~*~We're In This Together~*~ (June-Sept)

Hello ladies!

My w/o for the day:

1) 5x6R squats

2) 5x6R parellel bar dips superset w/
5x6R barbell rows

3) 50R barbell glute bridges (not thrusts)

Today I really pushed myself with the squats at 75lbs. I'm trying to go below parallel, so getting back up by the 6th rep is KILLER :eek:. My heart pounds in my chest, and I think it partially has to do with excitement (as well as being physically hard) because I'm getting up in the higher #'s now. I have decided to do this program for ONE FULL YEAR and really get good at it! My goal is to do all the prescribed reps/sets with no assistance bands. I also want my squats and deads to exceed 150lbs, so there is that goal as well. I'm also amazed at how my back, neck, shoulder's feel (pain free!). Next on my list of goodies: a squat rack and a heavier KB :eek:.

WTG on getting in your w/o! I will probably buy Party Rockin' #1 sometime in the future cuz' I still enjoy complex step :).

Have a great w/e ladies!
Natty- You for sure need PRS1. You would LOVE it :) I love your new workout goals! That's so great that are so into lifting. I envy that!
Yesterday, I bought my IKEA for my apartment. Change in supervisors this week from worst to best. Furniture comes Sunday morning. Will post pics on FB

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