buy me the hardcore and I am going to do it. I want that IMAX 3 DVD. I figure if I follow WW and work out regularly I will...
  18. G

    2 Month New Year Challenge Oct31-Nov7

    Hi everyone! Good idea to start a new thread. I did terrible eating/snacking yesterday, so today will be my official start. I have a weigh in on Thursday, so I will be following the core religiously and drinking a ton of water. Today I have planned IMAX II the first five intervals. I...
  19. G

    2 months challenge till New Year????/

    Hi everyone, Just got done with a 2 mile walk. I live in Ohio and today the wind gusts are up to 35 mph, so the walk was not that fun and we stopped at 2 miles; we usually go 4 miles. I had to work this morning at 4 a.m. until 8 a.m. I work at home so that was not too bad, but I am tired...
  20. G

    2 months challenge till New Year????/

    Hi everyone! Just finished ME and I am going to take a shower and then out to do some errands. It is my oldest son's birthday today, so I am picking up his birthday cake and some ice cream for a little party before they go trick or treating tonight. I'm going to try not to have any cake and...