Nip/Tuck last night..pushing it too far??


Anyone think it was over the top last night (the doll and Dr. Mcnamara..I leave it at that) I thought it was offensive and tacky..I think they went to far??
I totally agree - I have never watched the show before and I was flipping through the channels and saw that. Totally disgusting and unnecessary - I can't believe it was on prime time TV! Definitely makes you think about where boundaries should be drawn doesn't it? Besides, who writes that garbage?
I don't watch this show but television in general is offensive and tacky isn't it? Except for some Discovery Channel or History Channel, MAYBE. Most of the shows on the regular channels just plain suck or are regurgitated stuff from the past from what I hear. It's unnecessary too. I can fill my days and nights with useful stuff instead of the boob tube, except Sundays when I watch the last half of the Nascar Nextel Cup races.
A guy at work watches Nip/Tuck and it sounds like shock value stuff to me. A doctor makes a mold of a woman's anatomy to be a part of a life-like doll, does the doll(now THAT'S funny!!)and then does the woman too!! Happens EVERY day!! LOL!! I wonder who was better, the doll or the woman? Anyway, just having a little to work!

With all due respect, how is watching cars drive round and round and waiting for the next car to flip useful and necessary?! Sorry, I just don't get it.

The History channel and Discovery channel is very educational, IMHO


Edited to say that I find Nip/Tuck disgusting also. Tried to watch it when it first started. DH and I changed the channel after about 10 minutes. each their own.
Hi Candi,
I never said it was useful. LOL! You are assuming that because I admitted to watching racing that I am calling it useful. I never said that. Very little of TV is and the racing is my one vice as far as the idiot box goes.
Actually racing is an acquired taste. And it's not as you described. Nextel Cup is mostly Jeff Gordon and Jimmie Johnson beating the snot out of the hillbillies every week. And since Gordon is my favorite driver, I definitely savor that. Plus, you'll never see anyone making love to a blowup doll on a racing telecast.
T. :)
I agree about that show. I ended up blocking it on my cable. I don't even want to flip past it accidentally.
While i agree that TV can show some pretty silly things and be offensive, i would rather watch NIP/TUCK anyday than the News. Talk about offensive, upsetting and down-right-depressing. I would never block anything as i can always just switch the chanel, but you rarely here anything "happy" on the news. Only death, starvation, misery and human unhappiness. Oh and which famous person this week gained a pound. Do we really care?

Well as far as news goes, I want to see and hear what's really going on regardless of whether it's happy or sad. I don't think it would be good to just report the happy stuff and stick our heads in the sand with regard to the more serious or sadder stuff.
And in the U.S., the liberal's take on the news that we get on most channels is disgusting to me mostly. Especially during this political season.
As for the famous people, I agree, who cares? We have alot of famous people in this country who aren't famous for anything they have done. They are just famous for being famous! LOL! And the dumber the better apparently....Jessica Simpson thinks Chicken of the Sea is chicken, Brittany Spears thinks Canada is "overseas" from the U.S. And just who are these people again? "Musicians?" Now THAT'S funny! I saw last week where that vacuous Paris Hilton lost her dog. Who gives a damn? She's just a brat kid whose parents happen to be wealthy. I wish SHE would get lost and never be found!
Ok,,,deep breath!
I was surprised they showed the man's new "breasts" on TV.
There is a simple solution: if you are offended, don't watch the show! I happen to enjoy it, and like having a show that is geared "for adults."

The scene with the doll and Dr. McNamara was very crude and violent, but it did reveal the character's state of mind and his emotional disintegration.

Or it was crappy trash...take your pick!
You really think Nip/Tuck's writers are trying to reveal the character's state of mind? LOL!! I think they went for shock value. This isn't Shakespeare, it's everday television writers trying to get people to watch their stuff.
And I agree, people can just turn it off if they don't like it.
I haven't watched this show but you all have me curious now - what was this really gross thing that happened? Now I may have to watch it.

Sorry, I love garbage TV. And I also felt bad for Paris when I heard she lost her dog.
Coming out of lurkdom to join this discussion...

I have been watching the show for about 5 weeks and I have been renting the first season on DVD to try to catch up on how these people got to this point. I started watching it with a friend who says he isn't into porn. Ummm, sorry, but what I'm seeing is very much soft porn & this latest episode is the proof in the pudding (putting?).

The thing that blows me away is that the guy that plays Christian is rumored to be the next James Bond. From Sex Addicts Annonomous to glorified Sex God. Guess that isn't such a far leap, is it?

Either way, things that make you go hmmmm. No pun intended. LOL

Oh & Trev, go ahead you watch your NASCAR. Nothin' wrong with it. Everyone needs a little mindless entertainment occassionally, right?
I like Nip/Tuck also. We were hooked during the first season. It has moved to a very sexual story line - last season Christian was tramping around, but not Sean. I like that there are very few characters, so you kind of get to know them. The paternity of the son is also very interesting.

It is very well acted, I think. The story lines are far from predictable, that's for sure.

Oh..I still like nip/tuck..I have been watching it since day one, I think the pushed it a little too much this past week..yes, we can change the channel, but if its a show that you have come to enjoy every week it is hard to change the channel. I like the twists and turns on the show, the actors are great, I love Christian, just keep the off the wall sexual stuff to a simmer..I like a little naughtiness, but I think that was porno..
Apparently that's what her daddy wants the public to think. But she's pretty stupid, or very sheltered, which then made her naive and unintelligent about things you have to deal with in everyday life. If it wasn't for her handlers she wouldn't know what to do.
And if that IS all an act, then I think that says alot about her and her fans in and of itself. It used to be you had to have something on the ball and have some actual talent, OR actually DO something, to be famous in entertainment. Boy have times changed!
You guys are funny!! Mindless entertainment vs stupid celebrities vs good news vs bad news---what a debate!! I don't watch Nip/Tuck b/c I choose to stick to MTV and VH1 for my "empty" entertainment (kind of like "empty" calories IMO) but I do have to say that some of these stupid "news" shows take it too far!! I was at my mother's house yesterday and she was watching one of those daytime news-talk-show-things (good day live maybe?) and they had an "expert" talking about Mary Kate Olsen's eating disorder--this woman really wished her luck and thinks that she will do well in becoming healthy again. She really cares, too, so much that she is following her slow weight gain very closely and will report it every day!! Yeah, she cares so much about this girl with an eating disorder that she's going to watch her like a hawk and report her eating habits and weight to the press every single day!!! What a sick woman! Leave the girl alone and report some news, will ya???:p Just my 2 cents (or maybe 4):7
Hi Ashley!
Thanks for putting some levity in here. LOL!
I definitely agree with you.
Trevor :)
Now Now....
It's just a show! I've been watching Nip/Tuck since it started..."Dr. Troy" aka Julian McMahon is pure eye candy. The show is extremely far-fetched, over the top, and I can't believe what is getting past the censors on a non-HBO channel...but I gotta say--I love the show. It really is cleverly written, very funny at times, and yes, even sentimental. You kinda have to know what's going on in the drama of the program to see where that famous doll scene fits in. Taken out of context to a first time viewer...well, it is pretty...odd :eek:
You should have seen the episode before this one...whoa baby!
Can't wait to see what happens next....

Lisa, avid Nip/Tuck fan

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