~*~We're In This Together~*~ (June-Sept)

Justina- Good luck on your test! :D

Sarah- I always need a vacation from my vacation when I get back. ;) It's not actually the kids that stress me out as much as Mark! lol He's a much bigger baby. :cool:

Jen- I hope your new position is going well and we hear more from you soon! Are you getting any Cathe workouts in?

Natty- Oh, Denise Austin...that girl's voice is SOOO annoying! :eek: I just can't stand an instructor who is too perky. Drives me bananas! Kelly is indeed down to earth and someone I'd love to meet in real life...just like Sandra and Cathe! :D

Nancy- How are you liking Storm of Swords? I am slowly working my way through the latest book. I keep using it as a way to calm down at night and get sleepy so I only get about 3-4 pages in at a time before I zonk out. lol I'm on of those people who actually enjoys a long workout, too...if I have the time! When I'm crunched for time, that actually stresses me out! I am so glad I have such a variety of workouts that I can do everything from a 10 minute workout to 75 minutes if I want! :p That's how I justify buying new workouts all the time....I need that kind of variety!

Marie- Give B a big smooch for me! :eek:

Have a great day girls!
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Yesterday I managed to get in 25 minutes of Circuit Blast + Core #1 of of X-train. I felt like I was gonna die. In my case if I don't use it I loose it, even after 2 weeks.

Justina - Funny that you mentioned the O'keefes stuff, I was just at a sporting goods store and saw that and thought maybe I should try it. I didn't end up getting it I thought I should use up what I already had which is a Burt's Bees foot creme that is no good. Thanks for the recommendation I will pick some up ASAP.

Colleen - Men are babies and that is why my husband only goes on one with me a year. I just don't want to deal with him too ; )

Hello fab ladies :)

I've been feeling a little "off" lately with regards to my exercise program :(. I really want to work on my overall strength, and I think I'm going about the wrong way :confused:.. I still want to do my KCM Olympic Lifts and Paul K's Burn & Build...but not sure if I want to deviate from hypertrophy training to strength based (Nia Shank's program). I might have to re-evaluate my fitness goals.

My w/o today was KCM Split Session UB. My w/o yesterday was a 2hr outing with Bella at the park + STS M1 Legs (NO DOMS today :(). TBH, I have not had any real good DOMS after I finished BB :(.

BBL for personals!
I've decided that next week I will start Nia's program (3 total body w/o's focusing on the big compound lifts and body weight exercises like push-ups and chin-ups). I will be adding KCM LIFT/Burn & Build (rotating each week), plus 1 hiit workout/week. This will put me on a 5 days/week exercise rotation. I'm really excited because I have never really done anything like this before! Once again I will venture out of my comfort zone and see what my body and mind is capable of! Wish me luck :eek:.

Have you watched Orange Is The New Black?! It's a Netflix original. One of the best shows I have seen in a long time! WATCH IT :eek:
Great job on your w/o's btw! As usual :eek:;)

I hope your house hunting visit to Alaska goes well! It looks so beautiful there.
I understand what you mean about trips not being "relaxing" with kids :rolleyes:. I find that even an outing at the park with Bella can be stressful :rolleyes:. I don't know how you do it with 3 kids! Kuddos to you :).

Fingers and toes crossed that your exam goes well! You go this ;).
Paul Katami is a KB instructor/trainer. You really can't compare him to Cathe because she does not use KB's. The w/o I have of his is 70min long! But let's be honest here :D I probably won't ever do the full 70min w/o :p. You should check his stuff out on Collage Video -- he is a cutie :eek:;).

Gotta jet to the park! Have a good day :cool:
Quickie post...I am SO sorry for these short posts. :eek: I will definitely write more tomorrow!

Yesterday I did STS disc 11 (back and triceps). I must have REALLY pushed the weights because my back and tri's have some serious DOMS today! :eek: I'm not sure I can recall ever being so sore in those two areas before! Yowza! I think Travis Eliot and a little Ultimate Yogi is calling my name for tomorrow. ;)

Today, I was slotted for STS disc 12, but decided since I was forced to do that one last week (due to the scratched disc 9) that I would do LBB instead. So, my workout ended up being: Crossfire (premix-fitness blast + firewalker tabata) and then Lower Body Blast (standing section only, minus w/u). I did all of LBB with my weighted vest on and 16.5 lbs in it. Each bar weights 1.5 lbs, hence the odd weight there. I even did the cardio blasts with it! It was all good up until the box jumps...the vest wasn't quite tight enough to prevent some movement when I jumped up on the step and then back down for plyo jacks. I made it through...although I think next time I'll try to modify.

Have a great night ladies!
I wonder if Natty and I are having a weird Aries time? I have also felt a little off. Because of that, I've had this week as a "recovery week" and am abstaining from heavy weight work. It really hit me on Monday when my calves were screaming from the moment I got up (I had done Gym Style Legs on Sunday!)...I could barely walk and decided that I needed the night off :(. My workout schedule kind of fell apart after that. I only had time for the express premix of Afterburn on Tuesday and NO time for anything last night :rolleyes:. Tonight I have a business dinner thing so that's another blank spot on my calendar (I might try to squeeze a walk in sometime;)). I plan on doing Tabatacise on Friday and Supercuts on Saturday. I'll start the rotation I was supposed to be doing on Monday:

STS Total Body
XTRAIN Tabatacise + Core 1
LIS Afterburn
STS Total Body
XTRAIN All Out Low Impact HiiT + Core 1
XTRAIN Supercuts

I have been very busy at work and have only had time to quickly read your posts and dash off again! Next week will be busy as well, but I am hoping to have more of a presence here on our little check-in!
Hope everyone is doing well...Justina, you are in my thoughts :)!!!
Hello ladies!

Today I did Ultimate Yogi: Detox. :) I was badly in need of some yoga. I've been skipping it the past month or so and my body is not happy about it! I was so sore yesterday in the back and tri's...thank goodness it's better today! I'm still pretty stiff, though. I think the reason I get whiney with upper body DOMS is because it reminds me of whenever I get the flu. I always feel achy in the neck, traps, mid back...even bi's/arms will feel sore when I'm coming down with influenza. So weird!

Speaking of the flu...I'm feeling the Hormonal Flu due to TTOTM. :( I'm usually pretty good for the week before my period because I use that progesterone cream (I think I mentioned about that awhile back?). You have to stop using it the week of your period, though, so every time I have to stop I just know I'm in for a couple of days of misery until Aunt Flo actually visits. This has been a particularly crappy couple of days though! :rolleyes: UGH...sometimes it just sucks being a woman, I swear! :confused:

Natty- I haven't seen that show on Netflix, but I did read about it somewhere. I will have to check it out! I need to find some new tv show obsessions now that Dexter and Breaking Bad are coming to an end. :eek: I'm so excited for you starting Nia's program! I'll bet you'll kill it! :D

Nancy- It seems we're all feeling off here lately! ;) You're not alone, that's for sure! I wonder if the crazy fluctuating weather is contributing, too? Of course, it can't be because I'm getting older, right???? :p We definitely need those recovery weeks, though! I'm due for my break from STS this next week, and then the week after we are going on vacation for 4 days so Meso 2 will have to be pushed off an additional week. I think it'll be good though...being on vacation always forces me to totally rest up from exercise. It's too hard to abstain when I'm at home and my videos are calling to me from my bedroom! :eek:

Sarah- Thanks for mentioning Circuit Blast! That made me decide to put it on my schedule next week for my week off of STS. :) I'm going to try and stick to less intense circuits next week than what I normally do, and actually CB will be the most intense thing I do...but at least it's short at just 44 minutes. I'm also planning on Supercuts, Travel Fit and one I just got: Michelle Dozois Body Fit 360. I'm excited to try that last one...it's gotten great reviews on VF.

Actually, Marie you should check that one out! Michelle Dozois Body Fit 360 DVD It's sort of dancey/pilates/yoga blend (I've been told) but still with a decent amount of intensity (more than Ellen Barret). A lot of Cathletes on VF have been raving about it and saying it's not like anything else they have. I'm excited to try it!

Waving HI to Jen and Justina! Have a great day ladies!
Okay, I'm off too. Yesterday I started hiit 30/30 after putting it off all day and did the warm-up and then turned it off. I never do that! I have been walking since getting back so thats something. Today I did Hoco vol 3, in and out but I was still moving.

Nat - I wish I could start another rotation for the month, after I get back from Alaska, while the hubby is still up there, before we move. I am thinking I shall start looking through 1 month cathe rotations.

Nancy - For me, STS Total Body is tough, really tough. I get super sore and achey after doing that and can only manage to do it for a couple of weeks before absolutely dreading it. Good luck to you!

Colleen- I can't wait for menopause! I started my mine 7 days early while I was a Prineville camping with nothing, LOL. I felt like a kid coming unprepared. Luckily I camped with other women. But still between walking around in a bathing suit all day, using a chemical toilet , and in & out of the water. I was constantly worried.

Hi Justina and Marie

Hello everyone :)

My w/o today was a Jessica Smith 40min walk/jog intervals (it's pretty tough!) + a visit to Bella's school and back (45min total there/back). I did the same walk yesterday, which was my rest day (no other w/o besides the walk). I want to get her accustomed to the route we will be taking and get her comfortable with the atmosphere of the school and it's surroundings. There are 2 playgrounds at the school, so I let her play at the park while there. In August, we have our official "meet & greet" with the teacher. This is happening WAY too fast!

The Nia Shank's program I will be doing is from Beautiful Bad A$$: Beautiful Badass with GetDPD » Nia Shanks. Initially I had bought her 15 week Muscle Sculpting Program, and was going to do that, but received an email this week offering the other program (which has TONS of rotations/options) for only $10 for a limited time! I could not pass up the opportunity! Why I was drawn to this program is because there are 19 ROTATIONS :eek: and most of the exercises can be done at home, as opposed to the gym. There are also detailed video demonstrations of all the exercises, and appropriate substitutions if you are unable to perform a certain exercise. I'm starting out with the Beginner Program, which is very basic. I'm craving simplicity in my w/o's these days. My main goal is to get really good and strong with the basic compound lifts. There are no isolation exercises in these programs. NONE. But I can chose to add 10min of them (Nia calls them "beach work finishers") at the end of the w/o. So ya, that's what I will be doing for the next 2 months :eek:.

Do you have a foam roller? :eek: I just bought one and HOLY COW! It hurts SO good. I was amazed at how many pops and cracks my upper back had while using it. Definitely amazing for DOMS and all those tight muscles!
I'm sorry to hear about your crappy TTOTM :(. It's funny because some months are worse than others for me :confused:. I've never heard of using progesterone cream for PMS. I know they prescribed it for me while I was pregnant to prevent (or try to prevent :rolleyes:) a miscarriage. Ya, it didn't work :confused:.

I'm sorry to hear about your "off" time :(. Must be an Aries astrology alignment within the moon and stars :D. I think the most important thing is listening to your body. FYI in Nia's manual, it says that woman over 40 can truly benefit from alternating periods of heavy lifting with periods of light lifting. She even includes a rotation for it! So you ARE doing the right thing!

Sorry to hear about your "off" time as well. Our check-in is so powerful it can even sync all of our emotions together ;). How are the kids enjoying the summer vacation? Or most importantly, how are YOU enjoying them at home? LOL ;).

Have a great evening ladies :)
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Just doing a drive by check in to say hi. Just hanging out with B. He's taking a bath and splashing around! He absolutely loves the water. No fear in that kid. He has his 9 month checkup today at 2:30. I always get excited for those. That's the excitement of my day lol! Tony's off today too so we will be going for a family walk later :)

Have a great day everyone!
Nat- several months ago I wrote to Nia and asked what program she would recommend and she replied with BBA. I definantly have this on my to do list when I get settled or possibly next spring. The link you posted on chin-ups was good. I believe I have been going about them the wrong way.

Yesterday was just a walk and lots of work around the house.

Marie- I loved bath time, it also makes great picture time. I can't believe 9 months already : 0

Hope everyone is having a great weekend :cool:

My w/o yesterday was KCM LIFT (Olympic lifts). I'm getting more comfortable with exercises (clean & jerk, overhead press into split stance, ect). I'm amazed at how my whole body get's such an incredible w/o in such a short amount of time! Not only that, but the moves are very powerful and empowering. I love Kelly's personality in this w/o as well. At one point she says "if you feel like you can go jogging on these breaks, then you have to increase the weight! You should NEED this break". No kidding!

I also did some myofascial release with my new foam roller: 20 Min Foam Rolling Workout - HASfit Foam Roller Exercises Self Myofascial Release Stretch Exercise - YouTube. OMG it hurts like hell! At one point while getting into the piriformis muscle (in the glutes), I wanted to literally cry. Who would have thought a piece of foam could be so effective?

I decided to do Nia's program because I feel like I needed a break from the whole "bodybuilding splits" thing. I love the idea of working the entire body with compound exercises, focusing on strength instead.
Don't feel bad about not exercising with DVD's or a rotation. You are doing enough while getting ready to move! I really do hope everything goes well for you and your family :).

I can't believe B is 9mos already! Get ready for a really exciting time -- WALKING! Bella started at 10mos that little bugger. It was so funny to see this little baby walking around :). How did the check up go? Did B get an immunization?

Bye bye for now ladies :)
Hello Friends,
My new schedule is Monday thru Thursday 830am-730pm with Fridays off. Yahoo! Hope to go per FT with no occurrences and good performance (latter one is the big one) by September. My goal is to start working out again by September. Fortunately, I walk a lot at work plus I've been eating better although the food here is awesome. Start my schedule tomorrow.
Bummed that I missed Cathe's Road trip but it falls on my family reunion weekend it seems like always but no money this year. With the move, it would seem too crazy.
Hope y'all have a blessed week from north Texas.
Hi everyone!

I passed the exam!!!! :D Yippei!!!!
I took it on Friday and I passed! I was shocked when I received the result. I thought the test was difficult. It felt great to finally accomplish this goal. I started preparing for this 6 months ago.

The first thing I did after I got home was to update my resume and put it out there on LinkedIn and other job searching sits. I don't hate my job but I'm open to a change. :)

Now I can shift my focus on a possible job change, back to working out full force and spending more time with the kids. I took the kids to Catch Air on Sunday. The kids had a great time! I was happy that I was able to do take them somewhere. This past weekend I did whatever I wanted to do. No more studying for awhile!

This past week I didn't work out much. I came home from work and hit the books. Looks like everyone is keeping up with the fitness routine. :)

My plan for the week is GS. I'm looking forward to it. :)

Have a great day everyone!

That's me! I totally tanked on workouts for a week!!!!:eek:
I have to admit, I think I needed the mental break as well as the physical break. I did some walking, some reading, some housework, and relaxed! I organized my binders of rotations, washed my stability ball and mat, and gave myself a good pep talk this morning to get myself back into the groove ;)!
Tonight I'll start out the week with STS Total Body. I haven't done that one in a while, so I'll probably be a bit sore tomorrow unless I am diligent with the foam roller! OMG Natty! Can you believe the pain??? I especially love the IT Band rolls :rolleyes:. I think that one in particular is what trained me for trying to hold myself up with my finger tips. The pain does eventually subside, but you really must use that roller often or you'll be right back at ground zero. I believe the foam roller is what really helped me be able to hike for 8-10 hours a day without my knees killing me from all the declines on our big hiking trip. I travel with an 18" version, but I'm thinking of buying one of those sticks with handles...you can pop those right into your backpack!

Justina, welcome back to your life!!! I bet you are aching to get back to aching :p!!!! Gym Styles should be just the thing to bring you back to reality! I was SO SORE after GS Legs the last time! My poor spindly calves just rebelled and wouldn't let me do anything else the next day!

Colleen, I am SO LOVING the Song of Ice & Fire series! I just finished "Storm of Swords" (GASP!!!! OMG!!!! WTH!!!!) and started "A Feast for Crows" on Saturday. It was a perfect day to stay inside and read...lots of rain! My DH picked up the 2nd season of GOT from the library and we had a marathon from Friday night through Saturday late afternoon. It deviated from the books a bit, but I still enjoyed it! I don't have cable and will have to wait until February to see season 3, but by then I'll be done with the books and won't have anything spoiled!

Well, I am really itchin' to get to STS TB, but I still have to finish up a few more hours here at work and stop at the grocery store before I get home! I've already warned DH that I'll be "in the zone" and not to interupt ;)!

Hope everyone has a great start to their week! WAHOOOOOO!!!!:D
Hello ladies :)

My w/o yesterday was a 3 mile indoor walk + D1 of Nia Shank's beginner program from BBA. Very simplistic format: 5x6R Deadlifts, 5x6R chin-ups super-set w/5X6R barbell military press, 3X planks (as long as possible). Nia say's that I have to get out of the "fatigue" mindset -- not leaving the workout in a pool of sweat wanting to die. I'm supposed to finish the w/o's feeling refreshed, wanted to do more. Yup, I actually wanted to do more! I ended up fiddling around w/my foam roller :D. OMG that thing hurts sooo damn good :eek:. Regarding the deadlifts, I'm doing the version where you pull the bar off the ground. I don't have much experience with that version, so I'm trying to get the form right.

Did I tell you guys that I got a really good deal on a pull-up tower/dip station! Since doing unassisted pull-ups is a goal of mine, I feel as though I really needed this piece of equipment. Can't wait until it arrives! Right now I'm subbing inverted rows on my TT with my feel elevated on a high step.

Congratulations! I KNEW you were gonna kick butt and take names :eek:. So happy for ya :).
What is Catch Air? Glad you were able to finally spend some quality time with the kiddies :).

Good for you to take a break! In Nia's program, she calls it a "deload week". I found some interesting info regarding how Nia feels women over 40yrs old should train. Remember that this is her training protocol for her clients, not everyone's (obviously :rolleyes:). She says that women over 40yrs old could benefit from having a longer warm-up prior to exercise, not doing any form of high impact, alternating weeks of heavy weights w/lighter weights. Just some things to consider :).

Gotta scoot! Have an awesome day ladies :)
Last night was a butt-kicker! I really love STS TB, but it does leave me worn out! I had to back down on the weight for the one arm row (I really don't know where the prescribed weight came from..way too heavy for 16 reps :eek:!), but other than that I pushed through! Tonight will Tabatacise + Core #1.

Natty, your w/o sounds great! I love the basic foundation building concept! Your references to Nia Shanks got me thinking...I know I signed up for her newsletter but I haven't received anything in a while...upon further investigation I discovered that her emails have been getting blocked by my work computer dudes. So, with their blessing I'm back in the loop! First thing on my tackle list is trying to do those inverted rows on my TT. They sent straps with it so I might as well give it a try, right? I'm also hoping that my DH might get intrigued by it...I think he'd enjoy other BW exercises to add to his running/push-up/sit-up routine. Nia's tips for over-40y/o women make sense. I can't work out first thing in the morning anymore because I just feel that I can get warmed up enough! I prefer to limit my "air" time these days too! I don't mind impact moves, in fact I really need them, but my tuck jumps are more like air jumps and my air jacks have become plyo jacks ;)! I don't do box jumps, I just step up now. I also HAVE to foam roll after a workout. It is mandatory. I really like mixing the weights up with heavy to light weeks, too. It all comes together to keep me mobile and energetic! I love the direction Cathe's newer workouts have taken and I can see myself growing along with her and the crew in our advancing years :D. I am anticipating the new w/os more and more every day!
Hello ladies!

This weekend was super busy! :eek: Friday night we hung out with our neighbors and had lots of fun just talking, playing pool and having a few drinks. Then Saturday I had some of my work people over. We didn't end up having a campfire since it was SO cold and started to rain, so we retreated to the garage and hung out...more drinks, pool and chatting! :p

I didn't manage to work out Friday or Saturday. On Sunday, I doubled up and did Supercuts (minus c/d) and then STS disc 10 (chest, shoulders and biceps). I was slotted to do STS on Saturday, hence the double header. ;) I was a hurtin' unit in the chest yesterday! lol I forced myself to do all the push ups, and even did 7 of the 8 push up/sit up combos in Supercuts! I will admit to collapsing and going to my knees during many of the STS push ups, though. :eek:

Yesterday was another rest day, and then today I did that Michelle Dozois BodyFit 360 workout. It was definitely different! It was sort of dancey with some yoga inspired moves, but also pretty fast paced in some parts. I'm pretty sure I looked about as graceful as an elephant. :eek: It will take a few tries with this one to get the choreography down!

Have any of you guys read the Hunger Games books or watched the first movie? I LOVED the books and liked the first movie. However, the second movie is looking phenomenal!!! I just watched this trailer from comic-con:
The Hunger Games:Catching Fire-Official Trailer #2 (HD) Comic-Con 2013 - YouTube
One word: GOOSEBUMPS! :eek:

Justina- Congratulations on passing the exam! :D What a relief to be able to put that behind you, I bet!

I love the direction Cathe's newer workouts have taken and I can see myself growing along with her and the crew in our advancing years . I am anticipating the new w/os more and more every day!
I just had to quote you because we are SOOO on the same page there! :eek: I feel exactly the same way about Cathe's newer workouts! I love that I am just slightly younger than her so I get to benefit from her workouts as she gets older. I always felt like her older workouts had, not just high impact that was too hard on me, but the type of high impact used back then...just something about those older workouts didn't agree with my joints. Yet, I can do CF, TTM, Tabatacise, etc. just fine! I still have to limit the high impact to twice a week though (unless it's just a little sprinkled into a mostly low impact workout). The thing about needing a nice long warm up is also VERY important to this 40 year old body! :eek: I've also always enjoyed alternating endurance workouts with heavier lifting, and now it makes sense why. :)

Natty- Have fun with the new pull up station! :D We went for a long two mile walk with the kids last night and stopped at a playground with monkey bars. I thought of you as I tried to do a pull up (was a no-go with my crazy chest DOMS! :eek:). I did manage one chin up, though! :p Foam rolling...oh it hurts so good! :eek: I finally got Mark on that bandwagon and it has made a world of difference with his low back pain! :)

Hi Jen, Sarah and Marie! TTYL girls!
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Hi everyone!

I passed the exam!!!! :D Yippei!!!!
I took it on Friday and I passed! I was shocked when I received the result. I thought the test was difficult. It felt great to finally accomplish this goal. I started preparing for this 6 months ago.


WAY TO GO!!! So excited for you! Congrats :)

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