Happy Saturday ladies!
I'm at work right now and squeezing this post in quick before we get inundated with patients...
Today is my rest day, but yesterday I was all over the place with my workout! First, I started Paul Katami's Burn and Build...and I actually did most of it but for some reason at the 48 minute mark, I just couldn't go on. Not that I wasn't winded and sweaty, but I suddenly felt bored with it. I've done that one quite a few times this year, so I may have burned out on that particular dvd. I may have to put it on the shelf for awhile until I start to miss it again

. I still wanted to do more, so I put in another kettlebell dvd and did a few rounds, then finished up with that 15-1 swing/burpee countdown thing I told you guys about before. I don't know what came over me yesterday that I felt so restless

I'm trying to work my way through some of my non-Cathe workouts since I know I won't be seeing them for awhile once XTrain is in my hands!

It's still hard to stay away from Cathe completely, though. Even when I'm actively trying to branch out, I still grab her stuff at least a few times a week.
Yesterday we also had Dylan's Karate belt testing!

My boy is officially a gold belt!

He did SOOOO well you guys! I was so incredibly proud of him!! He had his form down perfectly and didn't need any help from the instructors, whereas a few of the other kids really struggled. This mother's heart swelled.
Jen- Good luck on getting a second interview...do you know when you'll hear on that? I've always had this feeling the move to Texas was in the cards for you, though. I don't know why...it's just this feeling/intuition I've had ever since you mentioned it the first time.
Natty- CUTE picture of Bella and the baby! I love it!

Congrats on the DOMS, too! You know how much I love lower body DOMS, too

. Speaking of eating too much, lordy I've fallen off that particular wagon the last few weeks!

We hardly ever eat out, but in the last 10 days we've eaten out 3 times! Of course, when I eat out it's never healthy. I've been craving burgers and fries...and of course I indulged.

The sugar cookies have been my nemesis, too. I'm trying to limit it to one a day, but man that still adds up! The scale finally reflected my naughty behavior this morning...up 1 1/2 lbs. Time to rein it back in!
Sarah- I got a ton of stuff online this year, although I still got some stuff in the stores. I'm lucky since we aren't exchanging gifts amongst the adults...just the kids. It's a rule we decided on in the family many years ago. Usually when adults exchange gifts it's more stressful and you rarely get what you want anyway (at least in our families it's stressful). Everybody pretty much buys the things they truly want themselves throughout the year! Once in awhile Mark and I will exchange, but this year we decided the trip to Cancun is our present!
Marie- Hope to hear from you soon! I bet Christmas and the baby are keeping you suuuuuper busy!