Where has Wanda been?


Hi Everyone,

I have been absent for quite a while on the boards. I am still in school for Medical Transcription. This is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life! I love it; but there is much more to it than just listening to dicatation and typing what you hear. You must know surgical procedures, anatomy,laboratory tests and evaulations, grammar, punctuation, (because you have to correct the dictators words to make them grammatically correct), and medical terms with their abbreviations. I have to study, radiology, pathology, psychiatry, orthopedics, neurology,ophthomology, cardiology,oncology, dermatology, pulmonary, pharmacology, and etc.

Thankfully I don't have to study mathmatical equations, but I do have to know the correct formulas so well, that if a doctor dictates the wrong formula, I have to be able to recognize it and make the correction.

I'm taking a break from my studies to stop by and say "Hello". So "Howdy" to all my old friends here and to those who vaguely remember who in the heck is Wanda; and to all the new ones that have joined this forum since my absence. To the new ones, there is loads of valuable information and insight on this forum. If you hit the search button, you can be lost for days and days with all the wealth of information found there. And..don't forget to check out Cathe's Home Page...look at the Behind the Scenes pictures, and pictures of her past videos. Everything is here to help make you the best you can be. This is a wonderful group to be associated with...."the Educated Crowd".

The pictures that are showing up for the Hard Core series is very exciting. I just know I'm going to love love love these new workouts.
I know I'm going to love the new workout clothes so much that I orderd the whole shebang.

I'd better get back to my books. I have another year to go before I graduate. Let me tell you, the tests are tough! If there are any MT's on board here, I invite you to email or write me here. I could use your insight. :)

I will try my best to pop in more often. DebbieH and I talk on the phone sometimes and I'm always so glad to hear her voice. Talking with her reminds me that I still have to do my Cathe in the midst of all this bookwork. And..I do pause long enough at times to read your posts. It feels like home as I recognize the familiar names, and it makes me happy to see so many new ones make the committed to their health.

Now we have to get in shape in order to do this new series of 12 workouts!!!}(
Hey Wanda!

I, for one, remember you! Way to go in school girl! It will be over before you know it. I am struggling with the same issues right now as well! I am sure you will be awesome!

HC looks awesome. I wish I could work up tons of excitment over it, but I just can't. LOL

Come hang with us more often Wanda! The old timers are few and far between around here anymore!
Hi Wanda! I believe I remember you as well...glad to hear you're doing well!

I'm an at-home MT...have been for about 8 1/2 years now (the first year and a half I worked at an outside clinic) and (for the most part, anyway) LOVE it! I work for a national company that has all the benefits of most any other company (I don't need health insurance since my hubby has this for us) but I do take advantage of their 401k and...since I've been with them now for 4 years I get 3 weeks' vacation (plus 2 personal days), which is WONderful, lol...I've already used 4 days (my anniversary date is October, lol).

Anyway, the best of luck with school...my community college actually had an Associates Degree program for MTs...I made it about 3/4 of the way through before I landed my clinic job...which led to my at home job(s). I'll tell ya this: I don't think you EVER stop learning on this job...which keeps it interesting, that's for sure! Some of the dictating docs can be a REAL challenge, which makes you appreciate the "good ones" all the more! Anyway, best of luck to you. :)
Hi Wanda,
You are not forgotten. Glad you could take a break to say hi. I hope you are doing well in Medical Transcription. My daughter is a PA and have adaughter & daughter in law in the med field. I know how much work this takes. I wish you luck and look forward to seeing you here when you are finished. Looking forward to the new workouts as well.
Diane Sue
Hi Wanda,

I too am an MT and I have been for 18 years. I used to work for one of the biggest national companies out there, but last year I found a job working for a major hospital in Ohio at home and I totally love it and I am making more money than what I did at the national company with better benefits. You are constantly learning something new. This is a very tedious job and working out to Cathe I believe helps me with my job.

Good Luck with your studies and take care.

Hi Wanda! Of course we remember you! Glad to hear you're doing so well and glad you stopped by to give us an update!

Good luck to you! :) :)

So nice to hear from you, Wanda! A year probably seems like forever now, but it will fly by and you'll have a new career.

Good luck with your studies and keep us posted!:)
Thank you all so much for responding. I've been gone so long (at least to me) that I wondered if anyone would know my name. LOL

I've had a difficult time in scheduling study time and my workout time. My family seemed to come into my workout room (Everytime I started to work out) that I started getting tense and would freeze up when I got in my room. It didn't matter what time of day or evening, somebody would come into my room. So I had to sit DH down and discuss this problem.
Also it was difficult knowing what to expect out of my schooling, how the tests would be and what my weakest points were to work on (would you believe commas? Why is there 20 or so rules on one tiny little punctuation mark? LOL) I now think I have a routine going, and perhaps I can at least stop in and say Hi more often.

When a person has been 4 years on a website like this, you tend to get to know each other even though you may never see each other in real life. You form a virtual picture in your mind as if you were face to face. It is funny, but I can be out for lunch or just chatting with someone, and something that one of you dear ones here on the board said will come to mind; and I'll either laugh, be worried about you if you've had a problem, or quote you as an authority on an issue. So, even when I'm gone, you are still remembered by me. And yes, even something Trevor may have said will come to mind, and yes, Trevor, I will quote you too. LOL Just joking with you. (Glad to see you back on the forum).

Now if only you who are already MTs could help me with my next major test, as well as I have helped in the past with with workout problems....LOL Seriously though, I have to have a 96 average on 15 tests to get my dream job. I need some kind of smart pills as this old brain has a hard time remembering what day it is much less trying to remembering all of these medical terms. I wonder if subliminally hearing things really works? I was thinking, perhaps, taping these med terms and listening to them in my sleep. Anyone know if this works for memorizing things?

Thanks again to each of you.

WD, I loved that picture of you on your bike. I think it is so cool that you and your DH go riding.

Janice, I followed your story about changing your workout routine and getting results. I need to go to your thread, but just briefly, I agree with everyone who said that sometimes you have to shock your body and do something else for a short while. At least one can figure out what works for them and what doesn't. IMO.

Better scoot and get back to my laboratory book... catch you all later.

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