Hi Lovely Ladies!!! I hope you all are having a wonderful afternoon!
Today I took Addie to the pediatrician

Wow, was it bad

: Addie was her typical terrible two out in public, threw a temper tantrum upon arrival, wouldn't stay still on the scale, table, or anything to get proper measurements, I had to hold her down for her shots and finger prick, which was AWFUL, she cried so hard it made me cry too

She heaved and sobbed the whole ride home. That was by far the worst visit yet. I'm glad we do not have to do that again for a while! Phew

I did not work out today, I cleaned the house during her nap. On the topic of the husbands not liking the more muscular looking fit woman, I am right there with you. Heins seems terrified of me "losing my boobs" and is not really looking forward to me doing Crossfit after seeing the appearance of the women in the games. It is so frustrating! I will probably not end up looking that way as I won't be training as hard or eating strict Paleo, but even so, I never stop being so mad at the way fit women are perceived. I had to go back and read the "Negative Comment" thread you started a few months back Natty. I just get so tired of overweight being the norm, and fit people being touted as weird, or even as harsh as nasty for looking a little more buff than the average person. Not only hurtful, but just plain diserespectful to cut some one down for something they have obviously worked very hard to achieve! ARGH!

Sorry for the rant, but I've really been struggling with this for the past few days. I want so badly to do this, but I know I'm going to "pay for it." I hope one day the sculpted female physique will get the respect it deserves. I wish men understood that those women don't necessarilly do it for the look, they do it to be strong, and in tip-top shape, and that is admirable!
Enough with that

yesterday I did UB and Core from TurboBarre, Core from Butts & Guts, and Core from Crossfire, abs were feeling good
Colleen- I'm glad Lydia is a-okay! You cracked me up about it though! Constipation is no fun for anyone! I hope everything with your company is still going well, it is a bummer when your routine gets out-of-whack. Glad that they are laid back though

I also love the core segment in TurboBarre

I did it yesterday actually, love when you anchor one elbow and reach with the other arm, that one always fries my core nicely!
Sarah- I hope you had a great time at the 5K/walk. I love that those races are always for such good causes. That sucks about a Crossfit not being close to you

They seem to be popping up more and more, hopefully one will head your way soon! Most of them do offer a free trial week

I hope I still want to do it after mine

lol Congrats on your new additions as well! You too, cracked me up about the hubby part! You have a great sense of humor

I love oatmeal also! Here's hoping I don't miss it too much! WTG on the step-ups and all the walking!!! I bet you were tired after the sandy hill!
Natty- Great job on Low Max! Cathe is a genius with saying her little comments at just the right times. I have cursed her for that

lol She knows just what to say to change your mind about pausing though! If you did end up doing Butt Bible, hope you're not DOMSing too bad

I am so sorry about your miscarriages, you are a strong woman to have made it through that. Bella is a beautiful miracle.
Jen- Hope all is well!
Have a good one!