What's your #1 pet peeve?

My pet peeve are people in the express lane at the grocery store with more items than what is allowed in the express lane.
I am so with you on that one!! Or how about at amusement parks when people start to butt in front of the line? or here is a good one, my daughter standing in line to get on the swings and teenagers on the ride going around spit on the people below, and my daughter got a face full of spit!!! That one is a huge pet peeve of mine, teenagers who think they are better then sliced bread and can torment others for their own pleasure
When you are in a scheduled meeting at work and the person you are meeting with answers the cell phone every time it rings. Its inconsiderate and disrespectful of your time.
How about people with babies who use the baby or the stroller as a battering ram to push their way around! And if you hold the door open for them, they don't even say thank you because they seem to think they are entitled(which makes me less likely to hold the door open for another person!). (Just another addition to the "rude, inconsiderate people" category, which the vast majority of these peeves fit into!)
My number one pet peeve is people who can't be on time - apparently their time is more important then mine.

One of my biggest pet peeves are when someone finishes washing the dishes but they leave the water in the sink anyway.When you go back to the sink,there is dirty cold water there, then you have to put your hand down through it to take the plug out.
Also when you hold the door open for someone and they don't say "thanks".I was at the mall one day and there were 3 people comming out of the mall.I held the door open for them and not one of them even LOOKED at me.It was as if the door automatically came home all by itself.Then we came to the next door, I did the same thing but after the 2nd person started to come out and the samething was happening, I let the door go.I heard one of them make a sound as if I had let 50 pounds of weight come down on top of them.I don't understand why people are so rude! How lazy can you be? You didn't have to open the door yourself so you could have said Thank You with the energy you saved.
#2 ends with Bran, Rickon, Hoder and Osha coming out of the tomb and finding Winterfell burned to the ground. Theon's sister is pretty awesome. Did she send Reek to destroy Theon? No,don't tell me...

I'm thinking that Littlefinger is the guy that what's-his-face (the knight that Sansa saved from Joffrey) was waiting to return before he helps Sansa escape, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens there.

I really do understand what you're talking about with the kids thing. There are parents that allow themselves to be ruled by the kids instead of the other way around. I saw this little b-word girl spit in the face of her sister and their mother didn't do a darned thing about it. I would have flipped out and not cared how many people were around. I just thank God every day that I have the child I do. And that I'm such an amazing mother. haha
If you ever again feel led to hold the door open for someone and they don't thank you, just yell "YOU ARE WELCOME!". Maybe this will knock some sense into them.

Here's some more folks (I have a LOT):
*People who think they know everything and are the expert on anything and you can't tell them differently. (I live with one of these people, unfortunately.)

*People who park so close to you that you can barely open the door to get into your car.

*People who think their children are perfect and will never admit to their child ever being wrong. (Experienced this one today...spoiled child who just TOLD her mom something so the mother confronts my children about it saying she saw everything when she didn't, but just took her child at her word. Trust me; You'd have to know this child and her whole situation to understand how she manipulates her mother.)
Have a good week everyone!

I hate it when someone shoots into my parking place.

I have a thing about shopping carts not being put up. I had a car hit by one - nasty. I had someone ask me what if it is a mother with three small children and she can't leave them in the car to put up the basket. I replied if she can handle three small children in the store she can find a way to put up the basket without leaving them in the car. Don't mean to offend anyone but I always put up my cart.
One of mine is know-it-all/conversation hogs. If you've done something, they have either done it better or know someone who has when all you're trying to do is have a conversation. Somehow it always goes back to them, ya know?

On another note, I was at the store today and very tempted to leave my cart because I was so cold and had to go to the bathroom, but I saw this thread before I left so I took my cart back. I normally do but it was just funny.:p
I got one, people who use handicapped parking spaces when they really don't need to. They may have a sign in the dash of their cars but they get out without needing any help at all. That bugs me.
Okay, this is not really a pet peeve, but it sure cracks me up! Why do people, even the old lady that lives across the street from me, park their cars in reverse? I mean, do they expect to get a call on the hotline & have to make a quick jump into the Batmobile to speed off & save the day? It just seems silly to me. Not to mention, you have to wait on them to ease into a parking spot. Now if you have to wait for them to easy out of a parking spot, at least you have one to pull into.

#1 pet peeve of the day is a school system that requires a note from the dr. in order to excuse my dd's absence (or she isn't eligible for recommends.) She was out with the flu not a disease I didn't take her the dr.!!! But I have to take an afternoon off, take my well dd to a dr. and tell her she was sick so she can write a note saying she was sick. So the dr. has to take my word for it in order to write the note but the school won't!!! What's up with that??? Where did common sense go?

Oh,some of those were good as well.I hate when people park so close to you that you end up getting your car door dinged.DH gets so mad b/c when we eat,he looks out the window and he can see my car.And he will spot any door dings.My last two cars have been new ones so he is pretty fussy.So now I have to park where I know I won't get my car doors hit,
Another pet peeve is, one day went to the store, just got into the parking space, left enough space between our car and then car next to us, well the woman next to us, shoved open her door slammed it into our car, while we were still in the car!! she never said sorry or nothing, just did it and left!! and I got out if the car just fine without hitting the new car that just parked in that space after dingbat woman left.
Another pet peeve is, one day went to the store, just got into the parking space, left enough space between our car and then car next to us, well the woman next to us, shoved open her door slammed it into our car, while we were still in the car!! she never said sorry or nothing, just did it and left!! and I got out if the car just fine without hitting the new car that just parked in that space after dingbat woman left.
My biggest is people's misconception of time. If I'm asked "do you have a couple of minutes...?" To ME a couple of minutes is less than FIVE. A few minutes is between 3 to 10. People will call me up and say "I'll make this quick" Quick should be just that ~ less than five minutes. To so many people I know FEW and QUICK means half hour to an hour. No kidding. I can’t stand that.

Susan C.M.
Hahahaha I have to comment on the parking the car in reverse in the driveway -- I always thought that was pointless too - until my hubby and I bought a big SUV and I kept bumping into cars that were parked along the curb at the house in front of us!!!!
Now he ALWAYS backs in!!! Since I'm such a bad backer-outer!

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