New Year's Challenge Nov 9

WOO HOO!!!! I lost 5.5 pounds! Now down to 150.5! I'm so excited, especially after last weeks weigh-in disappointment!

Meant to workout this morning, but too much work to do and I felt a little strange. So, I'll work this morning and do PowerHour or ME tonight when I get home. I'm so glad I started this, I really think being accountable has done it for me. And there's something different about paying money and putting it on the computer where you get feedback. I've tried journaling in a notebook, but I forget to do it or leave stuff out, etc.

Hope everyone else is doing well (and that Marcia's weigh in today goes great!
I can't make my weigh in tonight, I have a Jewelry Show. I have one next Tuesday also, but I have been staying on program. Everyone's weigh in's sound GREAT!!!!!!! Congratulations you guys!!!! I don't know what I will do for a work out today. My stomach does not feel good, so it might be a light one.
Great job future fitness dynamo!!!!!

My weigh in is Thursday and I hope I will shed at least 3 pounds. Are you still on the core diet? 5.5 lbs in a week is great. Today I am going to do ME, I love that work out. Otherwise, I am going to drink my water and definitely stick to core after hearing your results.

Good Luck everyone - Ann
Fututefitness-congrats that is awesome. I was a big loser last week too. Hopefully I can maintain this Thursday when I weigh in, I went on a major binge this weekend.

Yesterday was a great day, stayed on program and had a great run, did upper body work and some abs.

Today I am doing more of Cathe-slow and heacy biceps and back and running at 5 o'clock. I am sort of worried because I am going to a japanese steak house with some friends tonight. I am going to get shrimp and veggies, no rice.

Have a great day,
Congrats on the weightlosses, ladies! What great news. :) Well, DOH! I just realized today that we're doing a daily checkin....that's what I get for not keeping up with the posting this weekend! ;-)

I'm doing a light cardio day. This morning I did Cathe's Basic Step + KS Functionally Fit Peak Fatburning. This evening is WAP for Abs 3 mile + Ab Hits section. I start lifting again on Thursday and I can't wait to get to the gym! Taking that week off from weights (per the HST training I'm doing) totally threw my schedule off!

Kathy G
WOW...congrats on the weightloss.Great job! I guess that was motivation enough for you:)
I went for a run yesterday and a run today.I am thinking of doing some sort of weight video tonight but I just may leave it for tomorrow.I love the thoughts of just crawling into my bed.I love sleep more then ever lately.
My clothes feel loser lately.I just haven't felt like eating as much.I haven't been eating before I go to bed either.
We may go to my SIL this weekend.Check out the new baby:) I have to see if DH can get anytime off of work.
I will check back tomorrow.
Hi everyone!

I feel bad for having such a long name, but love getting responses from others (that's why we're doing this, right?) so let me suggest an abbreviation - FFD - how's that?

Ann, I actually accidently switched to flex without realizing it when we first started, and decided that it might actually provide the structure I needed so I stuck with it. But core seems to be working really well for people also.

I didn't get to a workout today - got home after 8:00 and just didn't have any left. I may have to accept that Mondays and Tuesdays, working out will not be possible. But every other day of the week should offer an opportunity! See everyone tomorrow!

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