Interested in Karen Voight?


I was at Best Buy and found some of her DVD's.

YogaSculpt $5.99
BLT (butt, legs & tummy) $7.99
burn & Firm $11.99

If anyone is interested.
I used to have some of her stuff, and her body is really inspiring, but after discovering Cathe's videos Karen went right out the window w/all my other tapes. Mostly this is b/c I don't do any strength training at home though, so maybe she'd work for others here. Also I had her Pure & Simple Stretch which was really nice but too long to work into my schedule.

But as far as her cardio workouts go, she's so lame compared to Cathe.
I haven't seen any of her workouts but I knew she had been mentioned here before.

Is there anyone you would recommend besides Cathe (I have all those)?
If you are looking for more cardio I like Christi Taylor and I like kickbox workouts - Powerstrike has good drills.
For step, I love Kari Anderson. I have all of her step tapes and cannot imagine selling them. She is a superb instructor. I like a couple of Christi Taylor's step tapes very much--the last two she made, but definitely not Step Heaven. I almost broke something trying to do the advanced part of that one! I bought and quickly sold Mindy Mylrea tapes. My husband complained about her chatter and I thought some of her footwork might do damage on this old body. Her cueing is awful. I am not much for Hi-Lo, so I cannot give any recs there. I think the best Karen Voight cardio tape is Energy Sprint. I cannot buy her post cosmetic surgery tapes.
While I rarely do Karen's cardio and strength anymore her yoga workouts are awesome. Her form is perfect, instruction is thorough and although the workouts are usually only 30 min. I feel so stretched and relaxed afterwards. I highly recommend them.
HA HA!! I just had to respond to your "post cosmetic surgery" comment.
The first time I viewed one of Karen's tapes after she had her boob job, I couldn't believe my eyes! Yowsa!:eek: :eek:
Lisa (not cosmetically enhanced)
I used to be a diehard Voight user. Energy Sprint is a long, grueling step/weight workout that is pretty thorough in the exhaustion department. Her weight work is nothing compared to Cathe, though.
I liked Streamline Fitness (good ab/yoga routine in that one).
I have Yoga Sculpt, and I do like the way the stretching makes me feel when I'm done. Karen has quite the bod (even before she had her plastic surgery). Not sure how she keeps those muscles--none of her workouts are really geared toward body-building. Beginners should check out Karen's tapes/DVDs.


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