Hi everyone
It looks like I could not escape the wrath of the stomach flu
. Thankfully it only hit me for a few hours on Sunday night. No workout for me yesterday. I felt really tired and took that as a sign my body needed the break from exercise. Plus, my entire back and bi's are super DOMS'ing from my M2 workout
. Did I mention TTOTM is on the horizon? When it rains, it pours
Today my cousin came over and we took an awesome 1 1/2hr walk with Bella around the neighborhood. I'm trying to get Bella accustomed to the route we will take when she starts school (we will be walking the majority of the time when the weather is nice).
LOL I love it when I get w/o ADD
. I had that last week during my Leslie walk. I started out with Leslie, and then decided I wasn't really into it
so I popped in JM's BFBM. I did about 15min of that, and then realized I just wasn't into that either
Congrats on the parent/teacher conferences going well! Dylan and Lydia seem like such great kids
. I have a feeling Bella will need prescription glasses like me
. Hopefully she takes after Mark instead!
How you ended up doing CLB with a 8lbs vest amazes me! I bought a 20lbs vest last year, but I rarely use it
Thanks for encouraging me to get UY
I'm absolutely addicted to the Dog Whisperer now! I love how he works so hard with the Red Zone cases. Initially, I have always wanted a dog, but then I realized they
really need tons of work. I want to be able to train them properly, be active with them, offer them my undivided attention and love. Perhaps when Bella get's older (much, much older!). I can see why you have surrounded yourself with dogs all your life
I'm sorry to hear your knee was in pain on your jog
. I hope it is not an ongoing problem for you
I think you are doing a great job mixing-up your w/o's! All those 100RC's had me
. I honestly believe that weight-loss has more to do with diet than exercise. I would much rather cut my calories a bit than kill myself working out (especially with cardio UGH
). The one think I DO strongly believe in is walking as much as possible. Have you decided if you want to do STS again? I'm going back/forth on the idea myself.
Thanks for the tip about Zumba. I won't be getting it
How cool and nice of all your family/friends to have send-off parties for you! I think that once you are settled and moved in TX, everything will start to come together.
I've always been a sucker for a cowboy
. When you happen to meet a gentlemen, you MUST come back and report to us
Thanks for the b-day wish btw
Hope you are having a good day