Today is my rest day.

Muscle Max gives me such nice balanced DOMS.

I get DOMS in my biceps and triceps, chest and back equally. I go lighter on the shoulders, though. I do substitute 3 moves in that one: with upright row I do rear delt flies figuring my posterior delts could use the extra work, with tricep bench dips I do the triangle push ups on my knees really shallow so I feel it in my triceps and not my shoulders like that time when I did HC and hurt my shoulder, and for the barbell pullover I use a heavy dumbell instead of the barbell.
I've been such a good girl and staying away from high impact like I promised myself.

Very tough...I keep eyeing Crossfire and To the Max

. I think I'm going to try and give myself an extended break from high impact until the New Year and XTrain. My body could use it, I think. TBH, though, I wasn't having any trouble until I did Mike D.'s EBMC and Rapid Fire 2 last week. I think I pushed it a little too hard last Sunday doing both workouts of EBMC (70 full minutes

) and then compounded it with RF2.
Marie- the more you pump (as well as drinking lots of extra water) the more milk you'll produce. There will be a little lag for the first few days and you won't get as much at first, but the stimulation of the pumping will make your body think baby is extra hungry and will ramp up production. It'll be kind of a pain making all that milk at first. I felt like a dairy cow for awhile! LOL It sure is handy having all that extra milk frozen, though. Especially once I started weaning, which btw was tough but I did it reaaalllllyyy slowly. I think I told you I breastfed the kids for 9 months and when I weaned I took a whole month before we were totally done. I just dropped one feeding a day for a week at a time before dropping another one. My SIL stopped breastfeeding completely one day!

Talk about a drastic hormone shift messing with your emotions not to mention engorged, painful breasts! She was miserable! Slow is better

. Lordy, sorry about my rambling on about breastfeeding. Once I start talking about it I can't seem to stop! LOL
Natty- I definitely hear ya on having to stop yourself from doing the workouts you want all the time. If I could, I'd do CF and TTM till the cows came home! Stupid body putting limits on me

(JK...I honor my body, etc etc. lol) I totally agree about the Meso 3 chest and back workout. OMG, that was the one that totally did me in on STS. I just couldn't go on. I think that was the only Cathe workout I ever actually dreaded.
Sarah- I feel the exact same way about the shooting. I was so down this weekend. I stopped watching news about it, and like you I've been feeling really guilty about that. Like somehow I'm not honoring the victims by willfully ignoring the coverage. I do think the media sensationalizes these things and then you get copycat killers who love the attention, but at the same time I feel like it's not fair to the fallen to look away from the pain. I'm so conflicted on this.

It's so devastating and demoralizing, and I just hate feeling so powerless.
Better get back to work...TTYL