push pull/supersets



I was just looking at the body blast dvd's. I have them all but push pull and supersets. I was just wondering what you all thought of this dvd. I guess I just haven't seen it mentioned on here very much, but then again I am only checking the board once a week.It sounds great after reading about it.Your opinions would be greatly appreciated. I hope you all have a great sunday, and Thank you. I guess I don't have timesaver either, I keep changing my mind on that one!!.

Debbie:) :) :D :7 :+
I did the PP a couple of times and it was OK, you can use pretty heavy weights and the two sets premix really works you. But with just one set, I was left waiting for the workout to really begin......

What stops me doing this workout more often is that the music, quite frankly, sucks. It bores me. And, minor point, I hate light blue on anybody so I can't bear to look at the Cathe crew dressed in blue. So, easthetically, it does not please me this tape.

However, the Supersets is another kettle of fish. I absolutely love it and the main reasons I do this one and not PP are:

--the exercises are all mixed up, lower with upper, so you can keep working without feeling over tired early on.

--it busts boredom due to the above

--the music rocks and I sing along the whole way so it is really motivating

--you can go heavy too

--incorporates the stability ball to make old exercises seem new and some really are new

-the crew wear red: way more energetic colour (minor point)

So, I would get the DVD for the sake of Supersets.

Clare:) :)
The pre-mix options on this DVD are quite useful. In fact I more often do premixes and not the workouts as produced. The premixes provide different ways to exhaust muscles. I also like the use of the stability ball in SS.
The premixes are great. I have gotten great results from doing the premixes - upper one day lower the next. I would not want to be without those DVD's.

I have both of these on video - not DVD - so I don't have access to the premixes. But I think they are both great workouts! You hit every muscle group and there's plenty of room to grow with heavier weights. The music is a little loud, but I know that music is a subjective issue - what some people like others hate and visa versa!
I don't mind the music or colors, I just the think the 2 workouts are pretty easy as is, but if you use the premixes they are useful and there are some new and interesting exercises on both of them.
I love the Push Pull 2 set premix. I've never had lower body DOMS like I got with this premix. I actually thought the music was very difficult to hear with this workout, but hopefully once I figure out how to use the "music louder" option, that problem will be corrected.

I have yet to try Supersets, but after reading these posts, I think I'll be working it into a rotation some day soon.

I'd make the investment in this DVD.

It took me awhile to fall in love with these workouts, but over the past couple of weeks I've done just that. I LOVE both of these workouts, and not just the premixes. They have taught me that I don't have to kill myself to feel worked out. I would so much rather do one of these efficient workouts than struggle through 8 million reps with the Pyramids! Push Pull has just the perfect amount of leg work, and the slow pace allows you to go heavy with upper body. I did Supersets as is on Saturday and my core is still killing me. I think these are underrated Cathe workouts. I'm so glad I gave them a second chance!
Thank you everyone for the great responses. I really enjoy working out with the stability ball also, so I thought it would be a nice change of pace. Have a great day today.

Debbie:) :D
I am considering SS/PP dvd. My question is do you really need a Stability ball? I have tried the ball before and I really don't like it. Plus, I just don't have room for more equipment. From what I have seen on Fittv, I think I could do without. So, do I really need a ball?
Get the ball if you want to go to the next level of challenge and complexity.

I was very ball resistant for a long time back there, but Supersets has changed me and now I really appreciate the added dimension it affords.

For example, you can do the chest flyes lying on the step, but you work the core muscles additionally if you do them on the ball because your whole body has to work to help you balance on the ball while performing the exercise. Because of this additional challenge to the core, even though there are only 4 core exercises on Supersets, by the time we get to the last one, I feel quite worked out in the core area due to the stability ball challenge throughout the workout.

The decision is yours!

Clare ;-)
Hi Clare, you explained the work out really good THANKS, and YOU ALL CONVINCED ME TO GET IT::)

I also ordered the quick fix stability ball work out, I think it will be good, the reviews are great.

thank you everyone
:) :) ;)

I am ordering it for sure!!, wooo---hoooooo. I can't wait just what I need is more cathe dvd's, that is right that is just what I need!! LOL, yippeeee. Why do I need it because it is for my health and will be a great work out. IF YOU THINK I AM NUTS FOR HOOPING AND HOLLERING ABOUT CATHE'S WORK OUTS, I PROBALLY AM NUTS!!, BUT I GET THIS EXCITED WHEN EVER I ORDER HER NEW DVD'S.:) :) :) :) }( :D :7 ;)

Clare, that's not what I wanted you to tell me.;-) Where the heck will I store the thing? No, Clare, not a good thing to tell me.:) I want to hear that it really isn't necessary. But then again would Cathe include a piece of equipment that wasn't necessary? :D
I rarely use the stability ball for weight work. I'm a little nervous using heavy weights on it. But I do love it for core work, and would get it for that reason alone.
Hi Debbie,
I was just reading thru the responses you got about PP/SS...I'll add my two cents, even though I know you've already ordered the DVD.

I like these two workouts because they are each under 1 hour long, and they touch upon each muscle group. I usually do one of these when I'm going to do something along with them, like a run/walk or a long bikeride. PP is short enough to squeeze in before going to work in the morning!

The premixes are great. I love that Cathe's DVDs have this feature.


Thanks Lisa, I am really excited about getting it, but I haven't orderd it yet. When I read all these great reviews I better though.
I am going to order tomorrow before work. I like the idea of using the stability ball, it feels good working my core muscles. I think this will be a great dvd. I love the idea of each muscle being worked too. Cathe is number one in my book. Have a great evening:D :)

I hope the music is good, I think someone mentioned it wasn't that great, I love all cathe's work outs and music. I hope it will be good just like her others:) :) ;-)

Good Night everyone:+

Give us your review after you get a chance to work with PP & SS. I'm sure others will be interested hear about how you use these workouts.:D
Hi Judy,
I sure will I am ordering it today. For me I love all Cathe's weight dvd's, step, and endurance tapes, I just think using the stability ball will be great to add with all the other work outs. I read a great article and seen some great exercises you can do on the stability ball in the womens fitness RX. The gal I work with at the bank her trainer at the gym has her doing certain exercises with the stability ball and squats, ect and boy has her lower body toned up!!.

Thanks everyone you are the best!!!!!!. I NEED COFFEE AND THEN I WILL WORK OUT:p }( :D .

Debbie:D :+
Shelbygirl, I'm with you. I've been out of commission now for 3 days since I did my first PP. My lower body DOMS is as bad as I've EVER had. I actually stayed home from work on Monday because it hurt to walk!!! I kid you not. I could barely hear the music at all.

I'm keen to try Supersets next, but won't be able to do any lower body stuff for a few more days. There's an upper body premix? Can't wait to try it!

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