We're In This Together **Nov 1st - Dec 31st**

Hi Friends.

Miss you Natty, Colleen, Sarah, Rebekah, and Marie.

Sorry, I haven't been around except for FB. Lots of stuff happening as always. If I don't get the second interview for a position, I will be moving to TX with the help of my DB and friends. Hopefully, my parents will not have to cosign. Too soon to tell what kind of help I will get but now having a TX residence will help.
Will do taxes here possibly before I move but it puts my nonprof on hold.
Michigan will become the 24th Right to Work State, like TX, if nothing goes wrong. It'll help the future but not now. Almost too little too late.
June must've been a dress rehearsal and a learning tool. Been reading y'all posts.
Happy Saturday ladies!

I'm at work right now and squeezing this post in quick before we get inundated with patients...
Today is my rest day, but yesterday I was all over the place with my workout! First, I started Paul Katami's Burn and Build...and I actually did most of it but for some reason at the 48 minute mark, I just couldn't go on. Not that I wasn't winded and sweaty, but I suddenly felt bored with it. I've done that one quite a few times this year, so I may have burned out on that particular dvd. I may have to put it on the shelf for awhile until I start to miss it again ;). I still wanted to do more, so I put in another kettlebell dvd and did a few rounds, then finished up with that 15-1 swing/burpee countdown thing I told you guys about before. I don't know what came over me yesterday that I felt so restless :confused:!

I'm trying to work my way through some of my non-Cathe workouts since I know I won't be seeing them for awhile once XTrain is in my hands!:eek: It's still hard to stay away from Cathe completely, though. Even when I'm actively trying to branch out, I still grab her stuff at least a few times a week. :)

Yesterday we also had Dylan's Karate belt testing! :D My boy is officially a gold belt! :eek: He did SOOOO well you guys! I was so incredibly proud of him!! He had his form down perfectly and didn't need any help from the instructors, whereas a few of the other kids really struggled. This mother's heart swelled. :D

Jen- Good luck on getting a second interview...do you know when you'll hear on that? I've always had this feeling the move to Texas was in the cards for you, though. I don't know why...it's just this feeling/intuition I've had ever since you mentioned it the first time.

Natty- CUTE picture of Bella and the baby! I love it! :D Congrats on the DOMS, too! You know how much I love lower body DOMS, too :p. Speaking of eating too much, lordy I've fallen off that particular wagon the last few weeks! :confused: We hardly ever eat out, but in the last 10 days we've eaten out 3 times! Of course, when I eat out it's never healthy. I've been craving burgers and fries...and of course I indulged. :eek: The sugar cookies have been my nemesis, too. I'm trying to limit it to one a day, but man that still adds up! The scale finally reflected my naughty behavior this morning...up 1 1/2 lbs. Time to rein it back in! :eek:

Sarah- I got a ton of stuff online this year, although I still got some stuff in the stores. I'm lucky since we aren't exchanging gifts amongst the adults...just the kids. It's a rule we decided on in the family many years ago. Usually when adults exchange gifts it's more stressful and you rarely get what you want anyway (at least in our families it's stressful). Everybody pretty much buys the things they truly want themselves throughout the year! Once in awhile Mark and I will exchange, but this year we decided the trip to Cancun is our present!

Marie- Hope to hear from you soon! I bet Christmas and the baby are keeping you suuuuuper busy! :eek:

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Hi everyone :)

Today Mark and I went to watch the new James Bond movie. It was INCREDIBLE! By far, the best Bond movie ever made! So worth a trip to the cinema. I was good and did not have popcorn, soda, or any type of snack. It was tempting with the all whiffs of popcorn smell filling the air :p.

I just finished my workout not too long ago which was SJP hi/lo cardio (20min) + LBB floor & barre work (30min). AHHH, I'm actually getting better at the floor and barre work! NO BREAKS :D.

Mark was called into work for an upcoming possible "snow event" at the airport this evening. Most of the time it's just a precaution, sometimes it actually snows and he ends up working :rolleyes:. Toronto is one of the only airports in the world that NEVER, I mean NEVER closes. No amount of snow, sleet, hail, rain, wind, nothing will shut that place down.

I've gotten Workout ADD several times :D. Rarely it ends up being a Cathe workout.
Congrats on Dylan's Karate belt test! A gold belt is awesome :cool:. You must have been the proud mamma for sure :). Did I tell you I took Tae Kwon Do during grades 3-4? I really hope Bella wants to get into some sort of extra-curricular activity. We have a dance studio right across the street from us. She loves to dance, so we might sign her up after she turns 4.

Finger's crossed you get that 2nd interview!
I think TX is in the cards for you too...I feel the same way as Colleen for some strange reason.
We know you're busy and occupied, so no pressure to post here.

Time to call it a nighty night. Have a good one ladies ;)
Afternoon girls!

Yesterday I did Mike Donavanik's Extreme Burn Metabolic Conditioning (his second one). I got it through trading a few weeks ago. I LOVED it! I'd say it's right up there with Fierce Force as far as fun, creative moves that got me sweating nicely! So often I find when the moves are "creative", it usually means they are difficult to execute, awkward, don't get my heart rate up or are an injury waiting to happen. I feel like with FF and this one, the moves are different but fun and effective. Win/Win! :D I've been so lucky this year finding new favorites!
After that, I did March 101 HC which is a glider one. I just love Sandra's disc work! I gotta say, though, doing an HC while dealing with premenstrual cramps is challenging! :eek: I almost gave up, but I pressed on. Now today is a much needed rest day!

As the day goes on, I'm pretty much getting full body DOMS. :eek: I'm thinking Ellen might be in order tomorrow. Time for Grace and Gusto! :)

We also got our first snowfall of the season last night. Lots of wet, heavy snow. I can take snow, but I hate it when it's like this. Driving in this mess...me no likey.

Natty- I didn't realize Mark worked at the airport in Toronto? What does he do, if you don't mind me asking? I'm sort of a weirdo, I actually really dig airports. :eek: Something about all these people from all over the place converging in one hub, plus all the shopping and odd little stores and quickie massage places. :p Actually, correction...I like large airports. Dinky small ones are kind of sucky. LOL

Gotta run! TTYL
Hey all!

Remember me ;) I'm back.

I'm sorry for being such a slacker with the forums.

Mommyhood has kept me busy. I'm loving it.

B is doing great. He will be 8 weeks tomorrow.

I've been cleared to workout. Hello DOMS :)

Feeding now. BM2 will be my workout.

I'm really going to try and be better about getting on here. I miss you guys.


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Hello Marie!! Can't wait to hear your experience getting back into Cathe! I forget now, did you order XTrain, too? I bet you and Tony are so excited for baby's first Christmas. Don't forget to get one of those Christmas tree ornaments with the year on it that says "baby's first Christmas". We got one for both Dylan and Lydia, and it's nice to put those on the tree every year. :D

Today's workout,Grace and Gusto, was just what I needed today! I originally had Afterburn planned...there was no way I could have done that one today. :eek: Depending how I feel tomorrow, I'm either going to do Ellen's Barefoot Cardio or Rapid Fire 2 Results (kickboxing). We shall see!

Have a great day ladies!
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Hi Marie,
B will do well this Christmas. For the Holiday, he will so much love & attention.
My DB and SIL were stunned by it. Enjoy it & have fun.

Update: No word yet on interview just over 2 weeks ago. The TX counterpart position is moving forward. God only knows. Plan to tell interviewers part year TX resident.
Hello ladies :)

Yesterday I did Power Max (from Cardio Hits -- download) for the first time. Oh.My.Word. I went into the workout cocky as heck. I even started with an 8inch step height, cuz' you know, Cathe and crew were using 8 so what's the big deal right? So it started off a little tricky -- the choreo is mixed with both athletic & complex moves, which I really enjoy. The music is damn right rockin' with 90's hits! Whoop There It Is? Are you kidding me?? Love it! Anyway, at about the 30min mark, I lowered my height to 6 :eek:. It's pretty much all high impact and my little legs could not take it anymore (in my defense, I did barre and floor work the day before ;)). The last combo with a 360 turn all around the step stumped me. I just stood there with my mouth open thinking "Ok. This is HARD. Do I need to go back to Basic Step?". Luckily for me Cathe repeats the moves often and her cueing is impeccable. So the workout is not as hard as Imax3, but man it gave me a run for my money! I had fun too, which is important. I am tempted to buy all of Cardio Hit & Classics now :eek:. One more thing I need to mention, Cathe does a cool down with a mini step routine on just the platform. I've never seen her do that! I was awesome :cool:. TWO BIG THUMBS-UP for this workout!

Your baby boy is so beautiful :). No need to explain how busy you are -- I don't even know how you manage to get on the forums at all! The first year of Bella's life I was just trying to get back some normalcy. Let us know how your 1st workout turns out :eek:.

Airports are very fascinating! You are def NOT a weirdo. Mark removes snow off the airfield lines so the planes can see them. It's a very cool but dangerous job, especially in bad snow storms or icy road conditions. One wrong move or instruction and he could crash into an airplane! Or worse, a plane could crash into him! Speaking of dinky airports, the Cuban and Dominican ones are pretty sketchy :confused:. The bathrooms are GROSS [enter puke face here].The custom officials are all military guys with weapons. I always get very nervous entering through customs in Cuba.

Have a good evening ladies :)
I had started a post days ago and never finished it.

Firstly, Nat- I love the pic with you and Bella by the Christmas tree you posted on FB.

Marie- I love the pic of B, he has a little smile on his face, so sweet. I hope BM2 was fun for you.

Colleen and Nat - I'm am so impressed you guys can just keep plugging away with your workouts despite the holiday rush.

I really am looking forward to getting back into weights and high intensity. Although I have been keeping up walking 3 days a week for the last several weeks its just not the same. I like it because its my husbands and my time. However, I also need the adreline rush I get from high intensity.

I hope Xtrain is here before the first of the year. :D

I did CF today and it ROCKED! What a sweatfest that one was. This is my second week of working out and I feel great! B usually gets up around 5 or 6 to eat, so I feed him and then head to the basement. He goes back to bed at that time. As much as I would like to go back to bed too sometimes, I know it may be the only time I am able to get a workout in. He is getting into a fairly nice routine though. He takes little cap naps throughout the day but does get a long 2-4 hr one in during the afternoon. At night he gets up 2 times to eat and then goes right back to bed. It's been great! We are really enjoying him :)

Natasha- Bella is a doll btw. LOVE your new avatar. Power Max sounds great! I actually need to make a list of some Cathe workouts I want for Xmas. I might need to add that one to it. Awhile back I snuck on the forums for a half a second and remember reading a post about you asking how my incision was healing and it is looking good. Doing abs on the other hand is pretty rough. I can hardly even do push ups on my toes cuz my core strength is gone. I know I'll get there though. I'm sure you know how that is.

Colleen- I love how you have so much variety in instructors for your workouts! I think I'm too addicted to Cathe ;) I did order XTrain! Can't wait to get that one :)

Jen- Fingers crossed! I hope you get it!

Sarah- I feel ya on needing that adrenaline rush from high intensity. I walked for the 6 weeks that I was not able to workout and it was great and all but nothing gets me going like a good cardio sweat!

Well I better head to bed for a couple hours before my little man gets up again. Glad to be back and I will check in as much as I can.
So last night I'm starving so B and I head to the grocery store and I couldn't resist my urge to get a bag of chocolate drizzle sea salt kettle korn. We get home and I sit there mindlessly munching it. Way too good. Suddenly I look down and over the half the bag is gone. Ugh! Feeling so guilty, especially since I was doing so good with my eating. Major damage control is needed this morning. Just finished feeding. Pumping now. I'm drinking tons of water and about to bust out the big dogs and do TTM for the first time. Headed to the basement soon.

Have a good Thu everyone. Tony is off today and tomorrow. So excited to spend the day with my 2 favorite guys :)
Hello fit ladies :)

This week for weight work, I've decided to go with M3. DH is off, so I figured I give the heavy, longer w/o's a go. I will be extra cautious w/my back, so I may have to lighten up with the rows and dead-lifts. Tuesday's w/o was STS M3 Shoulder's, Bi's & Tri's. Despite doing any 1RM, I struggled with my last reps during most of the exercises, which means I nailed my #'s :cool:. Love when that happens :D. BTW, my DOMS has been baaaadddd these past few days. I really like lifting heavy, it's my back that does not want to co-operate :mad:.

Tuesday I ventured out into the madness and did some Xmas shopping. The mall was very busy, but everyone was polite and patient (or so it seemed). This particular mall is in a city called Newmarket -- I think I told you guys about it a few times. I'm super stoked that Target will be opening at that mall soon!

Yesterday's w/o was Afterburn premix (30min) + GSL standing work only. :eek::eek::eek:. Holy %&$#. That was one insane LB workout :eek:. I think I cried a little :eek:.

WOW Crossfire right out of the gate! WTG mamma you are AWESOME :cool:.
Glad to hear your scar is healing nicely. My abs were very tender for about 1 year, I think maybe longer if I recall. I also remember the scar area being desensitized for a very long time -- you could touch it and I would not feel a thing :confused:. That's completely normal too.

Thanks for the pic love :).
As for the working out, I honestly feel guilty if I don't do it :rolleyes:. I know, I'm crazy :confused:. If I have "events" to go to, I always try to plan ahead of time when I can fit my workouts in. I think for me personally, I don't get much alone time, and so I feel like I need it to keep my sanity.
Have you been on bodybuilding.com? There is a fun quiz about figuring out what your "element" is: fire, earth, water, wood, metal, and what exercise plan would suit you for optimal results. Very interesting. Here is the link for everyone:
Bodybuilding.com - Break Through The Fear: Use Your Body Type To Train & Build A Better You!.
I think I'm fire, but I'm not sure.

Have a great day ladies!
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Afternoon ladies!

I just realized I forgot to check in yesterday! :eek: Yesterday I did Rapid Fire 2 (Susan Chung kickboxing). Today I did HC February Hardcore. Love that one! Tough stuff, but I love it! :eek:

After RF2 yesterday, I noticed my left ankle (the one I sprained in optometry school that gives me the most trouble) was talking to me last night and this morning. Actually, I even feel it in my heel a little. It occurs to me I've been doing a leeetle too much high impact lately. I've also been slacking on my post workout stretches (shame on me!). I'm going to try and be a good girl and stick to Cathe's LIS, kettlebells, weight training and HC until XTrain comes. This is going to be tough. It seems since Crossfire and To the Max came out I've been seriously addicted to them, not to mention all the new dvds I've just discovered! In fact, I was totally looking forward to doing To the Max on Saturday! :( I decided to put Afterburn on the calendar instead...hopefully I'm up for that! ;)

Marie- Great job on the workouts! What did you think of TTM? I always go back and forth on which one of those two are my favorite :eek:. It sounds like you've got B on a pretty good schedule. That's great! My girlfriend just had her baby today actually, a C-section too. She just texted me the pic this morning. :) They named her Sienna, such a pretty name!

Natty- awesome workout mix! :eek: I thought I was done with my Christmas shopping, but then I just realized last night a few more things I have to get. :( Fortunately, I put a nice dent in the wrapping of presents last night, which is actually my least favorite part (even after the chaos of shopping!).

Sarah- Great job on keeping up with the walking! XTrain will be just the boost to get you going again with the high intensity! :D I'm crossing my fingers it gets here before Christmas!

Have a great day ladies!
Just a quickie post!

Here is a pic of my pretty fish tank. You can only see the Red Wag Platy in the pic, but we have 9 fish in total now: 3 Danio, 3 Blue Guppies, 3 Platy. A labor of love for sure, but worth it! I love these little guys (and girls).


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ohhhh, pretty fish tank Natty! :D No workout today, so my post is pretty boring. I'm feeling pretty sad, too since reading online about the Connecticut school shooting. It happened at an elementary school and most of the damage was done in a kindergarten classroom. :( Makes me want to cuddle with my kids tonight and hold them tight. :(
Quick check in before Tony gets home. I told him I would be ready to go to dinner when he gets here and I'm in yoga pants and a t lol. CF today. That and TTM are amazing! Love them! Supercuts clip looks amazing! Can't wait to compare notes when we get those :) Went to Costco with a friend today. Stocked up on diapers, wipes, chicken, salmon and frozen veggies. Feeding B now :) My little man! I stood over his crib watching him sleep last night crying thinking of those poor children and their families. What is this world coming to when one should have to be afraid to send their children to school! It is just so so so sad!
Colleen~ Sorry to hear about your ankle! Congrats to your friend. I wish her a quick recovery! Natasha~ Great looking fish tank :) They are always so peaceful to look at. My scar is numb too. Such an odd feeling. Hoping that goes away soon. Oops better go! Tony just pulled in the driveway!
Hi everyone :)

Everyone here in Canada is pretty upset about the shooting :(. I hate even thinking about stuff like that. Death involving children bother me, that's why I give generously to children's charities. Even 1 child robbed of their life in the world is just too much to bare.

My workouts have been:

Thurs: This kickbox workout I found on youtube 10 Pound Slimdown Xtreme - Cardio Kickbox - YouTube. SO I'm very picky about kickbox, but man I loved this workout! My next fav after KPC :cool:.

Fri: off

Sat: was supposed to be my scheduled STS M3 Chest & Back. You know something, I'm not a fan of alternating between the two because you go from barbell chest presses to barbell rows, whichs mean you have to constantly take your barbell off the hooks and adjust the weight. Me no likey :confused:. And it's WAY TOO LONG UGH :mad:. I was a bad girl and downloaded Slow & Heavy Chest & Back :eek:. What a gem! I absolutely adore this concept! For the first time I saw my pec muscles quiver. It was a sight that made me happy, I gotta say :p. Now I want the entire series!
When Bella went to bed I did a 3 mile Leslie Walk. I love walking before bed. Doing strenuous cardio in the evening just wires me up and I don't want that. Getting my steps in is very important to me :).

I love looking at pics of your little man :). What a beauty he is :). Can you believe you made that? I'm still in awe that I made a human being.
Great job on getting back into your workouts!
Speaking of Cosco, Mark and I had a membership too when Bella was born. We have not renewed it, and were recently saying how we should get one again.
Hope you had a lovely dinner date ;).

Sorry to hear about your ankle :(. I notice that if I do a lot of high impact step, my right knee get's very angry :mad:. You know me, I could do step all the time, so I have to refrain myself. Anyway, I hope your ankle has been feeling better these past few days.
Thanks for the compliment on the fish tank :).

Jen & Sarah
Hello there :). Hope both you ladies are doing well.

Bye bye for now!
AB for me today. I needed something low impact. Too much high impact is never good.

Went to my friend's son's wrestling match this afternoon. He won all 3 matches. I got all teary. Man if I'm like that with my friend's kids I'm going to be a mess when B starts sports.

Lazy afternoon. B is sleeping on my chest.

Time to pump but I don't want to move him. Must increase my supply and get some freezer stores going before I have to go back to work.

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