Favorite Cathe sayings


I know there are a bunch. The one I am remembering today from Slow&heavy is

" That felt good. Well... maybe that's a lie"
Gotta love her sense of humor and her honesty.
"Say that ten times!" -when she's describing a move using extra long phrases

"I might regret that..." -in PUB, where she chooses a heavier weight than her crew

"I think I'm having an out-of-body experience!" -during PUB biceps

"You control the weight. Don't let the weight jerk you around." -in PS

"I feel your energy." -in KPC

No one motivates me as much as Cathe. That's why I recommend her to everyone.

How about this one from Muscle Endurance:

"Who in their right mind is happy when doing leg presses?" (In reference to Cede's perky attitude during the exercise)

:D Lisa
"You're lookin' good back there, I can hear it!" (Circuit Max)

"Okay, I'll leave out the monkey sounds - they were waitin' for 'em!" (Circuit Max)

"Are you still with us? You didn't put your weights down and go make popcorn or something, did ya?" - Slow & Heavy
RE: For today anyway...

“I liked it so much, we’re doin’ it again!”
“You got it, you got it, you go!”
“Did you almost fall and have a seat?”
“Seven’s a big number today!”
“I need my Cedie!”
“Ooh I had a countdown on that one!”
“Not jam your knee; jam the move!”
“Get your foot over the soccer ball!”
“It never lets up!”
“I’m not that mean!”
“How many do you wanna do?”
“Did I say that was my favorite?”
“I’ll leave out the monkey sound effects”
RE: For today anyway...

"I'm choosing the 'over-the-top' version."

I always wonder if there is any other version!

"Bend over, and do it with a flat chest."

OK, that's easy.
RE: For today anyway...

You've covered all of my favourites but I still chuckle in 'Power Hour' when she says mid combo "Don't poop out!" right when I am about too.
Oh Yeah!! Step Blast "straighten out, fly right!!" on peg leg pivot.

I'm going to guess that Cathe's fave is "Sell it Strong", a perennial favourite!!:7

Take Care
RE: For today anyway...

I just got one today....while doing the triceps dips in Slow & Heavy, Cathe refers to her triceps as "Shaking like a chihuahua"...now that got me laughing and my butt might have fell on the floor...:D ...Carole
These are the only ones I can think of right now:
"We're going to add some intervals in here, just to jack it up a bit, you know were good for that!" CTX-All Step

"Be careful what you wish for...!" IMAX 2

"Did you stop or are you still powerrrrhopping?" :) Cardio Kicks

"You guys are looking so good back there..." when she calls the guys up during the drills, and then says "we need some motivation" Cardio Kicks
Is it PS Legs on the floor where Cathe tells you to "Hang onto that leg" while stretching so you remember which one you worked? Like we'd FORGET!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

That is one of my favs too. I love the tone she says it in!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Most of my favourites have been covered. I love Cardio & Weights when she asks if you're "rolling all over the place" with the walking planks. The first time I tried it I certainly was--thank you very much!

I also like Imax2 when she says that the interval was extra long: "no reason, we just did it that way."

Cathe always says exactly what you're thinking at a particular point in the workouts.
How about "We're going to jazz these up a little" with respect to converting a standard repeater into a fast foot repeater. This is the epitome of an understatement.
...and if you're not too strong you just kissed your carpet!

Of course the ubiquitous "work hard now!" I hear that one in my nightmares...er, dreams.;-)

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