P90X: Daily Check in for Thursday May 12th


Here is a shout out to all you P90X freaks!!

I thought that I would start our own daily check in...LOL

Today is:
Yoga X: I love Yoga X!!!! I love the way I feel when I am all done...so relaxed and calm!!

What about the rest of you???

:) :)
Hi, I am glad you started a check in for P90X.

This morning I did legs, backs, the ab ripper and the floor section of Legs and Glutes. I am doing the classic, adding a little more cardio when time permits.

I love Yoga X, I can't hold the Crane for the whole minute so I do it in parts. Working on making a perfect wheel but I am not a quitter I am getting there, I did Yoga X yesterday for the first time, I got P90X last week.
Hello P90X users!

Do you mind if I join your thread. I just started P90X and I will be doing Yoga X for the first time today and I am a little scared -I'm not very flexible. I was thinking about doing a cardio instead, but I talked myself back into doing Yoga X.

A little about myself - I just turned 40 recently and I am 5'9" and weigh 175 and need to lose about 30-35 pounds and I am hoping P90X will help me achieve my goals. I love all the exercises in P90X so far what I have done. I did Shoulders and Arms yesterday (totally love that workout) and did Pylo X on Tuesday (was very tough). I got this set of P90X half price from a very nice lady off of this board and it did not come with a rotation, so I have been lurking to see what you ladies do for the day and that is what I do. Did P90X come with a rotation. If so, could someone post it for me when you have time.

I am looking forward to checking in daily with you all.


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