I haven't done weights in forever, do I just jump back in?


Hi There,

I've spent most of the summer running with some elliptical and some Cathe cardio workouts. I'd say I've been an intermediate exerciser for the last six months. Recovering from my third child, who is now 19 months, has taken me a lot longer than I ever thought...mostly due to time and consistency strains. I'm looking to start up again since I now have a designated time slot for working out. My thoughts were to do a week of Cathe cardio and then slowly introduce weights. Does anyone think this is the way to go about it or should I start a rotation with weights immediately?

I have at least 20 more pounds to lose and don't want to go about it the wrong way as I have in the past (too heavy weights, not watching food intake, doing too much and burning out). I own the BB, Intensity, and HC series plus MIC and Step Heat). Any input would be great. If anyone knows which Cathe rotation would be the most beneficial in my position, I'd appreciate it.
Allison, I don't really have too much advice to give. I just wanted to say that when I took a hiatus from weight lifting I started back with lifting full body 2 days a week with a circuit thrown in the middle. If you have Push/Pull and Supersets they might be good workouts to ease back into weight work with. They are not as intense as some of Cathe's other weight workouts. Listen to your body and take it slowly. You should be okay. I hope this addresses some of your questions at least.


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