Getting VERY annoyed!


I don't mean to rant and rave but I can't beleive that my workouts are still not here! The mail man just came with junk mail.My only ohter hope, is alot of times a truck will deliver the parcels and not the mailman.So I am still keeping my fingers crossed.Now I have to go to work and hope that when I get home it will be here.My luck...I will get tied up at work and not get home in time to go the the post office.
I don't like whining but I just hate waiting for things.I haven't moved out of the house all day b/c I was hoping my workouts would come.
Anyone else as impatient as me?
My doorbell rang today. I ran to the door, it was something my dh ordered from Dell computers and not my HC. Another parcel service is delivering my HC, and they usually don't come until 5.

It won't be too long now. Have fun.

How disappointing. I do know how you feel. I have my mind set on Wednesday for my package, if it doesn't come,I'll feel disappointed too.
Hi Lori,

I feel for you but hang in there. I hear that many UPS men have been out with flu. Must have been the spread of infection from all those crazed Catheite kisses.

My fingers are crossed for you X,
Lori, Don't give up on today, I think all of them were sent UPS, not with regular federal government mail. Hopefully, the big brown truck will hit you today?

Have tried to track the package from the shipping confirmation sent from QuantumView?
Good News! When I got home from work the parcel was sitting in my porch.I found it strange but I think my next door neighbour was cleaning my drive way and the delivery guy must have gave it to him and he stuck it inside my door.
Muscle Max was lose in the case though and pretty scratched up.
SO GLAD THEY CAME!!! YEAH for you! What a great way to start the week!

I'd pop Muscle Max in right away to see if there are any problems. My guess is you will have to exchange it for another. At least it's only one workout and not the whole series! It is a tough one though, at least it was for me! Did it Saturday and still a little sore!
I actually had 3 loose DVDs with lots of scratches, but they all work fine. My son looked at them and said that usually DVDs will work as long the scratches are not deep. Luckily mine were not. My IMAX3 case, however, is broken including the prongs that hold the DVD in place. I'm not sure I can get another case, but I'm going to ask as I cannot get the DVD to latch inside.
Lori, mine just came today and I was one who ordered from the beginning. UPS messed up and delivered to someone else. Fortunately that was all sorted out and they were re-routed to me, but it took an extra week to get here. Hang in there! They will be worth the wait;-)

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