Bare Minerals again!


Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to let you know that I got my Bare Minerals make-up and I
LOVE IT! Oh my gosh! What a difference it makes and it is so easy. I feel like my skin looks at least 5 years younger. YIPEE!!!!

Thank you for all your help! Next I want to try their eyeshadow, liner and lip stick. Any advice......anyone?

Me too! I just got mine today, I'm a little nervous about using it, I don't think I know how. I'm used to brushing on powders by the pint and wiping off the excess. I don't think I'll want to do that with these.

I actually bought mine on eBay. I know some don't think that's a good idea but it seems fine to me. There are several *stores* that offer samples. I bought samples of 2 foundation colors, mineral veil, bisque, some things called warmth (blush I think), and glee, 2 eyeshadow colors, and a brush. It all came in sifter jars and with a big new empty sifter jar which I'm not sure what that's for.

I'm completely happy with this purchase from eBay. I really wanted to sample the colors and products before I put out the money for full size products.
Woohoo, Karen! I've been thinking about you and wondering if it arrived. I'm so glad you liked it. How's the color? What's your complexion like, hair, eye color- to answer shadow, liner, lipstick question.
Hi Gina! this product!! I think I should have ordered the meduim beige color for foundation. I ordered the medium which will be fine in winter but right now I have a bit of a summer tan. I have dirty blonde hair with highlights, medium skin color and green eyes. I like to wear brown shadows and liner. Their blush has me very confused. I just don't know what color I should wear. Red lipstick,redish-pink lipsticks look good on me. I think I am kind of the autumn-winter colors. Does any of this make sense?

Any suggestions?

Thank you!!!!!!:p

Is there foundation really good. I have very fair skin (shows every flaw),enlarged pores, platnium blonde hair and green eyes would this be good for me..I am trying to get that smooth dewey look and its not happening..would this help
Ditto the color problem. I originally ordered "Tan" but found it too dark & orangey for me. Now I have the Medium, and it's a little too light for my summer skin. I wish I had seen the color "swatches" on Sephora before ordering... Looks like Medium Tan might be a better choice for now.

In any case, I ordered this makeup based on suggestions from this forum and can't wait to start using it!

Does anyone have any suggestions on where to find a nice big fluffy brush (with a long handle) for application that won't cost me an arm & a leg? Those things are soooo expensive!
I’m so glad you like it, Karen!

It took me forever to decide on a blush color because there are so many. I decided on Sorbet, a really pale pink, and like it. (I’m very fair). For you, I’m thinking Glee, the all over color, or Golden Gate blush would work well. Both appear to be rosy mauves that aren’t too pink or too brown. Glee is a larger size because it’s technically not just blush, however, this really doesn’t make sense to me. If all of the products are made of the same minerals plus pigment, can’t they basically all be used wherever you choose? Anyway, if you want something more pink, Dawn is pretty, or, more brown, Maple is nice.

Eyeshadows: If you like more a matte/satin finish with no shimmer, stick with the ones specifically called shadows as opposed to glimpses or glimmers. For a highlighter shadow or an all over color, Chenille or Vanilla Sugar. For your lid, Cashmere, or Java if you prefer a deeper brown.

Glimmers: Shimmery shadows. All over or highlighter- Opal or nude beach. Lid- Sunshine or Summer.

Glimpses: Super sheer shimmers. Cultured Pearl or Antique Pearl, probably good anywhere on the lid because of the sheerness.

Liners: Bark, Root, and Coffee Bean are the basic browns. I think any of them would work well and are only slightly different from one another.

Lipstick: Marilyn looks awesome. You could also do a gloss- Glee and Rosy are pretty.

It’s so hard to tell with the QVC color swatches! I tried to compare them to those on Sephora, but Sephora doesn’t carry nearly as many colors. I’m going to email QVC and request better swatches. Some of them have just a few sprinkles of powder it seems!
Hi groundhog,

I'm fair too, and I hate that every imperfection stands out so much. My skin is on the oily side, so I feel like I always look dewy. I think BE will give you a nice soft look, and if you want a little more glow, Clear Radiance might be nice.
Hi skoobie,

Brushes are so expensive, aren’t they? A good one should last you at least 10 years though, so if you think of it as a long-term investment, the prices don’t seem too bad.

MAC brushes are well made. The #150 powder brush for $40 is great, and the 136 is more expensive and like massive from what I remember.!!026135A29FFF!Sh8A6k4NYYzi

Bobbi Brown, Trish McEvoy, and Kevyn Aucoin make amazing brushes, but they are much more expensive.

I am loving the Garden Botanika powder brush I got a few weeks ago. It is well made, has a long enough handle, and full soft bristles. Unlike most powder brushes, the bristles are synthetic, which is what I was looking for, but you’d never guess by touching them. The Garden Botanika brush is a steal at $25, IMHO, and if you pay for a membership ($10) per year, you get 10% off every purchase, 20% off the first Tuesday of each month, and 30% off the week of your birthday.
Hey All of You Bare Minerals Babes!

I have so much Bare Escentuals, it's a crime. Listen up, Ladies--
There are sellers on Ebay who have TONS, and I mean TONS of Bare Minerals, Bare Escentuals...just about everything from that line of make up at a fraction of the price--new and sealed. I have purchased many items and have been happy with all of them--including brand new brushes waaaaaay cheaper than you can get on QVC or even on the BE website.
Check this out!

Starlight6 & Lisa,

I've seen BE on Ebay before but have been hesitant about purchasing. Where do these people get these super-sized products lol? If you guys are happy, though, I may just give it a try!
I think there is some "wholesale lot heaven" that I'm not privvy to...I don't know where these people get their stuff, but it IS authentic. There are sellers who sell "samples" of BE, meaning, they send you a small amount of the minerals (I've purchased samples, no prob). I tend to go for the full, sealed products, especially when I know what I want.

I wish They sold BE at Costco lol! Yes, I'll take a 5lb tub of that! Ooh, while we're on the subject, I'd like to see what other users think- When you receive a jar of foundation, it has an expiration date on it. Why don't any of the other products have expiration dates? If they are all basically made of the same minerals, wouldn't they all expire sometime?
My half face experiment...

Hi again,

This morning I had some free time and decided to experiment. I have practically an entire tube of MAC matte foundation that is just about as close to my skin color as any liquid will ever be. I feel bad that it's just sitting there and considered trying to use it up. So, I did half of my face with the liquid in my magnifying mirror. When I looked, I thought, "Hmm, this really does look good. No way the BE is going to give me this look." Then, I did the other half of my face in BE. Well, not only did my face look uniform from a distance, but up close I could almost see the liquid, not the BE. Even more strange, I could actually feel that something was on the liquid side of my face! My pores felt like they were suffocating! So, after I was done, I said, "Ha! No way am I going back to that!" I still adore my MAC concealer, though, for hiding red spots that are so apparent on my pale skin :)
Has anyone used Bare Minerals that has ance/oily skin?

I would love to try this but I worry about breaking out.

Hi Stacy,

I'm oily and break out at least monthly. I love love love the mineral veil for controlling oil. I think I mentioned above that I even use it when I go to bed. My skin is actually better now that I've been using the products for a few months. It's not intended to treat acne, but it will definitely not clog your pores or make breakouts worse.

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