We're In This Together **Nov 1st - Dec 31st**

Quickie post but I'll be back tomorrow to catch up! :) Today I managed to do Muscle Max minus the core section and then put in 10 minute solution quick sculpt pilates where I did 2 of the sections (20 min total).

LOVE the pics Marie! :D

Be back tomorrow to write more! Got company right now...
CSS for me this morning. It's been awhile since I busted that one out.

Breakfast was eggs and grapefruit. My MIL came over the other day with a nice fruit basket...YUM!

DH and B are still sleeping so I have a little quiet time to myself. My little man is 2 months old today. Time flies!

Walking the mall with a friend today and then Tony and I will head back after he gets off work to finish up the Christmas shopping and get a picture of B with Santa :)

Natasha- Nice job on the workouts! love the variety :) Costco rules! You should definitely renew your membership. I love having a freezer full of frozen meat and veggies. Makes it so easy to whip up a quick dinner. It is so amazing that I made B. I do just sit there in awe sometimes thinking of it :)

Colleen- MM hmmm I have that one but I think I've probably only done it once. Thanks for mentioning it ;) Hope you had a nice time with your company!
Hi guys. I'm not feeling well today, not sure but I feel queezy :(

I am having a hard time with this shooting. Normally I am not that kind of person. I don't let to much get to me, yes every shooting is a tragedy and its very sad.

But this one is not leaving my mind, its different. I sit here with tears in my eyes writting to you guys. Every thing I see, read, or hear brings tears to my eyes. I cannot begin to imagine how those families feel. I feel guilty for not watching the news but when I do it makes me sick.

Today is my rest day. :) Muscle Max gives me such nice balanced DOMS. :D I get DOMS in my biceps and triceps, chest and back equally. I go lighter on the shoulders, though. I do substitute 3 moves in that one: with upright row I do rear delt flies figuring my posterior delts could use the extra work, with tricep bench dips I do the triangle push ups on my knees really shallow so I feel it in my triceps and not my shoulders like that time when I did HC and hurt my shoulder, and for the barbell pullover I use a heavy dumbell instead of the barbell.

I've been such a good girl and staying away from high impact like I promised myself. ;) Very tough...I keep eyeing Crossfire and To the Max :eek:. I think I'm going to try and give myself an extended break from high impact until the New Year and XTrain. My body could use it, I think. TBH, though, I wasn't having any trouble until I did Mike D.'s EBMC and Rapid Fire 2 last week. I think I pushed it a little too hard last Sunday doing both workouts of EBMC (70 full minutes :eek:) and then compounded it with RF2.

Marie- the more you pump (as well as drinking lots of extra water) the more milk you'll produce. There will be a little lag for the first few days and you won't get as much at first, but the stimulation of the pumping will make your body think baby is extra hungry and will ramp up production. It'll be kind of a pain making all that milk at first. I felt like a dairy cow for awhile! LOL It sure is handy having all that extra milk frozen, though. Especially once I started weaning, which btw was tough but I did it reaaalllllyyy slowly. I think I told you I breastfed the kids for 9 months and when I weaned I took a whole month before we were totally done. I just dropped one feeding a day for a week at a time before dropping another one. My SIL stopped breastfeeding completely one day! :eek: Talk about a drastic hormone shift messing with your emotions not to mention engorged, painful breasts! She was miserable! Slow is better ;). Lordy, sorry about my rambling on about breastfeeding. Once I start talking about it I can't seem to stop! LOL

Natty- I definitely hear ya on having to stop yourself from doing the workouts you want all the time. If I could, I'd do CF and TTM till the cows came home! Stupid body putting limits on me ;) (JK...I honor my body, etc etc. lol) I totally agree about the Meso 3 chest and back workout. OMG, that was the one that totally did me in on STS. I just couldn't go on. I think that was the only Cathe workout I ever actually dreaded.

Sarah- I feel the exact same way about the shooting. I was so down this weekend. I stopped watching news about it, and like you I've been feeling really guilty about that. Like somehow I'm not honoring the victims by willfully ignoring the coverage. I do think the media sensationalizes these things and then you get copycat killers who love the attention, but at the same time I feel like it's not fair to the fallen to look away from the pain. I'm so conflicted on this. :( It's so devastating and demoralizing, and I just hate feeling so powerless.

Better get back to work...TTYL
I was the last one that posted! Yikes! :confused:

Okay, quickie post here: today I finally did Afterburn. I put that sucker on my calendar three different times in the last two weeks and I kept changing my mind and doing a different workout! lol Felt good this morning. :)

Have a great day ladies!
Hello everyone :)

I put a nice dent in my Xmas shopping today. I finally p/u some wrapping paper, bows, and name tags. I'm one of those psycho's that actually enjoys wrapping gifts. I do a pretty damn good job at it too :p.

Yesterday's w/o was STS TB (lower body premix 20min) + STS M1 Bonus Leg Segments (15min x 2). Have I told you guys how much I love those STS bonus leg conditioning drills? For Disc 3, it's barre work w/firewalker and for Disc 9 it's ankle weights + firewalker (I think. Brain freeze :eek:). I see Cathe has included some of the same exercises in Xtrain :eek:.


WTG on kicking butt with Muscle Max and Afterburn in the same week :eek:. I love my weight training days. Cardio I dread often, but when I know I'm scheduled for weight-work, I go into my workout room all psyched and happy like a pig in s**t :D.
I did not see the last episode of Dexter yet, but I will be honest and say that I really disliked this season. It's sucked BIG TIME. I'm so disappointed :(.
I will not use a barbell for pull-overs anymore because of what happened to me in STS. I took Cathe's advice and did it with a dumbbell in S&H. It felt great and seemed to be the safer option for shoulder's.

Walking in the mall is an excellent way to lose post-partum lbs.
WTG on doing CSS! I'm impressed on what workouts you have been able to do. That's proof it pays to stay healthy & active during pregnancy.
I will renew my Cosco Membership. Mark has been going through so much egg white and meat since he started going to the gym :rolleyes::D.
Does Tony go to the gym?

I'm sorry you've been feeling sick :(. I understand how you feel, and you have every right to feel that way. Just because you didn't know those children, it does not mean you can't mourn for them.

Have a good evening ladies :)
LIC this morning! Love that one!

Dentist this afternoon. Gross! It was the first time I left B with a babysitter. It was my stepmom so it was fine but I was still anxious. Must get over that. More than anything I just missed him.

Wrapped some presents. Cleaned. Packed for Duluth. We are headed up there tomorrow until Sunday to spend time with family. Tony and I are having a date on Friday and going snowboarding. Can't wait!

Natasha- Tony does not go to the gym. He used to be on a roll but then just quit going. I know he will start up again sometime soon. He actually just talked about joining LA Fitness last night. That's awesome that Mark goes! Enjoy wrapping gifts huh? Come on over ;) Headed to watch clips now. Thanks for mentioning that!

Colleen- Thanks for the breastfeeding tips. I love talking that and baby stuff :) Makes sense about the flood of hormones that your SIL got. Good call on not quitting cold turkey. WTG on AB!

Sarah- Hope you're feeling better! I feel ya in the shooting. I still get teary and upset thinking about it. Horrible just horrible! Those poor families!
Can you believe it we finally got High Speed Internet! Look out, its a whole new world for me.

Marie -For some reason initially I thought you wouldnt be like that, as far as posting cute feetsie pics and santa pics. But it just goes to show you I was wrong, Im glad I was wrong because I love seeing them. I love looking at sweet babies that much. :D Nothing makes you feel more like a cow than pumping. I lifted my shirt one day to feed my daughters (not quite 1 1/2 years old at the time and had just found out I was pregnant) and they laughed at me. I dont remember ever feeling uncomfortable. I still think it was because I'm small chested. I also never leaked.:p It's really hard the first time your away from your baby. In a few years you might be like me asking for someone to give you a break.

Colleen - Your a trooper with your WO and your postings. 70 min the only time my wo was that long was for BM2, which I love. I too can talk about breastfeeding forever. So are you getting boxing gloves like Cathes? Are you going to end up having family over on Christmas?

Nat - I'm with you on the wrapping gifts. In fact I like it a little to much when I get in the right mood. I can spend 1 hour one 1 package between wrapping, bows, and tags. It's silly, I know (such a stay at home mom thing) :eek: I like to make sure everyone has at least one beautiful gift to open:eek:. Now that I wrote this down, I feel even more ridiculous:eek: Glad you made a huge dent in your shopping. Have you heard from Jen on FB? Yes, I have been watching the clips like a kid in a candy shop ;)


I like what I see, especially with the Low Impact Hiit cuz' you wanna know why? It resembles the Intensity low impact hiit portion!!!! I've also noticed Cathe utilizing some of the same best and effective weight training exercises from STS. This series looks like it will totally kick a** :eek:.

My workout yesterday was CF Triple Tabata + 4DS Shouder's, Bi's, & Tri's. Tip to myself: DO NOT do Triple Tabata and then proceed to weight work. I barely managed to eek out my reps :(. I felt weak and tired by that point. I might try to tack-on the Tabata's after weight work and see how that goes, but personally, the Tabata's drain all my energy and I have nothing left.

Today we go to Chuck E Cheese!

I love your baby pics! Keep them coming, he is gorgeous :).
Have fun in Duluth! I'm super jealous you are going snowboarding! Will this be your first time? That is SO a winter sport I would love to try!
Mark was the same way as Tony. Six months after Bella was born he stopped going to the gym. He wanted to spend 24/7 with her. Eventually I saw that he was cranky and miserable, and ragging on me when I wanted to do my exercises. I FORCED HIM to go back! Now he is happy again :rolleyes:.

Congrats on high speed internet! It's a different world for sure :D.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoys gift wrapping :eek:. I've always enjoyed it, even when I was a teenager.
I've seen Jen post on FB. I have not bothered her because I figured she is going through a hard time and wanted to be left alone. OTOH, maybe I should send her a message :confused:.

Have a great one ladies! 5 more days to go!
Hi ladies!

Well, yesterday was a marathon since I had the day off of work and the kids were at school. House to myself! I did the leg/cardio express premix of Athletic Training (30 minutes/minus cooldown) then STS disc 3 Meso 1 legs (minus warm up). All together about 80 minutes I think? It's funny because usually Afterburn and the cardio part of Athletic Training make me sweat like mad but for some reason this week they didn't seem as hard as before. Maybe it's because I've done so much Crossfire and To the Max my cardio capacity has increased?

Today I was going to do HC but the snowstorm/blizzard that we are enduring meant the kids had a snow day from school and their daycare was closed so I had to cancel my patients at work and stay home. Now Lydia says she wants to do "scoot scoot DIG" with me! lol She LOVES Crossfire and always wants me to do it with her. Of course, she doesn't last the whole workout ;). I wasn't going to do high impact this week, but my ankle is feeling pretty good...hmmm decisions decisions!

Sarah- I just can't help myself and do long workouts on my days off :eek:. Fortunately, I pretty consistently take 2 days off a week these days. I just can't manage 6 day workout weeks anymore with my schedule and I don't think I even want to actually. Most other days when I work I keep my workouts to 45-55 minutes but on my days off I just keep going :p. Whoo hoo on the high speed internet! :eek: I won't be getting those boxing gloves...actually Hard Strikes is the only XTrain workout I'm not totally excited about. I'm going to give it a try, but I may end up trading it on VF. I'm not sure if I can get over the huge pink gloves :eek:.

Marie- Have fun in Duluth! That is so great you guys go snowboarding. I'm such a bad northerner! There is not one snow activity I enjoy. I don't even like to go outside and make snowmen with the kids. Bad mama! :eek: I don't even own a decent pair of snowboots. lol LOVE the pics of Breckin!! Keep 'em coming, I enjoy every last one! :eek:

Natty- It's funny, because I love doing Hiit/tabata before my leg workouts lately but I absolutely can't do them before an upper body weight routine! My legs can take a lot, but my upper body is still such a struggle that when I do it I have to put all my energy into that first. I'm still such a baby when it comes to upper body DOMS, too. :eek: I am really looking forward to XTrain and the split weight routines. I am so going to do a full XTrain rotation! :D My plan is to follow Cathe's 3 month XTrain/LIS rotation but on days where she has AB, CSS or S&G I want to plug in an HC workout. My thinking is that those workouts have so many plank exercises that where ever she puts those I could potentially do an HC. We'll see. I'll probably do some tweaking here and there. So excited! Have fun at Chuck E Cheese!

I hope we hear from Jen soon...if you're reading this Jen I hope everything is going okay!

Have a great Thursday ladies!
Quick post...

I see so many negative feeling about Xtrain on Collage and VF :(:(. On Collage, someone had a lot of nasty things to say about Cathe :(. It kinda hurt my feelings to a certain extent, I don't know why :confused:. I seriously could never go on a forum where people where constantly bashing her like that. It's not even tastefully done, it's just plain rude :mad:.

BB tomorrow!
Hey Natty! I know what you mean about those negative posters. :mad: You've heard me vent about those people before! :rolleyes: Fortunately on VF at least, the trend has been way more positive lately than in the recent past regarding XTrain and Cathe in general. Unfortunately, you probably saw the thread on VF the last few days titled something like "collage clips on XTrain" and of course those negative nellies started chiming in. Lord, if you are really "over" Cathe or whatever why on earth did you preorder XTrain only to announce to everybody that you are cancelling?? Ugh. A great lady from my HC check in started a positive thread though today for those of us looking forward to it. :) For those looking forward to Xtrain, join us here! - Video Fitness Forum A few of those girls posting on that one are on the HC check in with me and they are incredibly positive sweet ladies who love a challenge! :D marmact is Marie (who started this thread) and momof10 is Cheryl who is that awesome lady in her fifties I told you guys about. I totally look up to that woman! :eek: :D
Hi Friends,

Yes, I've been reading your posts continually. Walked away from taxes and the nonprofit. I didn't pass the IRS exam but I didn't study either only by little. My heart isn't into it. No word yet from my big interview. Government moves slow. If I get an offer, I stay. If not, me and my cats are moving to TX.
In regards to haters on the other sites, I think some are planted especially if they have aliases. The constant negative energy reflects on them.
Have a Merry Christmas!
Happy End Of The World ladies! :rolleyes::rolleyes: Today is the day right? The 21st?

Yesterday's w/o was HR (lower body premix) + Low Max 20min. Love, Love, Love Low Max! I wish Cathe would make another step workout similar :(. Any step workout would get my pre-order in a heartbeat.

I've been reading a lot of articles from bodybuilding.com lately. Very informative and interesting -- even if of course you have no plans to be a bodybuilder :p. I've made several high protein recipes and they turned out very tasty.

Great marathon leg workout!!! I bet your tushy is feeling it today :eek:. How cute Lydia wants to workout with you :). I hope Bella is the same way when she get's older. Right now she has 0 interest in doing anything but play Little Big Planet 2 :confused:. She has discovered that she is very good at video games and that's all she wants to do :mad:. I've been forced to limit her time throughout the day. I don't want her to be one of those kids that is attached to the boob tube and never see's the light of day. I've bought a cool little sled for us to use when it snows, as we have a pretty steep hill on the outside of our building. I love winter activities :). I will also try to find some used skates so I can start teaching her early. If I was rich, I would have my own personal indoor skating rink :D.
The Collage forum was downright nasty! This one woman said Cathe was looking "bulky, manly, chubby around the middle" :confused:. Her post got flagged. How RUDE, really! And then I went to VF to see what everyone there was saying. I think people just want that shock factor and attention for some reason. Ok, you cancelled your order...AND???? Why come back 10X and tell everyone you did that???? :mad::mad:. Glad you found some buddies over there that you can relate to :).

Ugh, I just went over to the collage forum (I never usually go on there) and checked out what you were talking about Natty. Yuck. What a negative mean-spirited bunch! There was at least one poster I recognized from VF, and she drives me absolutely insane. She was apparently a big Cathe fan, then suddenly went all barre and Tracey Anderson...yet still comes onto the Cathe forum for some mysterious reason to post negativity towards Cathe's workouts...and she never misses a chance to jump on VF (and apparently Collage too) to let people know "that I'm so over Cathe" "moved on" blah blah blah. For Chrissake..let it go then!! :mad: And for the life of me, please explain why you still come on Cathe's site and click on her threads at VF and Collage????

I will say though that thankfully for VF, the threads have been way more positive (with the exception of that one that you saw recently Natty), and one thing that Wendy on VF (the administrator of the site) doesn't allow is for people to discuss, comment or otherwise rip on instructors bodies. It is simply not allowed and when people start to do it she comes on to warn people and if it continues she closes the thread. There is also a rule about no diet talk on the forum. Of course, sometimes the discussion starts to skirt the edges of that rule and even when the talk is vague it is CRAZY how heated diet talk gets! Very controversial, which is something I never really realized before.

Okay...vent over for the time being...;) No workout today but yesterday I did Crossfire. I know I know...I said no high impact until I got XTrain :eek:. I feel okay though, but I won't do anymore for at least one week! Cross my heart! LOL

Gotta run, patient waiting. :) TTYL girls!
Just taking a break from boarding. Having a blast :) Natasha~ Nope not my first time. T and I used to live in CO so we went snowboarding pretty much every day :) Loving all the clips on Collage. Thanks for mentioning that. Colleen~ Love that Lydia works out with you. Hoping to get B into it although T rolls his eyes when I say I should get him into Cathe ;) Sarah~ Yay for high speed :) Hope you're feeling better. Jen~ Fingers crossed for the job. Positive thoughts :) Alright time to eat some lunch and then back to the mountain...errr hill lol. Nothing compared to CO but still fun nonetheless. Oh forgot to mention I'm getting my mom into Cathe. We did AB this morning and she loved it.
Hello fit ones :)

Yesterday's w/o was a mix I did in the blender: HR & STS TB Chest & Back. I finished it off with TTM Solid Step + Step Tabata. The whole w/o came in at around 70min. I had the time and energy, so why not?

I'm sorry you have to go through all these ups & downs. HUGS!!! Hope you get some confirmation soon.

As far as that lady who likes to smack talk Cathe here and on her threads at VF and Collage, I think she just seeks attention TBH. Or maybe she is angry that she can no longer do Cathe w/o's and feels anger and resentment (with herself, not Cathe). Some people are just so darn negative and have no class. I appreciate an honest opinion, I have no problems giving them myself, but when you insult another human being's personal appearance that means you are most likely insecure.

Love the pic! Glad you are having a great time! I'm JEALOUS.
How wonderful of your mom to start doing Cathe :).

Have a good day everyone! It's snowy but very windy out today. Hopefully it calms down so Bella and I can go outside :).
Happy Christmas Eve & Merry Christmas if I don't post tomorrow :). Hope you and your families have a wonderful day. I hope Santa is kind to you ladies too ;).

No w/o for me Saturday. I spend a few hours without power in my building because of snow and wind knocking down a power line. I went for a little walk with Bella to the store to p/u some last minute things. It was a tad bit cold :rolleyes: but we dressed well and made it ok. Us Canadian's are built for this stuff :D.

Yesterday's w/o was MMA Fusion. I did it in the evening at 7:30pm. I think it was a half-hearted attempt TBH. I should have done a Leslie mile workout :(.

I got 3 more fish! An Algae Eater and 2 Neon Tetra's! My tank looks very lively and full of vibrant color :).

One more thing, I purchased a High Step to add to my collection of fitness goodies!!!!! It won't arrive until after Christmas, but oh well. Step-ups, HERE I COME!

Eat, drink & be merry :)

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