2 months challenge till New Year????/

When do we start?? The day AFTER Halloween?? tehehe What will be the format? Listing of food and/or points and which Cathe workout. Water intake also??

I am so ready for this. I have been doing Cathe for several months but on and off. More off as of late due to major gum surgery and eye surgery. Was not allowed to workout for days due to gums bleeding. Not fun. I have also been doing WW for a month. Haven't lost a thing except for the first week when I really logged my points. Amazing when you stick to it. I had a 3 lb weight loss. This will be perfect. We have a huge wedding to attend on New Years Eve and I want to fit into a dress that my hubby bought me 9 years ago after the birth of my son - a size small (What was he thinking? God bless him).

I tried core but I feel the need to be very accountable and have gone back to points system.

I am 5'4" and weigh 140. Would love to be down to 120-125. I also have had a hysterectomy about a year and a half ago. HRT has had to be adjusted a few times. I own all her dvd's. I am thinking of looking for a weight loss rotation over on the fitnessvideo.com forum. Or maybe the November rotation - heavy on weight and then do one that is heavy on aerobics in December.

I wish everyone good luck. And let's get going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Sabina for getting this started!!!
Hi Guys....I would like to join too, if you don't mind???? I have been doing Core for about 7 weeks. I have lost 4 lbs. I had one really bad week which put me back, and that was a bummer. I think I have finally found what is working best for me with the program. At first I counted my activity points, and now I am not. I strictlky use my WPA, and that is it. I think my weight loss will speed up, at least to 1 lb. a week. I mix Cathe and the Firm. I do a little of both every week. I also do some P90X, and Power Half Hour from Beach Body too. I am really looking forward to the Hard Core video's. Looking at those ladies nearly took my breath away. OH MY!!!!! They look awesome, don't they???

I am 41. I am 5'4", and I weigh 147, more than anyone here!!! I wear an 8, I would like to wear a 6. I would like to get to 135. I would look good at that. I have 2 kids, 18 and 16. My son is 18, a daughter who is 16. I have been married to my second husband for 9 years. Oh, I also have a third child. She is Rosie, my 1 1/2 year old #### Zu. I love her like my children!!!!!
Morning everyone!

Just checking in - great breakfast of 3/4 cup egg whites and small grapefruit. no workout tho - my body feels like its made of lead (i.e. I'm really tired). People around me are sick so I'm worried...

Lori - I agree that I think I'll be spreading those flex points around over the whole week. Don't really have a day when I know I'll need them all, and actually think they will help with working out. I love the tracking system online - this is just the structure I need and it really promotes awareness of what you're putting into your mouth!

Anne -
Thanks for making me feel better about being on the website all the time! I think it was also you who said you can't buy Hardcore yet - so you have even more motivation for this! Could you get it for Christmas?

Dawn - I was wondering the same about a discussion on the WW website. (and about starting after Halloween - ;)). I've been super good about not buying candy corn - anyone else obsessed with these happy little candies? Anyway, what does everyone think?

Sabina - I agree with Dawn. Kudos to you for thinking of this! I haven't felt so focused or motivated in awhile!


You don't weigh more than everyone here! For example, I weigh more! But we are probably pretty similar (I also wear mostly 8's). And you've had children - I personally think if you're in a size 8 after kids, then you're doing very well! My impression is it gets harder to maintain this kind of figure after the kids...

Of course you can join us!

Ok, I'm going to shut up for awhile...

Where are you living that you have snow. I live in Michigan and it is dark, cold and raining outside. Gross. I'd rather have snow.

Also, I forgot to mention that I am 44 years old on my bio. AND where did everyone see photo's from the new hard core series??

*Dawn* the pitcures are on the Ask Cathe discussion board.Thats where she will post any updates and all of the pitcures.I rarely go to that board,unless I am looking for something.
I live in Canada.We don't normally get snow this early but here it is.We have no worries though b/c it won't stay long.I don't like the fact that I have no winter tires on my car yet.I could be sliding all over the place today.I would love to live somewhere where it is warm all year round, but then you end up with tornados and hurricanes,so you can't win.Where ever you live there will be things you don't like.Atleast the crime rate is super low here compared to the rest of the world.The only real damage thats every done is my mysterious teenagers!
Anyway,I just finished my workout.I did PH and a interval run.I think PH is one of my favorite workouts.She doens't move to fast and the music is great.I may do more abs tonight after work.
I need to get a shower now and head to work!
Hi everybody,

There are a lot of Lori's aren't there? And we all spell our name the same.

Having a good day so far, but hey it's only 10:30 in the morning here.

I live in Florida and have all of my life. It is still getting up to around 85, 86 everyday. I guess I am used to it. It's a lot better than 95, and the humidity is getting better. We did get hit with 3 out of the 4 hurricanes, quite a sight!!

When my youngest takes a nap today I am going to figure out what Cathe I am going to do. Then this evening when my husband gets home from work I will run/walk with my mom. Tomorrow morning we are doing a 5k Breast Cancer walk, I will try to run most of it.

Have a great morning everybody, I will check in later. Going to check out Cathe's new pics.

Lori from FLA
Hi again,

Wow, Cathe and the girls look absoulutely beautiful.

About the candy corn-yes they are addictive. I bought a bag to fill my hurricane lamps with and then I put in vanilla candles. Well, they didn't make it to the lamps, I ate them all!

Lori from FLA:)
Hi everyone!

Just finished ME and I am going to take a shower and then out to do some errands. It is my oldest son's birthday today, so I am picking up his birthday cake and some ice cream for a little party before they go trick or treating tonight. I'm going to try not to have any cake and ice cream. So far so good eating on the core plan today. I just had black coffee, skim milk and egg whites for breakfast and I am going to have an apple and soup after my shower. I am still trying to figure out the core plan. I keep looking at the workout crew in the recent pictures from the Hardcore Series. Wow they are amazing. I have a long way to go, but I am more motivated than ever.

I hope everyone has a great day and keep thinking about where you want to be in two months!

Hi everyone,

I'd like to join in the check in too.

Some background about me. I'm 34 years old, am 5'7" tall, and weight 133 pounds. I lost about 25 pounds about 4 years ago following the Zone eating plan and have kept it off all this time. I continue to follow the Zone principles although I'm no longer strict about weighing my food and following the plan to the letter. I'm not necessarily looking to lose any weight. Rather, right now I'm focusing on redefining my body and getting more toned. I'm pretty pleased with the appearance of my upper body and abs (have a mini 6 packs showing and nicely defined obliques), but could continue to make progress on my hips, thighs and buttocks. This is where my body fat continues to hang on despite working out 5-6 times per week.

I'm currently finishing up a rotation where I was incorporating more circuit workouts into my routine. Previous to that I had done a 3 week Slow and Heavy rotation. I may do Cathe's posted rotation for November or got back and do the rotation that was posted when the High Step DVD's were released. We'll see what I feel like doing.

My goals for the remainder of the year are to keep up with the number of workouts and maybe try to add some short yoga/stretching workouts into the mix 2 times per week. I'm also hoping to keep the snacking and eating in control during the very tempting holiday season that is fast approaching.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone over the next few weeks!
Wow Sabine, congrats for keeping 25 pounds off for so long, that is quite an accomplishment!!

I just did Step, Jump, and Pump, and Pyramid Upper body minus abs.
Feeling good. Doing well on eating.

Lori from FLA:)
Hi everybody,

Hope you don't mind if I join in? I haven't decided which WW program to do, but am leaning toward the core. I'm a 39 year old, working mother of 2. I'm 5'5" and weigh 118. Looking to lose 4-6 pounds. I work out to Cathe faithfully 6 days a week. I was running 2 times a week at lunch in addition to that, but backed off due to a sore knee. My goal is to build muscle and get defined.

These check-ins are so helpful. Now if we can all just get through the holidays. ;-) Today's eating was horrible, so I'll start tomorrow.

Have a great weekend.
Shopgirl :)
Hey Lori! I can SO relate to candy corn! My co-workers and I have been cautiously indulging but after I saw Cathe & crew pics I swore myself off the stuff! (My co-workers, who are not so committed to health and fitness, decided they'd rather have candy corn than Cathe's abs!)
Hi everybody,

Had a great day. Eating went very well on the WW core plan.

Did step jump and pump minus planks
Pyramid Upper Body minus ab section
Walked one mile, jogged/ran 36 minutes.

Hope everyone had a great day.

Lori in FLA
Is everyone ready for Halloween? I have a party, which I'm anticipating will mean lots of difficulty sticking to the core plan (Halloween cupcakes aren't a core food, are they? he he...). I'm making healthy vegetarian chili and cornbread, so at least I'll have access to that. And as far as drinking, I was thinking either wine or vanilla flavored vodka with Diet Coke. Only a couple of these. Know I'll eat a cupcake, can't resist, but maybe I can stay away from the candy. Most important thing I suppose will be to stay away from the table!

Hoping to end my exercise break today.

BTW, does anyone own Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy, or Eat to Live? These are very core oriented books with some great recipes...
Hi everybody,

Just went on a 5k american cancer society walk to support breast cancer research. Ran most of it. Doing well on WW core plan.

I will check in again tonight. I have a Halloween party tomorrow, it is with kids. I think I can obstain from most of the junk hopefully!!

Lori in FLA
Hi Everyone,
I just woke up from a nice little nap.I worked today at 6:30 in the morning.I also had to go to work dressed up for halloween.Last night I got the bright idea that I would buy some yellow and black material and sew it on to a shirt(bee).Then I bought the wings and head piece.I was at it FOREVER and I glue gunned my finger,I don't know how many times.
Tonight we are going out and I will just wear the samething.I am going to get a few drinks that are low carb and low-cal.They taste like 7 up but unfortunatley I am not a 7up fan.
I haven't been that good of a girl today b/c I knew I was going out tonight.I had 2 cookies at work, and a halloween kit-kat bar.I am now trying to debate working out.I should.I have all day.If I do workout I am going to do Imax extreme.
The new pitcures are even more motivating.I think my favorite is Jai.She is so beauitful and what a nice body.These girls know how to workout.Sometimes I think going to a gym may benefit me.Different machines,different workouts.Prehaps I should dust off the bowflex.Someome should use it,DH doesn't.When I think about how much money he wasted on that thing,makes me want to hurt him;)
I may check back later,
Should someone start a new check in tomorrow.This one is getting long.
Hope everyone is having a great Halloween weekend.

Got done with my morning workout not too long ago. Here's what I've been doing so far this week.
Mon- Janis Saffell's Hardcore Kickbox Circuit. Very fun workout. Can't wait to do this one again.
Tues- CIA 9902 Andre Houle's Step.
Wed- Cathe's CTX Upper Body, All Step abs
Thur- rest day
Fri- CIA 2401 Cardio Crazy w/ Gay Gasper.
Sat- CIA 2K05 Cardio Parties hi/lo w/ Franny Benedetto.
Sun- I have Leaner Legs planned.

I'm reconsidering my workouts for next week. I'm not getting over this cold I've had for about 10 days now and think that by exercising so much and with the level of intensity this is hampering my ability to recover. So I'm thinking of taking a recovery week next week where I break out some of my intermediate workouts, only workout 4 times with one time being stretching or yoga, and just taking it easier so I can kick this cold once and for all.

Eating's been pretty good. Have a little bit of Halloween candy which I will hopefully spread out over the next couple of weeks as mini dessert items.

Have a good one everyone!
Hi everyone,

Just got done with a 2 mile walk. I live in Ohio and today the wind gusts are up to 35 mph, so the walk was not that fun and we stopped at 2 miles; we usually go 4 miles. I had to work this morning at 4 a.m. until 8 a.m. I work at home so that was not too bad, but I am tired and I got into the Halloween candy, only two mini M & M's bags, but then lunchtime I had a piece of birthday cake. Other than that, I ate the core way. My weigh in is Thursday, so I better crack the whip and stop cheating. I guess I need to keep looking at the Hardcore pictures for motivation. I knew my first week on the core plan would be hard, but seriously I am screwing up and need to get under control. Can you tell I am feeling guilty. Well anyways, I am going to do KPC now and may be I will feel better.

Have a great day everyone!


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