
To all of you Seasoned Cathe Users!
I'm about to add a couple of new workouts to my collection. How is Circuit Max? Is the stepping very choreographed? How about the weight lifting--decent for building endurance and tone?
I have KPC and was considering adding Cardio Kicks. Should I bother, or are the workouts similar? Maybe I should just get the new Hardcore Kicks instead? And lastly...
How about that Pyramid Upper/Lower Body? Does anyone like the lower body part better than Legs and Glutes, or are they similar? Is the upper body workout killer and effective (and of course, fun?)
PLEASE ADVISE--thank you everybody!:D
Circuit Max is up there in my personal Top Three Faves of Cathe's entire production panoply, and Cardio Kicks is a must-have as well if you like KPC. I have C-Max and C-Kicks on the DVD version, and if I don't do C-Max with the C-Kicks power drills at the end at least twice a month I get the palsy.

The choreography in Circuit Max does take a time or two to nail down, and you may have some space issues to consider; there's a great deal of travelling movement in both C-Max and C-Kicks. But you can ALWAYS modify travelling moves.

The fun factor of each of these is so up there along with the challenge and training benefits that they will become very integral to your program. The resistance cycles in C-Max are largely for muscle endurance, not strength or muscle mass development.

If you can, get the set on DVD. But if you can't, the vids are fine.

AND - do get the Hard Core series as well.

AND - do get The Pyramids, AND Legs and Glutes.

I'll spend your money for ya -

I can really only speak for CM and CK. I just did CMAx yesterday. I really like the variety in this workout. It has no boredom factor at all for me. It's tough, but fun. I can feel it in my triceps today. The choreography isn't too difficult, but you do need a lot of room. Cardio Kicks, well, thats just plain fun for me. The choreography is pretty easy to learn. But as Ajock said. both require some space. Cathe says in the vid, if you have space issues just go higher instead of longer to achieve the same effects.

I have heard great things about the pyramids. I am sure others will comment. I think that may be my next Cathe purchase. I am debating on either Pyramids or PP/SS. Both seem great!

Oh, CK is more cardio than actual kickboxing like KPC. I prefer CK to KPC. :)
I agree completely with Annette.

Circuit Max belongs in the Cathe hall of fame, in top position in my vote.

It is the workout I always do on my "real tough cardio" day. I prefer it so much more than the Imaxes. The variety of cardio styles suit me, it has a low boredom factor, and you can adapt it to suit. For example, several of us prefer not to do the compound weight training moves cathe does, but instead use the same time to pump out a lower body endurance workout, like continuous lunges on and off the step, static lunges on the floor, plie squats, regular squats, etc, to the same beat Cathe uses for her compound moves. With a 35 pound barbell and various weighted dumbells, (12s and 10s), this will change the nature of the workout to a complete lower body challenge.

I do this once per week, and I factor it in as my 2nd, "work the lower body" day. I really feel this the next day.

And just as your energy starts to flag on C-Max, she puts in cardio segment 6 with fab and truly motivating music and some of the funnest step moves ever. I live for segment 6!!!!!

I also swear by the PUB and PLB. Innovative and effective workouts that are a mainstay of my workout library. Wouldn't want to be without them.

For example, several of us prefer not
>to do the compound weight training moves cathe does, but
>instead use the same time to pump out a lower body endurance
>workout, like continuous lunges on and off the step, static
>lunges on the floor, plie squats, regular squats, etc, to the
>same beat Cathe uses for her compound moves. With a 35 pound
>barbell and various weighted dumbells, (12s and 10s), this
>will change the nature of the workout to a complete lower body

Oh, hey, this is an excellent idea!! It then becomes pretty much the same leg workout as you get with Power Circuit, isn't that so? I've always considered PC to be a shortened version of CMax, so this makes sense. I may try this!

>>I also swear by the PUB and PLB.

I also love, love, love the pyramids. They are a completely different style of weight training that are also very effective. I find PLB to be rather "easy" while I'm doing it, but then it reaches out and bites me the next day.

Exactly, except that Circuit Max done this way is longer than Power Circuit and the weight sections are slightly longer. But in essence, this is exactly what I mean!

Love both these workouts.

Thank You for your help!
I'm switching over to the DVDs now...have four of them--including Legs and Glutes.
I get wary of the "fancy" step moves because I tend to get frustrated if I don't get them right away.
I love buying Cathe workouts!
I would definitely recommend Circuit Max, and you really should get the Pyramids they are great weight workouts. It did not take me long to get the choreography of Circuit Max. Although when I got it I already had 4 of Cathe's workouts. Difficult choreography takes me awhile. As far as weight lifting the weights used in this one are challenging but light. It is more of a cardio workout. If you like KPC I am sure that you will like Cardio Kicks. I do feel like it is not quite as difficult though. I Like doing KPC and adding on the drills of Cardio Kicks. It makes for a long tough kickbox workout. DVD's are great for that anyway.
Diane Sue

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