2 Month New Year Challenge Oct31-Nov7

Things going ok so far - loving the structure of WW, actually got all the way through 5 Imax 2 intervals before stopping for breath. Glad everyone else seems to be doing great too. Really glad we started this!
Good Morning....Today I am going to do PUB, and a Firm cardio, the new one with Stephanie. I LOVE their 2 new cardio's. They work your legs and at the same time you get a great cardio workout in a 1/2 hour. My eating has still been good on the Core Plan.

Sabine- I am sorry you are so sick!! Hope you get better soon!!!

Have a good day everyone.
Gin Miller Simply Step + SJP (step premix only) + Core (Bootcamp premix)

Hope everyone is doing well! Get better, Sabine! ;(

Not much going on here.I don't think I will get my workout in today,unless I feel really energetic tonight! Not so sure that will happen.Its so cold out, all I can do is think about going home and putting my p.j's on.
Eating hasn't been to bad today.I went home and cleaned my house (lunch break) DH wanted to go to McDonalds for lunch.So I agreed.I got one of those salads but they just don't do it for me.I ate most of the chicken and the oranges but that was it.Wasn't much of a dinner.I could sit and watch them eat their meal though.Fries and burgers don't bother me.But if they were sat there will cheesecake while I had to eat fruit....thats a whole different story!:9
I may check back later..
Hi everybody,

Did PLB standing leg work and some abs. Going for a run tonight.

This morning was my weigh in on online weight watchers. I lost 6 pounds, I know mostly water probably, but I will take it!!

I am trying to stick to core again this week. It is hard for me. Sometimes I slipped, but still stayed in my calorie range pretty much.

So far a good core eating day.

Boy is this getting long!

Today is S&H Bi/Tri & 2 cardios which I haven't decided on yet. Day off. :D

I've decided to go with the WW point system for now. When I get better at this, I may decide to switch to the core program. I figure I could switch to core when I get Hardcore...just seems poetic to me! LOL

Congratulations on your weight losses, LoriS & Lori. FFD, congrats on your accomplishment! Woo hoo to all!

Sabine, you poor thing, that sounds nasty. I hope you're feeling better.

Cheers All,
Hello everyone!

I haven't posted in a couple of days because I also have a bad sinus infection and just did not feel like doing a thing. The core diet has been okay for me. Today was WI and I lost 1.5 lbs. I know I could have done better if I followed the diet better. I haven't been journeling and I think I am going start doing that and see what happens. My workouts have been good except for the last couple of days. I am going to try to do things a little differently and may be I will see better results. I might focus more on my lower body. I love lifting weights for my upper body. So this week I think I will do PLB, Legs and Glutes and ME and do cardio five times this week. We'll see if that shakes things up a bit.

Take care,

Hi everyone! Can't wait to start a new thread! I'm on the flex plan (I accidentally switched when I was investigating them both and decided to just proceed with that one. We'll see how it goes!). Going ok - basically, if you have any appetite at all, you end up doing core because these foods have a low point value. Anyone else doing flex?

No workout today - at work til 8:30. Anne I agree, I love training upper body; Lower body feels like torture.
Hi everybody:

I'm new to this HUGE thread :) (way to go!) but not to Cathe or her website. I love her!!!

I have approximately 50 pounds to lose and plan on doing it with WW (core for right now) and Cathe. I teach a step aerobics class once a week, but otherwise I'm strictly Cathe!!!

I've been on and off the weight loss band wagon, but feel very confident that this is the last time I travel down this overweight road. I'm very motivated and ready to commit to a different and much healthier lifestyle.

Good luck to everybody and we'll see you on this thread.

P.S. Maybe we should add another one???? Whew, it will take me a while to read all of these. :)
Good Morning Everyone,
Yeah,this thread is getting sort of long!
I have a question.Where is the orginal poster for the New Years Challenge? I don't think I have read anything from her yet.Or did I just overlook it?
No workout yesterday.I thought about it last night but I knew I was going for a run today so I wanted to save my energy for then.I went to bed around 11:30 and got up at 8.Lets see how I feel today.I think I feel better all day when I only get 6-7 hours of sleep.The last time I got 8.5 hours I was lazy most of the day.Is there a thing as to much sleep?
Welcome MrsClutz.I don't think I spelled that right.If you are looking for motivation...this is the place to be.
Hi everybody. My sister and I just joined WW on Monday night (I have joined meetings and online numerous times). Unfortunately, today is the day that I've decided to get serious. I finally went grocery shopping last night and got everything I needed to start core. Grant it, I probably won't have a loss come Monday because I'm just starting on Friday, but at least I'm starting!! I have not really exercised much at all lately other than walking my dogs, so I'm going to ease back into the workout scene. I probably won't do as much Cathe at first because I need to work my way back up to her. I am 38, and I need to lose about about 70-75 lbs. I am looking forward to sharing stories with one another, and also recipes!!!

Good Morning everyone, and "Hi" to Marcia and Kim. I don't kno9w if I will get a workout in today, or take a rest day. First, I am going to go take a knap. I had a lONG day yesterday, with very little sleep, and a long day today, so after my knap I will decode to work out today, or rest. I really would rather work out today. I like Sunday as my rest day. Eating has been great. Core is a good thing. I have been on the road so much, I have been cooking ahead so much so I have food to eat, instead of stopping and getting Burger King, or McDonalds. I hope everyone has a GREAT day!!
Lori S.
Morning everyone!
Maybe we should do a daily thread? That'll be easier to get to know everyone and be able to respond to specifics? Just a suggestion. ;-)

I woke up late this morning so I only had time for the cardio section of CTX 10*10*10. Not sure if I'll get something else in tonight or not... I'm still doing cardio only until Thursday so this weekend I plan on doing IMax Extreme and couple of other goodies. :p

Kathy G
Good morning everyone!

I am doing much better than the previous two days and I have started off by drinking 32 oz of water and I just did IMAX 2. I got to get my house cleaned today and then if time I am going to do 200 walking lunges. I'm going to try to do them twice a week. I didn't do that great on core this past week, so I am really going to try to really stick with it this week. I'm going out tonight to a chili party. I'm going to try to stay away from the chili and try not to drink too many beers. I guess I do have 35 flex points though, but I need to use them wisely.

Take care everyone!

Hi everybody and welcome new people,

Doing pretty good with the November rotation. I am adding some more abs and going for 30 minute runs in the evening. Today is KPC.

I just switched my WW plan to flex. I like core and can stay on it most of the time, but sometimes I don't. So I switched to flex. I think it will give me more accountability.

Have a great day, and I will look for the new thread.

Hi everybody.

Another terrible day on program. Had some spaghetti and some brownies!! I had a good weight loss last week, and I still have until Thursday to weigh in again.

Yesterday was KPC, today is IMAX 2.

Have a great night,

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