We're in This Together (March 2013)

Well I was supposed to do back and chest today. B and I got up at 8, well actually 4 but we went back to bed ;) I had all good intentions of going to the basement. His exersaucer was all set up and I had my workout gear on. He was a bit fussy and I never like to start out a workout when he's like that. By the time he was calm the thought of doing over an hour of back and chest sounded like not so much fun. I skipped. Loser!

We had a play date with my friend and her baby who is 2 days older than B today. Tomorrow we have story time at the library with another friend and her 2 month old baby. I swear I have more of a social life now as compared to before B!

Sarah- That protein cake sounds amazing. I would love to see the recipe too. Nice job on CF. That is one tough workout. Sometimes I think that one is harder than TTM as well. More cardio!

Natty- Bella is such a doll I can hardly stand it. That pic on FB is so freakin' cute! What a love! Nice job on RS. I could imagine B wanting in the action eventually too. Usually I workout before he gets up but about once a week I put his exersaucer in the basement and he does pretty well in that. He is a pretty chill baby for sure. There was about a month when he was like 2 months that we thought he had colic. That was rough! I'm so undecided if I want another baby. I do because I loved being pregnant and want to experience that all again and I want B is have a sibling. Not that there is anything wrong with being an only child, as I know many and they are all great! I don't because of the financial part of it and I feel like one is easier, although with 2 they would entertain each other. Idk! Hard decision! I'm back and forth all the time.

Hi Colleen and Jen!
Hi everyone :)

Today's w/o was Plyo Legs W3. IMO all the Plyo Legs w/o's are harder than Cardio Leg Blast. Those 1 legged mountain climber's w/the jump at the top have me begging for mercy! And don't even get me started about the Rock Climber's! I did the majority of the exercises using my 25lbs, but once again my forearms can't hold the weight and they wanted to give out. I am seriously going to invest in those wrist straps!

Bella got her 4yr immunization today. She was such a champ! She cried a little, but all in all she did SO well. I am very proud of her :).

Thanks for the compliments on Bella :). She is such a good kid :).
I love hearing stories about women who have had great pregnancies. It's such a wonderful time, and you have every right to enjoy it. I was in a state of paranoia the entire time. Having had 7 miscarriages, the "innocence" of my pregnancy was ruined. That is also another reason why I am 99.9% sure Bella will be an only child. Every child is a miracle, but Bella really was my "miracle child", considering my odds of having her were so small. I feel complete with my family of 3 :). Mark and I would also be able to pay for her university/college education -- something that we were never given. If your heart wants another child, it will let you know.

Hope everyone has a good day :)
Afternoon ladies!

Today's workout was Afterburn. :D I haven't done this one in so long! I can proudly say I did the whole thing without pausing to catch my breath. In fact, there were several parts where Cathe is explaining the next move and I just dove in early knowing what was coming up! I'm tellin' ya, I owe it all to Horizontal Conditioning! :eek: :D

Natty- I am constantly being interrupted on the weekends with the kids coming in and out of the room! :rolleyes: Quite often, they will "work out" with me, especially Lydia. She always wants to copy mama! :p Luckily, most of what I do has basic choreography, though. If I was doing Rhythmic Step and had to really concentrate on the moves I'd be all kinds of cranky! As in "GET OUT!!!!" LOL
Love Plyo Legs! I swear, after doing Meso 2 legs I seriously thought about revisiting STS again. Maybe I'll have to sit down and figure out some kind of hybrid rotation with it. The leg workouts are da bomb!

Sarah- Oh Crossfire, I just love it so much! I'm going to do that warm up/firewalker tabata tomorrow + Lower Body Blast standing only (minus warm up). That should take me slightly over an hour. It works out perfectly using Crossfire that way because I really don't like the warm up to LBB very much (too much step stuff/impact). That recipe sounds delish!

Marie- I've totally done that where I get all set up and ready to work out and then lost my steam! It is SO hard when the kids are this age to get everything in. Trust me, once they are older than 4, it's a lot easier! :eek: They are still my little cuties, but way more independent which just makes things a little easier on mama ;). I'm really glad I had two kiddos, since it is so fun watching them play with each other. Dylan and Lydia get along so well and it's so great knowing they will have each other as they get older. I would say if you do think of having another child, do it sooner rather than later! It's so hard to go back to diapers and potty training once you are done with that stage! :eek:

Jen- The big day is getting closer and closer! Did you figure out what you were going to do with the kitties?

Time to skedaddle. Later girls!
Quick check-in for today. It's suppose to be No Tech Tuesday at our house and I'm not setting a good example by cheating. I am having really bad pain in my left knee. I took a walk last night and it was fine. This morning I went on a jog and after about 1 mile felt like it needed to pop so I stopped and walked on it. There was no pain so I continued and walked for another 4 miles. It was still fine. I came home and did some house work and went to the store. At the store it became increasingly painful. Its the outside divit on my left knee and I am icing it right now and feel like I need to take some Advil : (

Ugh! I had another sleepness night. I also started my period in the middle of the night. Why is it always in the middle of the night. I didn't take a walk last night my knee was just to painful. Plus it's been pouring here. I'm not even sure I'll do one today except when my dog looks at me with her puppy dog eyes. It's literally pouring side ways rain. That you would be soakes just going from the house to the car. I got the tire fixed yesterday and the roter is fine. Thank goodness, I feel very lucky. I iced my knee a bunch and it feels fine today. Weird. I did KPC this morning plus abs it was great. I do feel a little nervous about doing some leg weight training later today, so we will see.

Colleen - I am on my last week of my make shift rotation and think I will incorporate for next month 1 day of HC. I really like AB as well. I used to be able to do the whole thing, I'm a little afraid of it right now.

Nat - I am thinking I will add in X-train Legs WO to my new rotation if I can figure out how. So many things to incorporate so you have a well rounded routine but there is not enough time : ( So glad Bella did great for her shots. I was a very bad girl for mine. I not sure how I ended up having3 kids that like them.

Marie - I'm glad pregnancy was a good experience for you. For me NOT. I deserved it, I had romantized being pregnant before. I was sick as a dog. I gained all my weight after I had babies because I felt so much better and could actually keep food down.

Jen - Hopefully everything is going good and everybody is being supportive, because thats all you need in your life right now. Your doing great and almost to M day ; )

Sarah ( I just spilled my coffee all over the end table, floor, and wall. LOVELY)
Afternoon girls!

Drive by check in. Busy day today! :eek:

Today's workout was January Hardcore HC. I had planned to do this one tomorrow and actually had CF w/u + firewalker tabata/Lower Body Blast standing on the schedule today. I didn't realize my goof until we were at the 27 minute mark when Sandra started doing some leg/glute work. Whoops! :eek: I'll have to switch it on the calendar I guess!

Sarah- I'm so sorry about your knee. :( Take care!

Have a great one ladies!
Hi everyone!

Today I wanted to do a split UB workout that would allow me to incorporate the 100RC's lateral raises, all under 1hr. I chose STS M2 W4 C/S/T (43min) + 100RC's. OMG my UB is FRIED! What I absolutely love about STS W4 is that the workouts are short but super effective! For the chest exercises, you have push-ups (which get neglected in M2, making a comeback in W4) plus all the other goodies like barbell bench presses & fly's. Ok, so I ventured out of my comfort zone, and decided to try bench fly's with my 25lbs (I have this fear about using anything over 20lbs for fly's). I was able to do quite a bit with good form! I'm happy about that :D. What I also adore about M2 W4 is the drop sets in shoulder's and tri's :eek:. This disc is definitely a fav of mine. Ahhh, I love my weight training days :).


I'm so sorry to hear about your knee :(. And then you got your period and a crappy sleep to boot :mad:. When it rains, it pours. But I'm happy to hear that the roter on your car is fine. That would have really cost a pretty penny I'm assuming and messed up the car bad hun?
I meant to tell you about a terrific oatmeal recipe I tried! I made it last night and had it this morning. I heated it up in the microwave (I don't like cold oatmeal). OMG was it ever delish!
Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal

Congrats on nailing Afterburn with no breaks and no modifications! You are one strong momma :eek:.
I can't describe how much I love the STS leg workouts! They are absolutely perfect. Yesterday's Plyo Legs has given me serious CSOTT DOMS! One of these days I want to do STS Squat Rack. Since there is no way I can get up to 90% of my 1RM without a squat rack, I was thinking of taking a S&H approach. We shall see :eek:.

Have a good day!
I'm so disappointed in myself. I just can't get myself to do STS. Feeling guilty! I REALLY want to finish it but I'm just not motivated lately. Lots of snuggling with B lately. We went to storytime at the library with a friend and her baby yesterday. That was really fun! Reading, singing and playtime. B was super interested in the older babies. Super cute. Feeding now and then off to the grocery store.

Sarah- So sorry to hear about your knee! I like your no tech Tue idea. We have been trying to decrease our tech time lately too. I have a friend right now that is pregnant and so miserable. No fun! Good thing it always ends with the best gift ever :)

Natty- Way to rock out bench flys with 25's. Strong chica! So sorry to hear about your 7 miscarriages! That had to be so difficult. Bella really is a miracle child. You guys make a very cute family! Complete at 3 is right!

Colleen- Nice job on your workout today. I totally agree about having a the kids close in age. I think there would be less jealously from the first one after the second one is born too. I bet it is so fun to see the kids interact :)

Jen- I'm sure you're busy getting ready to move. It's getting closer! Excited for you :)
Hello Friends.

Happy Spring or Winter.

Marie. You might have burnout which happens to me when working out with the same type of exercise. It's been cold lately. Snowing here now.

Colleen. Great job on your workout. Me and my siblings are VERY close in age. 5 kids/less than 7 years.

Sarah. Hope your knee feels better. PMS is painful to me except when I eat really clean. Hard to walk dogs in the rain.

Natty. Sorry to read about your miscarriages. I had one. Difficult to understand why. Bella is a miracle babygirl. Your workouts inspire me.

Yesterday was closure at my former employer. Had a heart-to-heart with my HR person/friend. Plus, accounting supervisor whom I always got along with. They were stunned to hear that anytime anyone leaves, I hear about it by email or by phone by a member or former employee. Also, they were amazed of my job interviews. Financial Examiner. I think they're sorta grateful that I wouldn't be there reviewing all of the credit union's financials and giving them my score.
Last night, I decided to go to an network event from a group hybrid of Shifting Gears and Earn. First person, I spoke with, her Dad and her brother lived in the town I'm moving too. Shocked by a statement from someone I knew it started out like "So you're moving to Texas JUST BECAUSE you can't find work." My response was it's way more than that. Really. Her opinion doesn't matter.
This weekend, a birthday party then 2 send off parties next week. Will spend time with my Mom first few days in April.
My cats are flying cargo. They will be taking ginger to calm their nerves the last week we're here. Shocked that dog from NY ended up in Ireland instead of Phoenix. It wasn't 45 degrees F either.
My postings for the next few weeks will be sporadic. Flight date is April 8th, flight time is 6:45 EST and landing in DFW is 8:45AM CST. Lord-willing, be at apt. by 10AM. Moving van stuff/car gets picked up April 3/4. UPS shipment goes out on April 5th. Because of my phone, I can take messages on FB or here. Basically, land, get car, sign lease, unload stuff for cats, my stuff, grocery shop and eat.
Hello girls!

If you saw my post in OD about the firewalker tabata, you may already know my workout today! :D I started out with Crossfire w/u + firewalker tabata, then Lower Body Blast (minus w/u, standing portion only). Then I finished up with 100 rep hip thrust challenge (barbell loaded with 40 lbs). I wore my 8 lb vest during LBB and went heavier than Cathe on a lot of the moves. Come to think of it, I wish I had worn my vest during the firewalker tabata! :eek: Oh, I'm totally doing that next time! I gotta say I'm feeling really strong this week! :)

Well, there is one sure sign that spring should be here...our store just got it's shipment of Easter Lily's yesterday. Of course, unfortunately I'm allergic to them! Since I got to work today my throat is all scratchy and my nose is running like a leaky faucet! :eek: I took some Claritin about an hour ago and it seems to be helping some. I hate allergies!

Jen- I can't believe that lady was surprised that you would move do to lack of job opportunities. :rolleyes: I mean, that's a pretty important facet of life and many people relocate for that reason! I sure hope the kitties take the flight well. It'll be over with before they know it! :)

Marie- don't feel guilty about STS! Well, if you feel guilty than I'll have to. hehe ;) I totally get like that when I try to stick to one program for awhile. I'm such a variety junkie! STS was the only program I could stick with as long as I did, actually! I really hope Cathe does an updated version of STS someday with shorter workouts! :eek: Cathe is the only instructor I can stick with! :D

Natty- Oh I like how you broke down that Meso 2 workout! I loved Meso 2. I plan to incorporate a few of those in April. I only have the first two weeks of April laid out so far, but I'm going to try and alternate weeks where I do 1 day of HC with 1 day of Meso 1 (back/triceps) and then the next week do 1 day of HC with 1 day of Meso 2 (back/biceps). My shoulders and chest get worked pretty hard with HC, plus my kettlebell workouts have lots of shoulder presses in them so hopefully that will make for a well rounded month. My weeks will look something like this:
Sun: lower body
Mon: rest
Wed: cardio
Thurs: Meso 1 or Meso 2 disc mentioned above
Fri: rest
Saturday: kettlebell (cardio intensive/swing heavy) and/or yoga

Of course, I reserve the right to change my mind and move things around! lol :eek:
What do you think?

Dang, gotta run. Hi Sarah!!!
Today I was feeling drained. But I got in and made myself do Circuit Blast. I have never done that one before and had it sitting out since Nat had mentioned it being one of her top picks. So I previewed it, and it looked fun. I did it, and I loved it. Very fun and goes by super fast. Thanks Nat!

I made Colleen's Sweet potato chicken chili last night so I would have lunches for the weekend. It's so good. I used Kale instead of the spinach because I prefer Kale over spinach cooked.

I did take Sam the dog on a very speedy 2 mile walk last night and got soaked to the bone, so I will be taking tonight off. My weight has gone up, this is the problem with the scale. But I can't deny I feel better and look better. So I will ignore the scale for a few days.

Jen - I can't believe people are questioning your decisions after all you have gone through. Positive thoughts going out to you to counter act that lady.

Nat - I love pumpkin pie oatmeal. I just love oatmeal but I am in complete agreement with you on the cold stuff. It's not the same. 25lbs Flys, yippee. Good for you.

Marie - Don't be disappointed in yourself, if your not feeling it. I would rather do a WO at 110% feeling every bit of it and putting forth everything. Than push myself into doing a WO that is just okay and maybe only doing it @ 75%. With Meso 3, I think, you have to have your weight selection right on and be able to have the time to focus on every single rep in order to get everything out of it. I did make it through but it wasn't my favorite and my weights were wrong because I had to deal with the barbell (no turbo tower) and that takes a lot out of you.

Ummm I thought spring was supposed to start today? Well April Fools Day came early this year cuz' it's friggin' snowing here!!! :mad::mad::mad:

So Bella is sick :(. Not sure if it was from the infested doctors office :rolleyes: or the immunization she got. Could also be from the Baptism since she hung out with so many kids. Anyway, she's had a fever all day, did not eat anything, and passed out on the couch at 6:30pm. I brought her to bed and she's been sleeping ever since. Poor kid :(.

I downloaded All Step & Step Intervals from CTX today :p:D. They are so cheap at $5.97, so I figured why not treat myself to some new steppie's ;). I tried the All Step and it was so much fun! Complex but not too tricky. Has my name written all over it :D.

I completely understand why you have no motivation to do M3. I have lots of gripes about that Meso, although I DO like it. For one, the workouts are too long! Secondly, I think to properly lift 80-90% 1RM, you really need a spotter (or risk injuries). Thirdly, for someone with pr-existing back conditions (like myself) it was utterly impossible to do the back exercises without putting strain. That's why I had to leave it behind :(. Don't feel bad, take your rest, enjoy B, love life, move on. YOLO = that's the motto ;).

I can't believe that woman put you down for moving "just because" you couldn't find work! Obviously she shouldn't say anything because she's NOT in your shoes, living YOUR life. Just let it go :rolleyes:.
I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriage also :(. Most 1st trimester ones go virtually unexplained. Most commonly it's a chromosomal error -- not able to develop normally. I am a lucky 1% of the world population (yes world) to have 4 or more consecutive. That's how "rare" my case is. But you know what, I'm so much stronger because of it! And the end result was worth it :).

WTG on doing Circuit Blast even though you initially didn't want to do it! Regarding the scale weight, you have been doing a lot of weight training lately right? And you ARE taking it up a few notches in intensity. Just hold off weighing for a bit -- it could be water retention in your muscles.
Hey, do you watch The Dog Whisperer?! OMG that dude is amazing! Since I've been watching it, I'm convinced a dog WILL NEVER be in my future!

Your workout today was awesome! WTG on beating Cathe #'s in LBB :eek:.
I really like the look of your rotation. I can see why you don't need to include chest or shoulder weight-work since you have HC. I can imagine the type of workout you get with those :eek:.

Have a good evening ladies ;)
Hello Friends.

Is it Friday yet?

Colleen. Great workout today! Bummer on the allergies thing. Hope you're feeling better soon. Spring should've been here last week.

Sarah. Hate scales. Muscle weighs more than fat. Good for you to workout when you didn't feel like it. Will have to cook when I get into our new place and try that chili.

Natty. Dr offices and hospitals are not for the healthy. Worst place to get sick besides classrooms. Hope she feels better soon. Good for you on the downloads. Can't seem to get those for some reason. Weather here is supposed to start improving.

Got a call from my sister's company as a rejection for a job in Texas. She hinted that I may not have had enough call center experience but customer service is what I have. But, she encouraged me to keep applying. I think since I won't be down there after the 1st of April. So, I will broaden my jobs since I have social media, finance, accounting plus CSR. Posted for a job tonight for a well-known travel website for online content editor. Although, I lacked the "required education and mim time experience," I let them know about my blog and my passion for writing. Then, found a friend who knows VP of HR there.
About the woman. Yes, I let it go cause I'm following my heart and trusting my gut. I was a little stunned she even mentioned it. Honestly, I don't think she expected my comeback but just to accept her intelligence as being supreme. Yeah right. Not.

Have a great day, everyone!
My niece came up to stay with my mom last night, so we all three went to Zumba. Its been a long time since I've done that. It was fun. I got up this morning and did Ride and Yoga Relax premix.

Nat - I'm sorry Bella is sick. Hopefully all that sleep will have her feeling better in no time. We had a solid sheet of ice on the car yesterday and today. I love the dog whisperer. I used to watch all the time but not so much anymore. Caesar is on my list ; ), I think he's a cutie. Dogs are great for companionship, but only if you have the patients and time to train them properly. I will never be without a dog except for short periods. I love them and what they bring to the table for me.

Jen - Thank goodness it's Friday. I am so ready for this weekend. The girls will be gone both Friday and Sat. for sleepovers. I will enjoy the break but I am sure I will pay the price all next week with tired cranky kids. I will have TJ but hes really easy going.

Colleen- I love Lily's but they are almost to strong. You can also try taking the Stamen or Anthers off ( the little things that have the pollen) and seeing if that doesn't help a little.

Marie - Hello, you still going do Plyo Legs, right. I love those.

Thanks so much for the b-day wishes :). I had not planned on the entire forum knowing about my b-day :eek:.

Oh and happy (crappy) b-day it was :(. Bella was so sick yesterday -- fever, vomiting, and diarrhea all day. My aunt came over (she usually comes on Friday's anyway) and of course that made me stressed out cuz' everyone is apparently a doctor when a child is sick :rolleyes:. She was trying to force Bella to eat all day. I don't know about you, but when I'm sick to that extent, I have absolutely 0 appetite. Why should a child be any different? The one thing I did want her to do was drink a lot of fluids and take her Advil for the fever. Bella ended up eating a bit of chicken soup and some bread, so I was happy about that (just to shut my aunt up :mad:). I love her dearly, but Italians like to force children to eat, and I DESPISE THAT! But wait, it's not over. My sister ends up coming over after school, which means my mother has to come over after work. Knowing my child is sick, she brings over McDonalds! Ya, like that's gonna make her all better :rolleyes:. And then she tells Bella that she's "too skinny" and needs to eat. Well at that point, I totally flipped my lid :mad:. Say what you must to me, but you best NOT talk about my child's weight. Especially to her! I put Bella to bed early and then did a 3 Mile Leslie Walk. Had it been earlier, and if I had a punching bag handy (and my gloves which I ordered from Amazon like 1 month ago and still haven't arrived :mad::confused:), I would have boxed instead.

Today I'm going out to visit the new Target (ALONE while Bella stays home with Mark) and then head out to the sporting goods store to buy myself a new pair of runners. I deserve it damn it!!!!!!

BBL for personals!
Have fun alone time, Nat. I'm sorry your birthday sucked. Not because Bella was sick but because you had to deal with all the other garbage on top of Bella. Poor girl hopefully she's feeling better today.

Yesterday since I got all my cleaning done early after I did my morning WOs I also did some MelissaBender fitness circuits. It was 6 different exercises that you repeat for 3 sets. Then I did the first Tabata from Tabatasize. I was to tired to continue so I watched the rest of it, to be prepared for next time : )

Today I slept like 10 hours. So I was running late, and did intervals on the treadmill. 50 sec work/ 10 sec rest at for 10 intervals, then 30 sec higher work with 15 sec. rest for 5. I would also like to fit in a UB WO. But only time will tell.

Circuit Blast for me this AM. Loved it! First time for that one. So back in the groove now that's I'm not stressing about Meso 3. I do plan on doing Plyo Legs still those. Those get the DOMS going real good

Working now. Missing my boys of course! My mom and stepdad are in town watching B this weekend. It's my mom's bday on Tue so we are going to Olive Garden tonight to celebrate. Hello carbs :/

Natty- So sorry about poor Bella! Poor lil lady! I can't believe your mom...bringing her McDonalds. WTH! That alone would make her sick. And I agree...never talk about a child's weight! Enjoy your alone time. Target will make everything better ;) It always does for me!

Sarah- Nice job on your workout. I had to smile at the thought of you watching the end of the workout. I had a C-section and wasn't able to workout for 6 weeks. I was dying so one day I took B down to the basement with me and sat in my workout area watching Cathe.

Jen- Sorry about the rejection call. I'm totally with you though on following your heart. You made a good move!

Colleen- Awesome idea to wear your vest during tabatas next time. That will get the DOMS real good. I'm totally a variety junkie too. Really a bit nervous that I won't be able to stick with the 90 day XTrain rotation but I'm gonna try my best.
Quick check-in during my morning break....

BBL for personals :)

Athletic Step and Core 2 this morning for me. Wow did I have the glycogen stores for that. I went all out at Olive Garden last night. I went in thinking I would just get soup and salad but then there was an hour wait and I was famished by the time we ordered. Everyone was getting the 2 for $25 deal and so I figured why not. I had salad, cheese ziti (holy YUM- I love pasta but don't have it too often) and then my mom and I split chocolate cake. Amazing!

Off at 3:30 and Tony gets home by 6 so family night tonight for us :)

Have a good Sunday everyone!
Hey everybody! Ninja check in here. I just finished Cardio Leg Blast and now I'm gonna go back and do one of the HC 101's. I have the house to myself for a bit so I want to get this in before they get back!

D'oh! I just realized I haven't checked in since Thursday! :eek: Whoops! My workout on Friday was To the Max extreme premix and then a little Gentle Yoga from UY. Gentle Yoga was like an extra long, stretchy cool down. :D I had the day off Friday so I had all that time. Then Saturday I had to work so no workout.

Gotta run...but I'll try to get back for personals. If not today for sure tomorrow! :eek:

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