What's your #1 pet peeve?

I hate noisy eaters - slurpers, smackers, loud chewers - they make me queasy.

I hate groups of people who try to walk four or five abreast on a city sidewalk. And groups that congregate on the corner, so everyone crossing the street from any direction has to detour around them.

And parents that scream and curse at their kids - it's so awful to be in a store, hear a child ask a question or whine, and then hear the parent holler, "Boy, I'm gonna whup your a$$! if you don't shut up!":eek:
"I hate noisy eaters - slurpers, smackers, loud chewers - they make me queasy."

I forgot about that one! It's a big one for me too!
I hate when young teenage girls or wanna be young again old women crack their gum like a bunch of cows and they know you don't like it.

I HATE it when I just step in the office and haven't even put down my coat or bag and someone needs something done. If certain people could fire me with the looks I give them I would be gone today.

I TRULY HATE it when I'm wearing a cap, sweats & big jacket and go into a department store and get followed around by a play play cop....boy do I want to box them once in the face.....Once I picked up a shoe that was in the window of the store and was about to ask the clerk if he could show me my size and before I could finish my sentence, he snatched the shoe from me and said "Don't move the shoes from the window" and I tried to tell him there was no shoes like that on the floor which is why I removed that one from the window". Man he was not trying to hear it, he started yelling again, so I got so mad, I went to the window picked up another shoe with a very high heel, walked towards him with the heel pointing at him, YELLING like a maniac..."SHUT UP & DON'T YOU SAY ANTHING ELSE TO ME AGAIN", the whole store, workers & customers went silent. I think if he'd opened his mouth one more time the whole store would have been turned upside down and I would have been behind bars.....MAN STUFF LIKE THAT REALLY BOTHERS ME.

Oh and one more thing, (b/c it just happened), I HATE when I slightly touch my glasses and there's a spot on themx( x( x( x(


I had to reply to this one. Just because someone is not physically handicap does not mean they do not have a problem. A prime example is my MIL. She has a handicap sticker because she has cold urticaria (probably spelling it wrong). That means she is allergic to the cold and exposure to things that are cold and will break out in hives and her airway will automatically close up if she breathes in cold air. She has to carry an epipen in case of extreme emergencies. She has had to almost use it twice. However, she only uses her handicap in the winter when it is too cold for her to be out in the weather very long.
My biggest pet peeve is when people interrupt, I understand that there is a need for it at times but when it isn't an urgent matter
it is incredibly rude.

Another one would be noisy eaters, people who chew with their mouth
open or people who talk with food in their mouth. Drives me nuts.

I also get irritated when people don't put their carts away at the
store, but I don't have kids, so I can understand those with children
who do not want to leave them alone.

People who stand too close to you in the checkout line or those
who hog up the aisles or stand in the way are irritating too.

Bad drivers, think I will stop here.

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