2 Month New Year Challenge Oct31-Nov7


Good Morning Everyone,
I hope I am not stepping on anyones toes by starting a new thread but the other one is getting really long and I thought it would be nice to start fresh today.Something is telling me that we may need more then one thread started through out the week.There were alot of post on the other one.
I should start by saying that I think this was a great idea fitsabina! I think everyone is truly motivated.
Today is offically my first day.I knew I was going out last night so I thought I could start today.I am very excited about this also!
Here is the rotation I will be doing for the month of Nov:
Mon-Cardio/UB from PH and ME
Wed-Cardio/LB from PH and ME
Fri-Cardio/SS or PP

I plan on going heavy with my weights (for the most part)My cardio will be interval running and aerobics,or just a steady pace.They could also go from 30 min to 70 min.I may do the CTX series cardio on the days when I don't have as much energy or time and when I have to do weights.I will save my longer cardio for myjust cardio days.
I am not quite sure if I will workout today.I would like to b/c it is the start of the challenge and I had some bad eating yesterday.
Anyway,I hope everyone else is as excited as me!
Chat with you soon,
WOW! That other thread is getting long. I think we should have two threads also. A NEW YEARS THREAD #1 and #2. I think it's great that we all have motivation for this.

I can say I won't have the time to address everyone personally. That can make for a long thread also. I will be posting personal things from time to time. I mostly will be putting down what I do and throwing out encouragement to others.

Today is start day. Rather silly with Halloween but is there really ever a good time? I am having the whole family over for Tricks or Treats. I made very healthy chiller chilly, guacamoldy, devilish eggs (low fat), corn bread bones (I will stay away from) and veggie tray and Blood Thirsty Marys. Heading to the basement to do yoga. Sunday is yoga day for me. I have a recurring issue in my upper back from a work injury and if I don't stay limber I pay for it. Already started the water going. My biggest temptation on Sunday is coffee with Baileys.

I am not sure on which rotation I am starting. I am going to go check later.

Enjoy All Hallows Eve!! What are your costumes or your childrens?? My son is going as the ghost of Babe Ruth. Red Sox hanging out the back pocket with R.I.P. "The Curse" 1918 - 2004.

Hi everyone!

Good idea to start a new thread. I did terrible eating/snacking yesterday, so today will be my official start. I have a weigh in on Thursday, so I will be following the core religiously and drinking a ton of water. Today I have planned IMAX II the first five intervals. I still have not managed to to intervals six through ten. May be someday. I'll probably do a 4 mile walk later on today also. The rest of my week looks like this:

Monday - PUB, walk 4 miles
Tuesday - KPC
Wednesday - PLB, walk 4 miles
Thursday - Step Blast
Friday - ME
Saturday - Bootcamp
Sunday - walk 4 miles

Take care everyone, think positively and lets start off to a good week.

I hope I can join in. :)

My name is Kathy. I'm a 41 year old mom of three (ages 20,19,13) and I work outside the home for a computer corp doing Quality Assurance. Two years ago, I weighed 141 lbs. which was too much for my small 5'5" frame. I went down as low as 114 lbs. using the Leanness Lifestyle program. My body fat dropped from 25% to 15%. I currently weigh 121-123 lbs. and my body fat is around 14-15%. I've gained some muscle along the way, that's why I weigh more but my bodyfat remains the same. :)

My goal for the next two months is to pack on more muscle. I just started the HST 17-12-7 weightlifting program that I got off the Leanness Lifestyle site. It is a three day a week/full body weight workout plan that I'll do at a gym. I plan to use it along with my Cathe DVDs and running for cardio. Eating will remain the same....LL friendly with a ratio of 30-50% carb/30-50% protein/10-30% fat. I find my natural ratio to be about 45/35/20.

This week I'm finding my maxes for the 17-12-7 rep ranges then I take a week off for deconditioning (that's my strength schedule). For cardio, I plan on running and doing Cathe step/ab work.

I look forward to reading everyone's progress! I like how everyone has a different plan, too. :)

Sun: Cathe Basic Step & Simply Step
Mon: HST workout #2
Tues: Cathe BodyBlast cardio + abs (step & kickbox combo)
Wed: HST workout #3
Thurs: Run if weather permits + abs (or Cathe step)
Fri: Simply Step & Cathe step + abs or run (depending on Thurs)
Sat: Cathe BodyBlast cardio or run

Hi everybody,

I did terrible on the WW core plan, had some halloween candy and chinese food last night. This morning I had leftover chinese and more candy. I am going to drink lots of water and do Cathe's cardio with weights of KPC.

I am such a stress eater, it is terrible. I was thinking of all the stuff I had to do today and headed for the fridge.

Well I need to refocus and start over. I feel so out of control, this is my first week on WW, you would think I could do it for the first week!!

Hope everybody is doing better than me.

I love your costume idea, that is so clever. My hubbie is a huge red sox fan! My 4 year old is going to be spider man, and my 18 month old is going to be a spider.

Hi Lori!
It's easier to just provide links, if you don't mind. The core of LL is eating a ratio of 40% carb/40% protein/20% fat and lifing weights that are challenging enough to promote body transformation but do it injury free. It's also important for women to do cardio as well. There's a whole lot more to LL but I don't want to hijack this thread so here's some links to Leanness Lifestyle, a couple of sites that explain HST training, and my pics. ;-)

Oh also, the LL site has a Workout Professor that's pretty cool. All I have to do is input my poundage and it'll generate the whole 27 week HST program for me. No manual figuring for me (which is great!) They've also "created" the 17-12-7 rep workout because it's easier on the joints than the traditional HST 15-10-5 rep workout. It's supposed to be more "female" friendly in that it promotes great shaping without "too much" bulk.




Morning everyone!

Lori, glad you started this!

I'm going to try to address what others have said, by way of encouragement, questions, etc. I find that I get more out of forums if they are interactive (although it will definitely be hard with so many of us!)

Dawn, I just wanted to comment how cute the names of your Halloween items were! guacamouldy? adorable!

Kathy, welcome aboard! Can you do LL if you're vegetarian? (I am, so luckily I love egg whites).

I agree with most people that today will be the first day I start hardcore - just wasn't prepared to beat myself up about Halloween. I did manage to workout yesterday with Bootcamp, so my break is over. Sore today, but will try to do something today. I've been sticking mostly to Cathe, but thinking now about incorporating a walk/run here or there to vary things, especially now that its getting colder.

I also admire that so many of you plan rotations. I don't have a formal plan, just to do some cardio and weights, with at least one full weight workout, per week. Think I need something more planned?
Hi everyone,

If it's okay, I would like to join in on this challenge. I hesitated to do so because from what I've read I think you're all considerably younger than I am.x( ~sigh~ But, I've decided I would like to join anyway.

My name is Ruth, I'm ~gasp!~ 50 years old with one grown son & a wonderful DH who is a musician. I have a Great Dane & we do a lot of work for Great Dane Rescue. I also have two very looney cats. (Wills, the male, does a very impressive Halloween Cat pose...cat yoga?) I work at a Veterinary Hospital where I am the senior technician.

My goals at this point are to lose some more weight, meaning fat of course, & continue to strengthen muscles. And to get ready for Hardcore! Yikes!

My rotation for this week:

Mon. Cardio
Tu. S&H C&B
Wed. Cardio
Th. S&H L&S + Cardio
Fr. Cardio
Sat/or Sun. S&H B&T + Cardio

Also, am taking walks/runs with my dog, trying to get her back in shape.

For the entire month I will be working an S&H / Pyramids rotation. My primary goal, though, is to increase my cardio & EAT CLEANER.

Congratulations to you all, for starting this challenge & continuing to work towards your goals.

Happy Halloween,
Did you guys see the IMAX 3 pictures? Amazing. I get more and more motivated every time I see the hardcore pictures. I have 30 pounds to lose before my husband will buy me the hardcore and I am going to do it. I want that IMAX 3 DVD. I figure if I follow WW and work out regularly I will have about 20 pounds off by Christmas. Then by the time hardcore comes out I will have most of my weight off. Wish me luck.


I'm so glad you decided to join! One of the things I love about Cathe is that she shows me that I can expect to look even better with age if I work hard enough (she looks the best in her most recent pictures than I've ever seen her!). And I hope and pray to still be motivated enough and fit enough at 50 to do her workouts. You are, and that is so impressive! I'am also an animal lover and think what you're doing for the Danes is really cool. SO, I personally think you'll contribute a lot to our challenge!
Ruth....I am not far behind you, I am 41!!!!! Today was my rest day, from excercise, but I was very busy. I baked and cooked for my Core Plan, I have to have quick food available, I cleaned my closet, I did 3 loads of laundry, so even though I did not work out, I was very busy. Where I live, in MI, we had our Halloween last night. I really am not into candy that much, I did not think it would bother me, but Peanut M&M's are my FAVORITE, and I was giving some of thos out, and a bag broke. I had to pick the M&M's out of the bowl, and I have to admit, I was salivating. But, I carried them to the trash, and threw them away. I start my WPA over tomorrow. I decided that I am not going to weigh myself at home anymore, and just go by my weigh-ins at WW's. I ho[pe everyone has a good weekend.
Lori S.
Future Fitness Dynamo,

You are so sweet...thank you very much for the welcome, I really appreciate it.

My Diana (Great Dane) was named for the Princess of Wales. My cats are Wills & Elizabeth! I love all animals too, but dogs are my passion.

Lori...I would LOVE to be 41 again!!! LOL Just wish I knew that then. So that's what you call a rest day is it? ;-) Good for you, you must be full of energy.

Take care all,
Hi Everyone,
I have not posted since yesterday but I have been checking the site regularly.Everyone seem sso motivated.
I had a so-so day yesterday.I had my breakfast,then went for a loooong run,that took every onunce of energy out of me!I was not up to par.Then I had dinner,which was chicken,carrots and potatoe.The potatoe sat in my belly like a brick.But the good thing was, it was only 5:30.Then we went trick or treating and of course I had a couple of treats:) B/C I only had to meals yesterday, I think treats included I was probably still under my calorie intake.
Kathy-Thanks for the sites.When I get a chance later I will read them.Today it is raining here so I should have lots of free time later.
Ruth-Glad you could join us.I don't think you should ever feel old! AND I bet that it is all in your mind and not how your body feels!
Oh....and I ordered the hard core series last night.It came to $278 Canadian.The good thing is my credit card won't be chrg until the videos are sent.I had a hard time putting my visa # in there b/c it seemed like a lot of money,even though I know its not for 11 workouts.Just seems like alot to dish out the one time.
I had to order though,after looking at those pitcures!
Today is cardio and UB from ME and PH.
Weight today was 129.5. 9.5 lbs to go!
Good Morning everyone!! Today I am going to do Firm's Complete Body Sculpting and Total Muscle Shaping. I combine them together, and they are a very good workout, ALMOST as good as Cathe. I never thought I would EVER like the Firm again, but their BSS# is very good. I usually weigh in on Monday morning's, but I am going to start just using my weigh in at WW's on Tuesday nights. Eating has been good. Hope everyone had a good weekend!!!!
Hi everybody,

I am so glad Halloween is over! Today I start Cathe's November rotation. I have never done a rotation before. I think it will be fun. My weigh in day is Thursday so hopefully I will have lost some fat lbs. even though I ate pretty bad these last two days. I am optimistic that I can stay on core now, at least until Thanksgiving.:) Have a great day.

Lori from FLA
Good morning,

Okay, finally came up with my rotation for the first week of this challenge. I'm doing this in conjunction with WW Core plan.

Mon. 11/1 – KPC cardio conditioning + LL abs
Tues. 11/2 – ME
Wed. 11/3 – IMAX2
Thurs. 11/4 – Boot Camp
Fri. 11/5 - Interval run on treadmill (away on business here)
Sat. 11/6 – rest
Sun 11/7 – HSTA

Hope everyone is doing well.
Shopgirl :)

I went to the gym this morning and finished my HST workout #2 finding my maxes on 12 reps. I may do a little cardio this evening if my sinus's clear up. I caught a little cold and the decongestants are taking their toll. :-(

Everyone looks like they're off to a great start. I gave out ALL the Halloween candy....YAY! I'm not a really big candy eater but less to be tempted by, right? ;-)

Good afternoon!

I have been eating really good today and I am getting my water in. I'm a little tired, so I don't think I will do PUB and walk 4 miles. I think I will either use this as a rest day or do CTX kickboxing tonight. I have to take my daughter to dance tonight and I will not get home until 7:30, then give baths, homework, etc., so I will probably use this as a rest day. I hope everyone else is doing well.

Hello all!

Glad everyone's still checking in. Hope this thing stays alive!

Clean eating going fairly well, although have had a headache past couple of days, concerned I'm not eating enough. Plan to weigh on Wednesday morning and post my weight here (this will be my "meeting").
Anne, I need to follow your lead and get in more water - that will be a goal for the week.

Who is anticipating Hardcore? Any chance it'll be out by Christmas?

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