New Years Challenge-Nov 07


Good Morning Everyone,
Are we starting a new thread everyday? Probably wouldn't hurt.I didn't get to the computer yesterday so I had to catch up on everyones post.
Welcome new memebers.WW seems like a wonderful program.I have a few friends who have lost alot of weight following the points system.
Yesterday I managed to do 1/2 of BC and a 25 min run.I am not sure what i will do today but I am going to save it for later in the day.We went out with co-workers last night and I straightened my hair.There was so much work involved that I will keep it straight all day and wash it tonight.
I only had 1-2 drinks last night.I ended up driving home.I just need to stay home until christmas starts.We do so much partying christmas time....but I will end up losing around 5 lbs.I don't know how I manage to lose the weight, I guess its all the running around I do.
We bought a new couch set yesterday.Brown leather.We don't have it here yet,we are going to wait and put down new carpet.Hoping to have it ready for christmas.But now I am in the mood to gut out my basement.There are so many toys and wasted space.
Anyhooooo,thats about it for me.I will check back later,
Wow Lori-congratulations on your new furniture and carpet. It's always fun to get new furniture.

I am starting out good today. I didn't work out yesterday. I was supposed to do IMAX 2. I didn't do anything. I didn't stay on WW program either. I need a swift kick in the you know what if I want to stay on this challenge until New Years.

Lori--I am amazed you can lose 5 pounds in the holiday season instead of gaining. Good for you.

A lot of us will be losing and looking better because of this challenge. I need to refocus, my eating has been terrible the last few days.

today my goals are:
jog this evening
stay on WW program
drink my water
think positive!!

I will check in later tonight,
Congrats on the new furniture Lori!!! I don't know if it is possible or not, but I would love to be down about 15 lbs. by Christmas. I just know that I really need to stick with core. I have done WW a million of times in the past, and did not lose very fast at all......I hope I am a faster loser on Core. I do need to get my butt into motion and exercise.

My goals for today are:

drink my water (which is no problem generally)
stick with Core
do 30 minutes of some type of cardio
walk my dogs

As I mentioned in previous posts, I did not really start/start the program til Friday, and Monday is my weigh in, so please wish me luck that I lose at least a pound!! My sister started last Monday with me and she is doing wonderful. I don't want to let her down at all.

Hi everybody:

GOOD LUCK, Kim, on tomorrow's weigh-in.

I have done good all weekend - except today! UGH......I have no ambition to workout and I've eaten pretty bad. I have weigh-in on Tuesday and hope that I can get moving before then to have a good weigh-in.

I did a little Christmas shopping today and that was fun. There is so much stuff out for decorating that I felt quite overwhelmed. But, I try to limit any decorating purchases until after Thanksgiving. My mom and I go out the Friday after Thanksgiving and have a ball shopping and laughing at all the people who literally RUN to get what's on sale.:7 :7 :7

I did buy a journal book to write down my thoughts each day. I've heard that is a great way to deal with overeating-we'll see if it works. SOMETHING HAS TO!! x(

Have a great evening everybody and we'll be back tomorrow.

Kim, got my fingers crossed for you! Mine is Tuesday like Marcia's.

Ate pretty good today and did Cardio and Weights. Are you guys using all your activity points and flex points every week? I guess this is really where you evaluate your hunger and try to use it as a guide. But its so compelling when I know I have activity points sitting there to munch on something when I'm not hungry (which is one major habit I'm trying to change). I'm trying to make it a game to see how many points I can end up with at the end of each week.

Good luck with the beginning of another week everyone!
Hi everyone!

I haven't been doing well at all on this challenge. I'm thinking of switching to the Flex plan, but try to incorporate more core foods on it instead of eating junk. I think I will do that tomorrow. TOM is here and weigh in is Thursday. I lost 1.5 last week, so hopefully drinking water and sticking to the plan I will shed 4 pounds off of me. I usually do that after my period and it should be pretty well gone by Thursday.

My workouts have been going good. Tomorrow is IMAX 2. I just love that workout. I'm trying to incorporate more cardio and lower body work outs, but yesterday I just had to do PUB, which is also one of my favorites. I think I will also try to run 20 minutes on my treadmill at least 3-4 times this week on top of my Cathe tapes.

Have a great week everyone!

I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

What a long week last week. Our ceilings were starting to drape (30 year old house) so we finally had them all re-nailed up, skim coated and repainted. The entire house was in dissaray!! I screwed up the diet and missed two workouts. Don't really know how to put it other than that.

SO . . . with that said. I am am logging my points again and will be doing week two of the November rotation. I have been reading the threads wondering how everyone is doing.

I will check back later tonight. Good Luck today!!

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