Favorite Cathe sayings

What video is this from and what in the world could she possibly be talking about?

I did BodyMax tonight, and although no funny or clever sayings are coming to mind, I am just feeling so thankful that I found Cathe. She seems genuinely excited to be doing the workout and also to be winded by the activity - what a nice change from the Firm!!! I was also noticing in looking in the catalog today (i'm about to finally order the Intensity Series - YAY!!) that she markets her videos as providing various types of strength, endurance, and cardiovascular gains - not for how it will make your body look. I like that - takes the emphasis off exercise for an external motivation and puts it more on the idea that we can call just be doing it to become more fit. Go Cathe!!! There is absolutely nothing you can do at this point to make me stop doing your videos!!!
CTX- I think All Step-

"Are you sucking on water and just staring at me?"

I literally almost choked when I first heard her say that- cause yes I was sucking on water and staring!!!!

Don't you guys think that's one of the great things about Cathe? She's so real...& it's not like she's reading from a telepromter (or if she is, she throws in her own personality!)

In Step Fit....."Was that a sheep?" Makes me laugh every time! :7

This is a really fun thread!

How about "Keep that form tootsie pops"! In StepFit.

All this time I thought she said "sissy puffs." :7 :7 :7 :7 I didn't know it was "tootsie pops!"

I can hear them CRYING back there!

And the devilish laugh that she does when we are holding biceps curls level for the LONGEST time in--is it ME or PUB? This after a killer set of biceps.
My absolute favorite too! I even say that to myself when my day is getting long & hard @ work. I'm also a nurse.

Love you Cathe!

During the rotator cuff exercises, Cathe says "Think of a stick, a rotisserie stick going through your arm". I don't have to think of a stick, it feels like a stick has gone through my arm. LOL

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