What's your #1 pet peeve?

You know what you do with those cards? Most of them are postage paid, so pull 'em out and mail them back (I know that's immature).

This reminds me of another immature thing I do because of a major pet peeve of mine. I just hate it when I'm in the supermarket and there's a person stopped right in the middle of the aisle blocking all movement in either direction. Well, I find the most disgusting thing within reach and put it in their cart. Heck, they're so clueless of what's going on around them they couldn't possibly notice, right? People have gotten Fleet enemas, pigs feet, chicken feet, feminine hygeine products (really great for the male offenders), and lard just cause they ticked me off. It gives me quiet satisfaction that they get to the checkout or maybe even home with my little 'present'. Okay, I know I'm twisted....
All of the above annoy the hell out of me, but my number one pet peave is having to endure loud , abnoxious children in public places. In fairness, it's usually the parent's fault the child is being a problem. i hate it when i am trying to enjoy my dinner and relax and there are screaming babies whose parents just sit there and let them scream and cry. If your child isn't old enough to understand "Be Quiet" then you should leave them at home. Get a babysitter. Or when i'm shopping and somebody's kid is raising hell and knocking things over and running around making alot of noise and the parent is oblivious. When they finally do notice they yell threats at them loud enough for the entire store to hear. i think there should be rules about having children. if you aren't capable of teaching them to behave properly or your too selfish and self absorbed to give them the proper attention, then you shouldn't be allowed to have any.

My biggest peeve is parents that smoke in front of their children. It makes me soooo mad. Here are these precious, innocent children who have no choice but to breathe in second hand smoke. As adults, we know the health hazzards of smoking and if you smoke that is your choice. But knowing those health risks and making your children victim to it sickens me. I HATE when I see someone smoking in a car and there is a child in there. And sadly, I see that quite often.
I agree Jes! I have six children and have to admit that I have been one of those parents. I'll tell you though, if my kid is going to cry because I said no to something they wanted, that's too bad. I WILL NOT give in to their whining and crying. When I say no...I mean no.

Here's one related to that though: When a baby is crying because they are hungry and the parent is still shopping letting the baby go hungry. Feed the kid! Most of my kids were breastfed and if they started to fuss, I would immediately feed them; otherwise, their screaming and crying would cause a commotion and I don't want people staring at me as I bare myself to feed. :eek:
You know I picked my BH&G which was right in front of me and counted 10 cards! I've never noticed that before. Now it's going to bug me too! I think the shopping cart trick is absolutely hilarious!

(1)Poke along drivers that drive 15 miles or more below the speed limit. Have alot of them drivers here in Virginia, and I am not talking about Northern Virginia drivers either....its the ones that come out from the hollows, etc. AGGGHHH!!!
(2)Getting a knock at the door unexpectedly while I am holding a cleaning rag in one hand and my hair is a wreck. (I don't usually do makeup, etc. when I am cleaning or working out, and I really don't like to be seen looking yucky). I like to know ahead of time if someone is going to come over, not be caught off guard.

Jes - do you have kids? Don't get me wrong, I totally understand your point, because I felt the same way before I became a mother...but it's a lot harder than you think with some kids. I'm lucky my daughter is almost always very well behaved in public (and home, too, to give her credit). And if she does act up out in public, I'm not the least bit afraid to call attention to myself and discipline her. One time, I got a "way to go!" from a father when I followed through on my threat of discipline in the grocery store after she sat down in the middle of the floor and refused to move because I wouldn't let her do something she wanted to do.

One time, though, when she was probably 2, she and I went to dinner at a restaurant. She started acting up and crying/screaming...and I just could not calm her down. I got us out of there as soon as I could, but there is a point where you're stuck...you can't just get up and leave because you've ordered food and it hasn't come. You haven't paid, and you don't want to just walk out without at least getting your food to go. Fortunately, it was a family restaurant and people with younger children are much more sympathetic than people without.

There are some kids that are just really tough to deal with right from the start. It gets really exhausting for those parents and you sometimes you just have to tune it out. You have to have a life and not be a prisoner to the little "angels".

OH! I just JUST finished Clash of the Kings. You were right, it was better than the first one. I got it read in about half the time. I have #3 waiting at the library...
Just thought of another one:

When you are checking out at the grocery store and the person behind you is standing TOO CLOSE for comfort. (Not only is this uncomfortable but I also would like to type my PIN in without someone seeing that.) A few years back (when I was pregnant), this lady behind me was impatient and wanted to leave the line so she decided to go around me and out of the checkout. In the process, she pushed me into the counter; pushing my belly into the counter. I'm serious! Even the cashier was surprised. I don't think the lady noticed that I was pregnant. Now that I am a bit more outspoken, I would have said something to her, but back then I was too shy.
Next time someone is too close I think I'll ask them if they would like to crawl up my butt. Darn! (Sorry, I know that is bad, but that's what I want to say.) Wish I would have said that to this girl and her boyfriend who were behind me recently.
>People who play their music so loud that I can hear it in my
>house with my windows closed.

How about people who play music so loud in their CAR you can hear it when THEIR windows are closed and YOUR windows are closed.
>Next time someone is too close I think I'll ask them if they
>would like to crawl up my butt. Darn! (Sorry, I know that is
>bad, but that's what I want to say.) Wish I would have said
>that to this girl and her boyfriend who were behind me

HOw about "are you studying for a proctology exam?" (After they look at you without understainding): "I can't think of why else you'd want to be so far up my butt."
God Jes!!!! That is my #1 pet peeve too. If I wanted to listen to loud, obnoxious, spoiled, whiny, mean kids, I'd have some of my own & let them have their way.

The worst part is when the parents get just as loud with their empty threats, everyone turns around to look, but the kid isn't even faized. Obviously, loud, obnoxious behavior is the norm in their household. I shudder to think what they'll be like as adults.:-(


And yes, I have a daughter & grew up in a family of 4 girls. We never acted like that in public because we knew we would get it.
I went shopping today at Target & I saw a couple with a baby crying. In Spanish, the husband told the wife, "He must be hungry by now, no?" The wife just kept on shopping. That's disgusting!

Yep. that's what i'm talking about. some kids grow out of it, but for the most part they just grow up to be crappy parents!

Donna: no. i have no kids. i do realize that parenting gives you a different perpective on that. parents have to tune some things out, otherwise they would lose their minds. i did raise 2 of my little brothers until they were 8 and 6. so i have an idea. i understand that children can be difficult and there are times when nothing can be done about it. it's just that noisy, obnoxious ones who are imposed on me due to lack of parenting get on my nerves.

The third one is the best! i can't wait unitl you finish it so we can discuss what will happen in the fourth one! it's gonna be a long wait for July baby! remind me where the 2nd one leaves off. didn't you just love Theon's sister! }(

Excuse the interruption, but I LOVE to read and am curious about the books you are reading. Please give me details...ie. Author, title, series.

hey Shirley! the books we are talking about are by George Martin. currently, it is a series of 3. there is another due in July and might grow more after that. i think the series is called Fire and Ice. The first book is called Storm of Swords. (Donna is that right?)He is a great character writer and he doesn't load you down with too many insignificant details(imho). very intriguing read!

Here it is.It drives me crazy when I'm speaking to someone and another person who happens to be within earshot, tries to get in on the conversation. I understand when my kids do it, after all they are kids. Although I do say to them. If I wanted you to know I would tell you. I'm not referring to any deep conversation, just regular chit chat. I guess it's just one of my hangups! Phyllis
Do I have to pick just one? I have two, Just yesterday, we have our house tore apart remodeling it so we ran to Del Taco drive thru and my hubby clearly ordered 6 crisp taco's and when we got our order it was two crist FISH taco's!!!! I really hate it when our orders get screwed up!!!
And another pet peeve of mine is in the grocery store people stand in the middle of the isle with all their friends they run into and HOG the isle talking and laughing and you say excuse me and they just look at you like "go to you know where" and you have to go another way to get down the isle you wanted to.

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