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    Circuit Max

    Hi, I just did Circuit Max for the first time today and really liked it. I am terrible when it comes to choreography, but I didn't make too many mistakes and could follow along with no problem. If you're used to Cathe's weighty workouts, this one pales in comparison, but because there is...
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    Boot Camp

    How about those "terminator climbers" in BC? I hate 'em. I can't do all of them either because I feel like I'm going to die. :o
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    Nip/Tuck last night..pushing it too far??

    I responded to another reply about Nip/Tuck... I, too, enjoy the show. I think they go way over the top, and push the censors to their limits for a non-HBO or Showtime channel. This is part of the "charm" of this drama. Puritans, do not view this. You can't moralize this show--it's...
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    Nip/Tuck last night..pushing it too far??

    Now Now.... It's just a show! I've been watching Nip/Tuck since it started..."Dr. Troy" aka Julian McMahon is pure eye candy. The show is extremely far-fetched, over the top, and I can't believe what is getting past the censors on a non-HBO channel...but I gotta say--I love the show. It...
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    Favorite Cathe sayings

    How about this one from Muscle Endurance: "Who in their right mind is happy when doing leg presses?" (In reference to Cede's perky attitude during the exercise) :D Lisa
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    Favorite/Least Favorite Cathe moves

    I'm a-scared of pikes, but I attempt a few of them. I don't like the "gasping-for-breath-intense" step with high intensity. I'd rather power walk or run, or ride my bike OR have surgery--just don't make me do that hi-pounding torture!!! I don't like leg-lifts. I pretty much hate them--the...
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    KPC stability ball questions...

    HI! Pikes are HARD. Keep practicing the non-pike move until you get the feel of the rolling. I can't do all of the pikes Cathe does--I hope to achieve her level of "insanity" one day... To get the feel of the round, unstable environment, just try some exercises on your own. Do the moves...
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    Here are my suggestions:

    Nicollette-- I'm not Cathe responding, but I like your suggestions about KPC 2, Power Yoga and the 20-20-20. I once tried the "Terminator" DVD, and I have to confess, I'm not a fan of the heavy choreography step. I a little afraid of Cathe's IMAX stuff because of the complex moves involved (I...
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    Poll: Is your body worse, better, or the same after pre...

    I don't have any children, and I thought I'd check this part of the forum out just to see the answers. I must say--this honest post has added to my choice to remain childless! I have other reasons than just body destruction, mind you... But, my hat is off to all of you exercising moms out...
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    Question on Kick, crunch, & punch

    I don't wear gloves when I do this workout...but I think Cathe does it to complete "the look" (as well as for her wrists?) Maybe you punch harder with your hands wrapped like that (just kidding). I'm just happy to get through that workout in one piece. :P Lisa
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    Bare Minerals again!

    I think there is some "wholesale lot heaven" that I'm not privvy to...I don't know where these people get their stuff, but it IS authentic. There are sellers who sell "samples" of BE, meaning, they send you a small amount of the minerals (I've purchased samples, no prob). I tend to go for the...
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    Bare Minerals again!

    Hey All of You Bare Minerals Babes! I have so much Bare Escentuals, it's a crime. Listen up, Ladies-- There are sellers on Ebay who have TONS, and I mean TONS of Bare Minerals, Bare Escentuals...just about everything from that line of make up at a fraction of the price--new and sealed. I...
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    Interested in Karen Voight?

    I used to be a diehard Voight user. Energy Sprint is a long, grueling step/weight workout that is pretty thorough in the exhaustion department. Her weight work is nothing compared to Cathe, though. I liked Streamline Fitness (good ab/yoga routine in that one). I have Yoga Sculpt, and I do...
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    Interested in Karen Voight?

    HA HA!! I just had to respond to your "post cosmetic surgery" comment. The first time I viewed one of Karen's tapes after she had her boob job, I couldn't believe my eyes! Yowsa!:o :o Lisa (not cosmetically enhanced)
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    Question about floorwork in Pyramid Lower Body

    Christine... I recently did PLB and used the ball (not the step) for those one-leg-in-the-air moves...good question! I think it would be hard to keep the non-workout leg on the floor using the ball because the ball is so much higher than the step. I think the "air leg" is up there to keep you...
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    OT, Male or female cat

    Hi Kathy! I am a former vet tech and worked in the "animal bizz" for a long time... Male cats will NOT spray if they are neutered before they reach sexual maturity, which can start as early as 5 months, but the average age of neutering was 7-9 months--depending on the size of the kitten...
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    Hi! Here are the exercises for PP: (in the order they are done on the workout) *Barbell squats *Deadlifts *Static lunges with heel elevated on small (3lb) dumbell *Leg press on tall step *Bench press on stability ball using dumbells *Dead-rows *Flys on ball *"Y's" on the ball: you lie...
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    push pull/supersets

    Hi Debbie, I was just reading thru the responses you got about PP/SS...I'll add my two cents, even though I know you've already ordered the DVD. I like these two workouts because they are each under 1 hour long, and they touch upon each muscle group. I usually do one of these when I'm going...
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    What are your fav & least fav. parts to work?

    Good question... As I was thinking about each body part, I realized that I don't really have a least favorite to work, but I do have least favorite exercises! Lunges are evil. I do them without weights so I make sure I have really perfect form. They still hurt without the added weight, by...
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    Thank You for your help! I'm switching over to the DVDs now...have four of them--including Legs and Glutes. I get wary of the "fancy" step moves because I tend to get frustrated if I don't get them right away. I love buying Cathe workouts! Lisa