2 Month New Year Challenge Oct31-Nov7

It would be great if the Hard Core series were out before christmas, but probably not.I think everyone knows how it works around here.I also think that this is why they never give you a delivery date b/c they sometimes run into something that delays them a little while.
My workout was good today but I didn't feel up to par.I haven't taken a rest day in a while and yesterdays run wiped me out.BUt once I got into it I was o.k. I didn't do any cardio though, just the weights.
Eating as been o.k. I have to many halloween treats left in the house and my mother went to the store and bought the stuff that was 50% off.It would be o.k if I could just stop at one tiny bar.
I also need to take more water in.We need to pick some water up so I haven't been drinking as much as I should.I am also not eating anything tonight after dinner, hopefully that will make up for the candy I have eaten.
Hi Everyone!

I am in MI and the weather was great for Halloween last night and it is aweful today! Rainey and cold.

LoriSax - Where in MI are you if it's O.K. to ask?

FFDynamo - I can't lay claim to the Halloween food names - they are from Martha's Special Halloween issue. My recipe for Guac though.

Ruth - I am 44 almost 45 - we can and will do this!!!!!!!! Age is all in our heads right??

Kathy - what is different from Leaness Lifestyle and BFL?? It sure is interesting . . .

Today I did the first day of the November rotation. I was going to walk the dog but the weather is gross . . I am drinking lots of water but have to up the intake to get it all in . . So far on track with eating. Leftover chili tonight for dinner. Weigh in on Weds.

People we know around the corner had their house go up in flames in the middle of the night. They (with three kids and dog) got out in time. The dog woke them up barking before the alarms went off. House is only three years old. Started in the furnace. Makes ya count your blessings.

Lori Nurse,

The Babe Ruth costume idea was a hit. I saw a few Spidermans last night but the idea of dressing the other child as a spider was great thinking.!!!

Best costume I saw last night was (this is not meant to be political - that's for other forums . . however) was a five year old dressed in a suit as the presidental candidate (W) and his big brother was also dressed in a suit with RayBans on as his secret service detail and the little sister (around age 3) was dressed up in a furry elephant costume. Second place were three kids wrapped up as Christmas presents - they were "a bunch of presents" - tehehe
Dawn- I am from Wayland, which is about 20 miles south of Grand Rapids.

I had a really good day, but now I am very tired. i had a great workout, washed some windows, vacuumed all by my base boards, and I am pooped.

Take care, and talk to you tomorrow!!!!
Hi everybody,

Dawn-those costume ideas are so creative, I need to think of something really neat next year!

I did the first day of cathe's November rotation. Slow and heavy triceps and chest, some ab work. I also walked a mile and ran for 36 minutes.

I am doing pretty well on eating today.

have a great night,
Good Morning Everyone,
It sounds like everyone is off to a great start.I wasn't so great yesterday so I have decided to make a deal with myself.I can have my next treat when I hit 125 lbs.Should be interesting cause I can never get the scale past 128 lbs:-( But with some hard work and determination I should hit that mark in a couple of weeks.
I didn't do any cardio yesterday so today thats all I will be doing.We are suppose to be going for a run outside but it is snowing out again.I don't mind a little bit of snow but its the sloppy,wet stuff!
I am also going to drink more water today.We finally got the water filled up so I can drink and drink and drink...then I'll pee and pee and pee.
I will check back later,
Well, I had a wake-up call on my first real weigh in. Turns out I was underestimating my weight! Actually weigh 156. YIKES! This is my highest weight ever! Still fitting into my size 8's, though, so maybe some of its muscle...

But I didn't panic. No, I didn't panic. I just said to myself that its not a surprise given that I've only had one real day of actual clean eating since I started this thing. Of course, this is the real purpose of weigh ins, to keep you honest and aware.

So, I need to keep a food journal with me at all times, drink more water, let my boyfriend eat the Halloween candy, and start using some positive motivational strategies (like looking at the recent Hardcore pictures). Its going to be hard not weighing myself every day though!
Oh....theres nothing worse then a underestimated weigh in!:eek: I feel like crying when the scale tells me more then I am expecting, but yet you feel the same way in your clothes so where is the extra poundage comming from? Its all the water you've been drinking!:7 I also find it hard not to weigh everyday.
When I was hanging a shirt up in my closet just now, another fell down.It was shirt I haven't wore yet.Its a little tight but sexy.The next time I go out(which won't be yet for a while)I want to be able to wear that shirt out and feel good in it.
Hi All,

Dawn, thanks for the attagirl! I will NEVER give up. However, I blew it yesterday. Friends came in from out of town & the "gang" got together for dinner. I probably don't need to say anymore! LOL

Today I did S&H C&B with one extra set. !!!

I ate scrambled egg whites with veggies this morning. Which I hate in the morning, I just want my cereal. Hopefully I'll get used to it.

My main problem is lunch, which must be portable and eat on the run-able. Any suggestions? Right now I'm doing string cheese, almonds, protien bars, smoothies, yoghurt, maybe some fruit. Getting bored as that's what I've been doing forever.

Kathy, I hope you feel better.

Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, it's off to work I go!
who is getting a little silly waiting for Hardcore;-)
Eating has been good, my weigh in for WW's is tonight. I am nervous...I am a day begfore my period is to start, so my stomach feels big. I did KPC this morning. That is a good workout!!!!!!!!!
Lori S.
Thanks Lori! I needed the encouragement! It took awhile today, but I was able to make myself feel better about it and remember that this isn't a quick fix. It was also a shot of reality - I really ate whatever I wanted last week (not very WW), and the weigh ins are a way to face up to the consequences. I also need to remember that I chose WW not because its a "diet" but a new way to eat for life - so, no, I can't have whatever I want and expect Cathe like results - but I can have what I want sometimes (i.e. flexpoints), which is what I want to learn to do. How's that for reframing!
Hi everybody,

I did slow and heavy back and biceps today, and some ab work.
Yesterday I went for a run so no cardio today. Eating not so good today, had another kid's b-day to go to.

Have a good night,
Lori Nurse
HI Gals,
Today it is going to be LB from ME and PH.I think this one is going to be hard.My chest and shoulders are still a little sore from Mondays workout!I am thinking of doing cardio before the weights.My legs will be so fried after weights that I won't be able to move them alotx( Yesterday was a run.It was windy and cold but it turned out to be not so bad after all.
LoriSax-How did your weigh in go?
Eating as been good for me.
My weigh in actually went very well, I lost 3 1/4 lbs.!!!!!!! I was shocked, and happy!!! And that is without really dieting. Core is awesome for me. This is something I can do for life. I am not saying I will never fall off the wagon, because I will, but 95% of the time, I can stick to this.

Lori Hart- In the Freestyle book, the author says you should always do cardio after your leg workout because then your legs will slenderize, and not bulk. That is one opinion of many, but just a tid bit of info.

I am really tired today. I think I am going to do the Firm today, a little easier. I will do Lower Body Sculpt, and one of my new cardios.

Have a good day everyone!!!
Lori S.
WOW! Thats really good! You must have been so happy!
Well, to late now.Already have my cardio done.I decided to do CM.I haven't done that one in a while and I realized that I won't have time to workout tomorrow.I am working from 7:30-9:eek: LONG DAY!
I have been a little on the lazy side as well.Prehaps I miss the sunshine.Clouds bring me down. I have gotten to bed at a good time the last couple of days and I will go to bed early tonight as well.
Good morning,

Did first 5 intervals of IMAX2 today with an increased step height of 7". It was killer. Both yesterday (ME) and today I have really been struggling with my workouts. Not sure if I'm not eating enough, or if I'm not drinking enough water, but these are 2 workouts that I do pretty religiously and have not had difficulty doing.

Tomorrow is Boot Camp and then I'm off for 2 days for a business trip.

Hope everybody is doing well.
Shopgirl :)
Wow, it's only Wednesday and our thread is HUGE! :eek: So sorry, I'm at work and can't respond to everyone. :-( It looks like everyone's doing great, though!

Oops, quickly....I think someone asked if Leanness Lifestyle could be done being Vegetarian? Yep, we have a few successful vegetarian members who are very good at getting their protein in! And it's very different from BFL in that it's alot more detailed. Meaning, it's a transformation type program but you journal food and track exercise. I've never done BFL (read the book which was quite good, BTW) so I really can't be more specific than that since I can't compare the two through experience.

Yesterday, I had a little "technical" difficulty with my TV so I had to do cardio that was "doable" in a small area. I ended up doing the Firm Cardio Step Mix and Cathe's HST cardio only premix. This morning was my HST #3 workout. Now I do cardio only for a week to decondition and pick up with workout #4 next week.

Wow, I'm really feeling this type of training, too. I have a muscle "fatigue" all day that I never had before...nothing uncomfortable but just an awareness that's new. :D

Thanks Kathy! It was me who asked about LL (I think it was, if not, whoever asked - good question!). I don't know if it was the shock of my weight being higher than expected, but I feel much more focused now and am realizing that I was probably making a lot of assumptions about what I could eat without gaining that just weren't true. I hate focusing on numbers, but they tell the truth, don't they?

Getting more comfortable with eating, but am hungry more and having headaches at night. So confused about this. Some say it means you should eat more, but if I do, won't I just be where I was - not losing?

I think it was Lori who lost the weight - awesome! Looking forward to being able to post something like that!

Hoping to do Imax 2 tonight.
Hi everyone,

Well, it's official, I have a raging infection in my sinuses and in my upper respiratory tract. I'm taking antibiotics and a host of other medications to try and get all the gross crap out of my head and chest. I have to go home and launder absolutely EVERYTHING, have to replace my toothbrush, wash every single plate and glass, basically clean anything and everything that may have virus on it. The doctor is also strongly suggesting taking the rest of the week off to stay in bed and rest and more importantly stay away from people who may have any type of cold or flu themselves (he seems to think that these infections have been caused by being continually bombarded with viruses. Since I travel around to different elementary schools, that theory makes a heck of a lot of sense). So I'm waiting for a meeting to see if I can take the rest of the week off.

Exercise is out of the question until I start to decongest and such so I'm done for this week. I managed to get in Cathe's Basic Step + Upper body section + Abs section on Monday. Boy, for a beginner/intermediate DVD, some of the moves in the ab section were pretty tough!

Hope everyone else continues to kick some serious butt! I'm rooting for you all!
Hi everybody,

Lori congrats on your weight loss. That is great.

I am following November's rotation, so far I have done abs, slow and heavy shoulders, will do legs later, and go for a run.

Tomorrow is my weigh in day on online WW core plan.

Sabine, sorry about your sinus infection, get well soon.


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