Nip/Tuck last night..pushing it too far??

I responded to another reply about Nip/Tuck...

I, too, enjoy the show. I think they go way over the top, and push the censors to their limits for a non-HBO or Showtime channel. This is part of the "charm" of this drama. Puritans, do not view this. You can't moralize this show--it's fiction, entertainment. There are worse things on TV! I think Nip/Tuck is well written, certainly well-acted, and the stuff that happens is relevent to the story line. And tell me that "Dr. Troy" isn't the hottest guy on TV right now....even if he is a shallow turd (at times) to his women!!

Tune in Tuesday night at 10pm....
Wait a second, you mean it was Sean who did something with a blowup doll? I've had to miss watching the past 3 episodes or so, but I definitely need to get back and find out what's happening to Sean! (I love him!)...
Maybe they'll have a follow-up show like the daytime talk shows do, and let us know who was better - the doll or the woman ... LOL!!

WHEW!! Trev, baby, you okay??? Take some deep breaths and repeat after me ... "it's only TV ... it's only TV ..." Better? Good!!

Now ... about those Browns ... did you see them wipe up the field with KC???? Talk about mindless TV - watching grown men beat the crap out of each other while they try to run with an oval-shaped ball down a very long field - LOL!! But can we stop??? NO !!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!

Oh ... you mean Chicken of the Sea ISN'T chicken ???????????????? Who'd have thunk it ... LOL!! Maybe Britney thinks Lakes Erie and Ontario are "seas" ... she not being a Yankee and all - LOL!!

Carol is are too funny, (who was better the doll or the woman..haha..probably the doll since she cant critique his performance..haha

I do agree with the other poster that Dr. Troy is the hottest thinh since the sun...HOT, }( }( }(
If the guy who plays Christian Troy becomes the next Bond (there are rumors), consider me both shaken and stirred. He it totally cute and I find myself tuning into Charmed (I think he is on that one) to catch him once in a while.

Sean is growing on me - but I will have to wash those DOLL images out of my mind. My husband and I have a standing Nip/Tuck date every week and we were both sitting there yelling at the TV "Please, no! Walk away from the doll! The doll is bad!!!"
I do like seeing Sean with Kimber. Interesting plot twist.
Actually, it wasn't a blow-up doll, but a sex toy doll (lifelike "skin," three functioning "orifices," of which Sean availed himself of).
Oh my....a sex toy doll? I did have to finally watch as I didn't believe it was Sean....:)...bizarre show but like others said, if you don't like it...change the channel....Carole

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