whats your unhealthy vice

Diet Coke, coffee (although I have successfully conquered the Starbucks habit), chocolate/baked goods, wearing jammie pants or workout pants around the house ALL THE TIME - comfy, but not really a cute look, esp the jammies - DH doesn't enjoy this, too much time on this forum, and I probably talk to my dog waaaaaay to much to be considered normal. Oh well, at least he doesn't talk back!

I probably talk to my dog waaaaaay to much to be considered normal. Oh well, at least he doesn't talk back!

LOL, I was having another conversation with my cats, and remarked to my DH, that one day I just know they are going to answer me back!

A handful, well I try to make it less than 20, I think that's a serving, of chocolate chips, probably most days of the week.


Oh, and on the weekends homemade chocolate chip waffles made with white flour. They sure are good. The little chips are all hot and gooey when you bite into them........
Chocolate, pizza, flavored coffee creamers, and McDonalds sweet tea and fries. Plus probabley some I'm forgetting.

My other vice is The Real Housewives on Bravo, especially the Ny'ers.
I have a tendancy not to eat full meals but snack and have one large meal. But it is healthy snacks.

Watchin' college football and Bowl Weeks, does me in.

Spendin' way too much time on Forums :D

Not makin' my kids clean their rooms.

I should be more organize and clean more,but no, I am not a domestic diva, just don't have it my bones.
I spend entirely too much time with my good friends Ben & Jerry! Bad influences, both of them! Although, I just discovered a new vice, as Haagen Dazs has come out with a new line of ice cream called "Five." Each flavor has only five ingredients--milk, cream, sugar, eggs, and whatever flavor that container is--none of them especially good for you, but at least no chemicals and no HFCS. They have a mint flavored one that is an excellent complement to Newman's Own Hint O' Mint cookies.

Oh, and almond M&M's have been a problem for me ever since I can remember. I don't like any of the others so much, but the almond ones . . .

Smoking. Still. Am down to about a cig and a half each day Monday through Friday, and 3/4 of a cig each day on the weekends. That keeps me happy, heaven help me. I don't know if I'll EVER not want at least one little drag.


OMG, I was almost too embarrassed to say it!!! Me too!!! I SMOKE!!!
It is my go to for stress.
There I said it, now somebody help me stop!!!!!
Bread, bread, bread, bread, did I mention bread? Good bread -- any kind of good bread -- preferably with some olive oil or Irish butter.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Them savory carbohydrates are the best!!

Wine - only on weekends and BAKED CHEETOS! OMG those are delicious and I could seriously eat the whole bag. I only buy them for girls nights with my friends when I know I will not be sticking to my usual eating habits, otherwise they are way too tempting!
Mine use to be smoking. Now it's Diet Root Beer. I love that stuff.

Smoking. Still. Am down to about a cig and a half each day Monday through Friday, and 3/4 of a cig each day on the weekends. That keeps me happy, heaven help me. I don't know if I'll EVER not want at least one little drag.


I know this may sound *flip* but mountainbiking did it for me. Yup...I was so in love with this new sport I didn't have time to smoke. During group rides when I started some of the more arduous hill climbs and suffered so much trying to keep up, the idea of smoking diminished in days! I replaced that undeniable urge with another passion. I've been smoke free now 15 years.

To AquaJock..I *allowed* myself two cigarettes a day for years, and 5 on the weekends. A light smoker, but still a smoker. I had that depressing feeling many times of HOW can I get rid of that urge that comes out of nowhere and you just can't kick it. If I can do it, me...the poster-child of addictive behavior...you can too. I so understand this.

Now...my problem is a glass of wine or raspberry vodka with cranberry and a handful of anything salty!
Try Chantix. You need to go to your Dr. for it, and it doesn't work for everyone, but it worked for me. I've been smoke free for over a year now.

My DH smoked for almost 40 years. He tried over and over to stop. Nothing worked until he tried Chantix. He has been smoke free for 2 and a half years now!
Well I have to say I am a coffee/red wine whore! Been on a terrible cycle for years now, have to have coffee to wakeup and the wine to wind down in the evening! Oh and chocolate, good dark chocolate is irresistible!
Spicy Doritos, Sangria Wine, Red Vines. However, when FLO comes to visit it's sweet galore. I try not to buy alot of sweet stuff for the house because if I did I'd eat it all.

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