when I am in the mood yes I do enjoy sex with him. He is in fact takes his time with the whole foreplay thing. I know alot of men skip over that part but he does not. I have offered the hand gesture but he does not want that it is either the oral thing or plan old sex. The few times I have got him just to lay there and snuggle I ended up wanting to as well and I tell him see, if you could just do this more I would want to. I tell him I feel like a piece of meat. and it seems the more I do it with him, the more he wants it. so I dont know if me just doing it when he wants would change the situation. I talked to him earlier today about this and he acted like, you know I was just joking. we have joke before about it and you never acted like this. Then he asked there must be someone you are wanting to hook up with. I think it all boils down to his insecurities even though he will not admit it. but I am learning and seeing this ,like you said a different ,not as secure side of him over the last 6yrs since I myself am showing a more confindent self in the things I do. I just finally got tired of feeling insecure and bad about myself and I dont know what happened but after my kids where born I like I said earlier found myself. I now am much happier with me and am more confindent with me. men dont like this or at least some dont.