Recent content by allison013

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    I payed by check and it was cash. Was there anything we were supposed to do to make sure SNM maintained our orders? I've been out of the loop for a while. Allison
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    Has anyone organized a road race?

    Thanks Mattea! Sorry it took me a few days to respond...things are a little bit crazy this month for me. I'll check this out since I really have no place to start. Thanks again.
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    Has anyone organized a road race?

    Hi Guys, Our school PTO is trying to raise money for a new playground and we've decided to include a 5K or 10K race with a Kid Fun Run as part of it. Does anyone know where I can get info on organizing this? Webstites, advice, anything? Thanks for reading this! Allison
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    I haven't done weights in forever, do I just jump back in?

    Hi There, I've spent most of the summer running with some elliptical and some Cathe cardio workouts. I'd say I've been an intermediate exerciser for the last six months. Recovering from my third child, who is now 19 months, has taken me a lot longer than I ever thought...mostly due to time...
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    I DID IT!!!

    Way to go Pam. That's awesome! Allison 22 1bs. lost; 10 lbs. to prepregnancy weight; 10 lbs. after that
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    What do you do when you miss a workout?

    Thanks for your support Mel. And Congrats on the GOAL!
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    Good Luck Mel

    Glad the teenager said something, while the green monsters sneered out of the corner of their eyes.;-) Hope the goodness continues! Allison 22 lbs. lost, 10 lbs. to prepregnancy weight, 10 lbs. after that
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    What do you do when you miss a workout?

    Hi Mel, Sorry it took me so long to respond. It's been crazy wrapping up high school gymnastics season. I'm trying Cathe's January rotation. It was going great, but with senior week, division championship and now states coming up...well, I'm completely behind! Tonight I'm back to IMAX3...
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    Baby carrier recommendations

    I borrowed a friends baby bjorn for my 3rd child. It was great and if you're having more kids, I would definitely invest in it. If I could go back I would have also invested in the Medela Pump In Style too.
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    IMax 3 - Got the tap steps!!!

    Great job! Reminds me of when m DH came down to the basement to see why I was hooting and hollering one night - I had finally gotten the walk and turn arounds from IMAX2's first interval. 5:00 A.M. - MOST IMPRESSIVE!
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    It's been a year already!!!

    Thanks for the good wishes ladies. Leighanne, I hope your baby's cold gets better. Is he able to sleep well at night with it?
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    What do you do when you miss a workout?

    If you have a planned rotation, do you do the missed workout the next day or do you continue on and ignore that workout.? I'm curious since I got home late tonight and was both tired and starving. Curious how other people handle it. Allison
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    It's been a year already!!!

    Well, my little guy turned a year old on Saturday. It went by so fast. He's also walking like a pro. I just don't know where the time went. He's #3 so I'll forgive myself for taking longer to get back in shape. We got through his birthday and now it's time for me to work off the cake! I...
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    RESULTS of Mel's Complete Weight Loss Rotation

    Way to go Mel! Now just tell me how your ate? Allison 22 lbs. lost, 10 lbs. until prepregnancy weight, 10 lbs. after that
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    Mel's Complete Weight loss Rotation update Jan 21st

    Hi Guys, Hasn't been the greatest two days for me. Yesterday was my rest day so I probably ate more than I should. And today I woke up with a very sore lower back. Probably because I slept wrong. I couldn't even get anything done around the house. Believe me, I never complain so you can...