How old are you?

How old are you?

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Ok with cut offs like that what is a woman to choose, I am 40 (nevermind the fact I will be 41 in March,LOL!!) so do I choose 30-40 or 40-50?~? Ok I chose 40-50 but still if you are truly just turning 40 what would be fair in choosing. Whether you feel young that day or old?!?!:+

Nice poll!!:)
38 a week ago. I hope SNM is paying attention to this thread and the graph--we're doing market research for them?:7 }(
I guess my username gives my age away, but since I am nearing 41 I suppose I should take the 40-50 vote.x( I can honestly say the aging process has been good to me so far, except my eyes. I had to get grandma reading glasses, because I can't read small print anymore.:-( Trying to read the back of medicine bottles when my kids are sick in the middle of the night has been a major deal. :eek:
I'll be 35 in August.

Not to be a tedious stickler or anything, but the accurate way to phrase the question is "What is the average age of Catheites who post on these forums?"

Sorry. I quit academia, but academia didn't quit me :)

This no answer on the 60 + is kind of scary. I aim to be the one on there. Now I have a new goal:}
Diane Sue
WOW! Im the youngest one here

Im 21

I did vote correctly, but I am ONLY 21 - with the mentality of a 12 year old

I'm with you on that one, Diane Sue.

I was thinking about it, and I think it has more to do with the fact that a large number of the over-60 group probably just don't feel that comfortable with computers and don't tend to join online groups like this one. Even the ones who use it for email, like my Mom, don't tend to join online groups as much. I do believe that many of them, if not a majority, are exercising though. :)
32 years old and never been arrested! What the heck have I done with my life!!;-)

Actually, 32 and LOVING EVERY SECOND! Bring it on 40, Cathe has me armed and ready for ya!
I know that my Dad and my Aunt are really learning to use their computers. I love being able to talk with them via e mail and send pictures. My Aunt, btw, does exercise and works in the schools which makes us kindred spirits. She is over 60 and deals with Lupus. We send health info back and forth. I have also given her workout vids. She has a Total gym and has added resistance as well as using her jump rope. I really don't think they join online groups, but maybe they just do not say so. I am sure it is harder for people that are older to grasp something that is natural for younger people.
Diane Sue
I'm 35 but most days, especially after chasing after a hyperactive 4-year-old boy most of the day, I'd say I'm much older.:)


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