We're In This Together **Nov 1st - Dec 31st**


I know it's not my holiday, but I will say that I am so very thankful for...

my daughter, family & friends, my home, nourishing and plentiful food, a healthy body and sound mind (ha, ha, most of the time ;)), love and being loved. I try to never to take these things for granted. I am a very lucky person.

Yesterday I did TBT LB.

BTW, can you believe we are having Black Friday sales over here?! We might go buy some more fish this w/e and cash-in on the deals lol :eek::D.

Hope you've been doing well! Happy Turkey Day to you and your family :).

Have a wonderful day ladies! Eat, drink and be merry ;)
Natty, thank you. Take advantage of the Black Friday deals. On the southeast side of MI, on Friday many of your fellow Canadians will be shopping in metro Detroit.
Hi all!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sorry I have been MIA lately. Busy but fun week with my sis and her 7 month old. We spent the weekend in Duluth with my mom. Had a great time.

Been going for walks daily Yesterday I went to the lake and walked 6- 12 minute miles. I was crusin'

My appt is next Thu and I should be getting cleared to workout! Super stoked!

I'll be back tomorrow to catch up on personals. I feel bad that time has just been getting away from me lately. I miss my forum buddies!

Love ya all!
Hello girls!

Yesterday I did Cathe's Hiit Pyramid (minus cool down) then the standing portion only of Butts and Guts. I wound up having Thanksgiving at my house. My mom was supposed to host it, but she wasn't feeling well I guess, so she called me on Tuesday to see if I would do it. I ran out and got a turkey and all the fixings. We usually have our Thanksgiving later, at around 5:00 pm, so I had plenty of time to workout, clean the house and prepare food. Unfortunately, mom didn't come but everybody else did, so that was good. Overall it was a success. :)

Today I did Kettlebell Kickboxing (Power) which is about 40 minutes long. Tomorrow I plan to take off. One more week and then I'm making myself take an Ellen/Yoga week! Hopefully by then we'll have XTrain...? :eek:

Darn it, they just handed me a file so no time for personals. Yep, I'm working on Black Friday :mad:. TTYL girls!
Hello ladies!

Hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving with lots of yummy food and good times with family & friends :).

Yesterday I did a youtube "bootcamp" cardio coming in at 33min. When reading the comments below, everyone was saying how hard it was, but looking at the clips myself I knew it would be a below steady-state cardio compared to Cathe :D. Yup, it was so easy! On a scale of 1-10, I give a generous 5. It was nice and fun though, great if you just want a nice little sweat going without killing yourself. Here it is, you guys are gonna love it!...or at least find it humorous :D.

Bootcamp Calorie Burn - Workout Video - ExerciseTV - YouTube

Great job on the walks! I think by the time Xtrain arrives, you might be able to jump right in with some of the workouts :eek:. How is your c-sec scar doing? I hope you are getting some rest too.

Glad the dinner at your house went well :).
Your w/o was banana's :eek::eek:. Are you in need of crutches today? ;).
Hello Friends.

Odd, it's Sunday already.

Marie-Sounds like you love spending time with your new love. Life changing.

Sarah-Please filll us in on your trip to Idaho.

Colleen-Time alone is important. Hope your Holiday was great.

Natty-The female speech was good although the expert was guilty of it too. But, worthwhile watching.

Interview in T minus 23 hours 10 minutes. Got some great advice. The position is to be a Financial Examiner for the State. The agency is self-sufficient and receives no funds from taxpayers. Other States have followed the model MI uses. Prayers appreciated. If all goes well, guesstimate start date would be Jan 2nd.
Hello my fellow fit gals :)

Yesterday's w/o was Intensity Step portion + 4DS High Intensity Step portion. Total time 65min or so.

Today's w/o was S&G in it's entirety. Ha, ha the workout has so many plank exercises :mad:. You guys know how much I love that :rolleyes:. Actually, I did not find it dreadful at all. I was able to do all the planks, even the walking ones with push-ups, to tempo. The ab & toning section is THE BOMB! I love how unique and effective that workout is, hitting the entire body from all angles.

Today we buy some new tropical fish! Finger's crossed they don't kick the bucket early.

Anyone do Black Friday shopping? I was looking at some youtube vids, and it's cccrraaaazzzyyy over there! I've never seen so many people have such disregard for human life! Talk about gluttony.

YOU ARE GONNA NAIL THAT INTERVIEW! FINGERS CROSSED! SO nice of Cathe to post on your FB timeline!

Have a great day!
Monday morning, no workout as usual. :) Yesterday I did To the Max and then October HC 101. This 101 HC used the ball, which I dreaded but decided to give it a go. It wasn't too bad, although I stabilized the ball against the step to avoid hurting myself! :eek: The only thing I couldn't do was those darn push ups on the ball, even with it stabilized for me. Just like the one-legged hamstring roll ins, I just don't see myself ever being able to do those! :confused:

Have I mentioned how much I love To the Max? :p I love the music in TTM and CF, too. I can't wait to hear what Cathe did in XTrain with the music, as it sounds like it will be similar. :D

Jen- Good luck on the interview today!!! I know you'll do great!

Natty- Good luck with the new fish! I know you've been frustrated with losing some that you got previously. Is it going any better now? For Dylan's birthday I bought him some sea monkeys. Have you ever heard of those? They are sort of like brine shrimp, I think. We have them starting to hatch up on our window sill. They are so itty bitty now you can barely see them. It's fun with the kids, though!
As for Black Friday shopping, Mark and I avoid it like the plague! We refuse to do any shopping amidst the frenzy. My sister and BIL, however, live for Black Friday. They were totally stoked and stayed up all night to shop while we watched my nephew :rolleyes:. Funny thing is, they spend tons of money on stuff they wouldn't have normally purchased...so all the money they claim to save get squandered on the totally unnecessary purchases!

Have a great day ladies!
Last edited:
Remember my mom and Bella killed my Sea Monkey's? :(:(. My fish will eat Brine Shrimp, so I should just buy them just so I can see them getting devoured :p. You know, who am I to mess with the Circle Of Life? ;). Anyway, the water levels and bacteria in my tank are perfect. We got blue metallic guppies to join our 3 Danio's. They are absolutely wonderful to watch! Very active and playful fish. My next tank will be a 100+ gallon so I can get some bigger, aggressive fish like African Cichilds. Right now I don't have the time or patience, but when Bella get's older I am thinking of making it a hobby.
BTW, YOU CAN do the 1 legged hamstring roll-in's. I can, so you can. You have to do them weekly. By the 4th week, you WILL be able to do them. I started out barely being able to do 2.

TTYL everyone!
Hello Friends.

The interview went well, my proof it went over by 18 minutes. My questions when they ask if you have questions turned into full blown discussions. My follow up thank you's were detailed plus I forwarded my Six Sigma project and acceptence letter for proof of business writing abilities. Long and crazy day. The whole week is like this.

Colleen-Those push ups on the ball are crazy plus the one legged hamstrings too. I agree. Although, I have tried the ball but my cats are around which makes it dangerous. I did go to Target on Black Friday about 10am to buy neccesities. Don't like the grocery section there.

Natty-Congrats on your guppies. Interesting step portion, I would never think to put those two together.

Time to wind down. Dealing with unemployment again and Sallie Mae for renewals, I knew it was coming.

Sarah, Rebekah, and Maria. Hope life is treating you well.
Good morning :):)

Yesterday was supposed to be a rest day, however I did not get out for my daily walk. I did Leslie's 2 mile walk + 20min of Yoga Relax. Total time 40min. You know what, I think they made a mistake naming the 2 Cathe Yoga's :confused:. I find Relax harder than Max. I love how it stretches my muscles and lengthens them. I feel sooo good doing Yoga in the evening :). It prepared me for bed and I got a nice sleep.

I'm so glad the interview went well. It's great you asked questions. Most people don't have the guts to do that.

Have a great day ladies! Keep on rockin' :cool:
Happy Tuesday girls! :)

Today I did Susan Chung's Rapid Fire 2 (Results). I really liked it!! I just got that one (plus, ahem, a few others at Total Fitness...hey she was having a Thanksgiving sale! :p). Rounds 1-4 were excellent with the punches and kicking. It sort of reminded me of Cathe's KPC and I enjoyed it at least as much. Round 5 was what she called "metabolic weights", and I wasn't loving that part so much. I didn't have time to do the ab/core section, but I may check that out tonight. She uses a medicine ball, which makes me excited. That sucker barely sees the light of day, so I get excited when I can dig it out and use it! lol

Natty- I'm so happy you are sticking with the yoga! That is so great, and your body will thank you long term! :) I always did think the titles for Yoga Max and Yoga Relax were a little wonky. I assumed Yoga Max would be a power yoga, but that really wasn't the case. I hate to admit this, but I wasn't loving Brenda in those workouts, especially YR. She has this habit of really rounding her shoulders forward, and it really distracted me for some reason.
I forgot about your Sea Monkeys! That's such a bummer, I remember now when they were killed. :( They are cute little suckers. :D Did you watch Walking Dead this week? If you haven't...I'll just say one word: Glenn. Holy crap! You'll know what I mean when you see it! :eek:

Jen- I'm so glad the interview went well!! Fingers crossed for you. :D

Happy Hump Day :)

Yesterday's w/o was 4DS Back & Chest (30min). Lots of push-ups! I was able to do all the sets of full/2 high-end partials (that's 1 set). There are about 10 sets of those, I believe. The next round of push-ups, which has low-ends partials, I can only do a few of those and then I have to drop down to my knee's. There are also decline push-ups and around-the-clock push-ups near the end, which by that point I have nothing left and have to drop down to my knee's.

I wanted to bring something up I read on the OD forum. There is this lady, fit44, she just posted about a fitness trainer Jamie Eason. Here is her website:

Bodybuilding.com - Jamie Eason's LiveFit Trainer - Bodybuilding.com

Apparently her philosophy is maximum heavy strength training with minimal cardio w/o's (preferably hiit) to lose body fat %. Of course, the clean eating is the most important for optimal results. Me being a big fan of weight training as opposed to cardio, I'm interested to see if there is any merit to this. I would never neglect my cardio though, but it's still interesting to read nonetheless. With Cathe's Xtrain: her heavy strength + hiit workouts, I might give it a try. The hardest part for me though, would be the reducing carbs. Even Cathe recommends Paleo, I just know it's not an eating lifestyle I can stick with forever.

*I just signed up to look at the phases and eating plan (it's free). Very interesting. I like the split weight training days w/hiit workouts. It sort of looks like the sample 2 Xtrain rotation I posted awhile back. The eating is very clean, but there are carbs from sweet potatoes, oatmeal, cream of wheat, quinoa, beans (I eat like that anway). So it's not Paleo as I thought it might be. Lots of egg whites, lean meats, veggies, which I already do. There is emphasis on measuring and calorie counting, which I know is essential. This might be helpful for me going into the winter months, as I become a little less active.*

I see an HC thread on OD calling your name ;).
Congrats on the new workout purchases too :D.
NO I have not seen TWD yet! Today hopefully since Mark is home early!

Sorry for the novel :eek:. Have a good day :)
Hello Guys. My trip was nice. The car trip with all those kids was good too. Amazing, I know.

I have walked the last 2 evenings and have cleaned up my diet nicely. I have another crazy week though :(. Although I did pig out yesterday, I got stressed with a moody daughter :mad:. You guys know that snack food Gardetto's? Well my favorite part was always the pieces of rye bread (whick was also what they had the least of in the bag). I found a special edition of the Gradetto's thats just the pieces of rye bread :eek: So I drowned my frustrations in those last night, but I still walked!

I hope you will be getting good news Jen.

I have looked into the Jamie Eason's also. I made those turkey muffin meatloaf things. I am not necessarily going to do her workouts, but am going to do the heavy weights, short high intensity cardio in Jan and will stick with it for at least 2 months, to see what happens. I havent had oatmeal for like 2 weeks :(:(. I know also that eating this way will not be a lifestyle. I just love my oatmeal and besides it good for you, right?

Evening ladies!

Check in today: Horizontal Conditioning volume 4. This is the infamous one, if you guys remember, where she has you do these crazy suicide push ups with your feet up on the ball. I was like: "AaaahhhhIIIII caaaaan't dooo iiittt!!!! As I wobble and grunt and curse unladylike words. :eek:. Other than that, I've pretty much got the rest of that workout nailed :p.

Sooo...I had a crazy stressed out few hours as I realized when I picked up the kids that I forgot dylan was supposed to go to karate early for a private session before he tests for his next belt. Whoops :eek:. It was pretty much downhill from there tonight. :confused: I'm officially blaming the full moon! :p. Now I'm sitting at lydia's dance class typing on my wee blackberry. I really really need to upgrade my phone!

I can't view previous posts so I'll be sure to post personals tomorrow. :)

ttyl girls!
Hi everyone :)

I did a real goodie yesterday :eek:. I would recommend this little mix & match if you want an excellent cardio LB workout :eek:.
Crossfire Circuit Blast (premix) + 4DS Legs (premix). Total time 65min. So the CF Circuit Blast has lots of plyo and leg work. It was only 30min but man was I huffing and puffing. 4DS is heavy leg work, although there are some leg lifts with an ankle weight and a short outer thigh band section. Both of these workouts I have are on DVD, so I did have to change disc after CF, but I needed the time anyway to bring my HR down.

Glad the trip went well and you are back home safe and sound :).
I won't be doing Jamie Eason's workouts either, I just thought it would be interesting to bring her concept into an Xtrain rotation. On her eating program you can have oatmeal and other carbs like sweet potatoes and beans. I thought she was Paleo, but it does not seem like that.

HC is all the craze here on the forum! No doubt her workouts looks amazingly tough. I have viewed them on youtube several times, and Sandra is no joke. I believe she is of Greek descent, as her last name and physical features look that way. Toronto has a huge Greek population. The restaurants are A+++ :p. Of course I had to bring food into this :rolleyes:.
You still have a Blackberry? You need to get into the world of iPhone's my friend :D. Ha, ha, I don't have one but every single relative of mine does. They are all Blackberry turned iPhone junkies.

Have a good day everyone :)
Hello Friends.

Thankful that it's Thursday.

Sarah-Gardettos are dangerous. Love the rye too. Your daughter knows which buttons to push, I did that to my Mom. Does she workout? Amazing on the trip with the kids. Blessing.

Colleen-Keeping up with the kids schedules are crazy. My youngest DB just got married to someone with 3 kids whom are involved in everything. Too much sometimes. Blame the full moon.

Natty-If you were huffing and puffing. No way. You are in MUCH better shape than me. Love your premix combos. Love Greek food. Detroit has a huge population too.

Update: My friend and I are doing well. He drives me crazy but I give it back too. Although, my interview went well after being coached by a former senior examiner, I am being realistic. I accept whatever the outcome. Plus, I have an interview on Monday for another company. Applied to a major big box home improvement store b/c of their reputation. I could keep my blog with it. The other two, might be difficult.
My former employee fired a longtime fave with members and with former mangement. I left what I told was a "cryptic" message to someone whom is still left there. Most of the "old school" staff is being forced out or fired. She's going to call me back tonight. Although, she did me wrong in the past on some stuff but it worked out fine, I feel I need to encourage her to update her resume and hit the pavement.
Big Christmas party Saturday night. Should be interesting. This is the party last year where all the women said they are no care about eating right or taking care of themselves since they (we) are near or over 50.
I'm happy it's Thursday, too Jen! :D

Today I did another Hiit/Lower body mish mosh. I decided to do Hiit 40/20 minus the cool down into Lower Body Blast (premix minus the cardio blasts). It ended up being a long workout this way, though. I had to stop LBB after the fire hydrant section of floor work if I had any hope of getting to work on time! Doing that, it came to about 65 minutes. I have such a hard time with floor work, not because it's so much harder, but because I can't be on my knees or all fours (knees go ouchie!). In fact, when she did fire hydrant I actually did a clam shell lying on my side with the blue firewalker. That felt pretty effective, actually! :D

40/20...oh my. After I read your post on OD Natty, I thought...oh the butt kicks, I can do those! Then I noticed you mentioned the speed Cathe does them...well I realized I've never actually looked at the screen when Cathe does those and I just follow her verbal cues. I looked up today and realized I was doing 1 butt kick to her 2! :eek: Humble pie, anyone? :eek: I also find myself modifying several moves by using some of the moves from TTM and CF. Like when she does the jump forward, side and tuck, instead I did the frog hop 3 times, jump onto step that Cathe does in TTM.

Natty- love your combo! I need to try that Circuit Blast premix. I just love all the premixes on CF! It's so versatile! That's funny you mentioned about the Greek population in Toronto. I actually had a good friend in optometry school from Toronto who was Greek. He was such a sweetie! One time I over heard him talking to his mom on the phone and he kept switching between English and Greek...oh so sexy! :eek: We were never a couple, but I'll admit to some flirting. ;) He tried to teach me a little Greek once, but since we were having some adult beverages at the time, let's just say the words didn't stick! LOL

Yes, I definitely need to move past the Blackberry! lol It's just a matter of going in there and doing it. I was actually eligible for a new phone last year and just never got to it.

I also wanted to chime in on the Jamie Eason and Hiit/strength idea. I totally agree that Hiit cardio with strength training yields the best results (at least for me). The strength training can be in the form of body weight (HC) or weights and I burned a lot more fat this year when I switched from steady state most of the time to Hiit. I still like to include steady state sometimes though (especially kickboxing), just for the fun of it. Also, I get pretty good results from kettlebells and aerotone/metabolic workouts too. It's crazy how what you eat effects everything, too. I know if I ate more like the Oxygen magazine way/Jamie Eason way I'd do even better with body fat. I do eat that way much of the time but it sure is hard with Mark and the kids. Usually my eating is immaculate for breakfast and lunch but when it comes to supper I just have to eat what everyone else is having. I can stay away from the sweets pretty easily, though, thank goodness.

Oh man, this post is getting long...better wrap up! Jen I'm sending out positive vibes for you on the interview. Do you know when you'll hear? So I'm not sure if I missed something...is the "friend" of the male persuasion? Hmm? ;)

Sarah- so glad the car trip went well!

TTYL later girls!
Good morning gals :)

Yesterday's w/o was very shoulder focused: TTM Core & UB + Tabata S&G + 4DS Shoulder's. Total time a sweaty 40min with warm-up. The TTM segment with the Tabata really worked my shoulder's in such a short period. By the time I got to 4DS, they were already fried!

On a non-fitness topic, Mark and I were talking about going to Cuba with Bella next year! Ideally I would like to do it before she starts school in September. I'm trying to get my aunt and uncle to come along so Mark and I can have another set of eyes to watch Bella if we want to go out for a day trip and have a few drinks ;). To go to Cuba and not immerse yourself with Cuba Libre or Mojitos would be such a sin ;).

I'm sorry Jen, which Male friend? The guy with the FB account?
I hope you have a fun time at the Xmas party. My mother would be in that bunch of ladies over 50 who have given up on themselves and life. She actually started that downward spiral when she had my sister at 40. It's great you take care of yourself. You should feel very proud and accomplished.

WTG on LBB after 40/20! You crazy nut you :eek:. I can never add anything before/after 40/20 as I am totally spent as s**t.
Ohhh, I liked your story about the Greek Man ;). It's a very hard language to pick up, even while sober ;). I find all accents very appealing actually. I'm surprised I married a good ol' Canadian boy as opposed to a British man ;).
Thanks for your thoughts on Jamie Eason and the weight training/hiit. I'm so happy you got great results that way! I know, what you eat affects your results profoundly. I'm also good at having clean days/meals and not so clean ones. If you look at the meal plan on Jamie Eason's website, it IS doable, but in reality who can eat 5 egg whites 3X/day for all eternity? No bread, no rice, no pasta. With a child and male in the house who loves those three food staples, it's hard to limit/eliminate some food.

Have a good day ladies :)

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