~*~We're In This Together~*~ (June-Sept)

Hello Friends,
My new schedule is Monday thru Thursday 830am-730pm with Fridays off. Yahoo! Hope to go per FT with no occurrences and good performance (latter one is the big one) by September. My goal is to start working out again by September. Fortunately, I walk a lot at work plus I've been eating better although the food here is awesome. Start my schedule tomorrow.
Bummed that I missed Cathe's Road trip but it falls on my family reunion weekend it seems like always but no money this year. With the move, it would seem too crazy.
Hope y'all have a blessed week from north Texas.

Sounds like a great new schedule. Long days but Fridays off is great!

I'm bummed I missed the road trip too. I'm hoping to go next year. I'm just not sure of I want to be away from B that long though. I sure did have a blast at the 2011 one! Great memories!
Hello ladies :)

My w/o yesterday was a 3 mile indoor walk + D1 of Nia Shank's beginner program from BBA. Very simplistic format: 5x6R Deadlifts, 5x6R chin-ups super-set w/5X6R barbell military press, 3X planks (as long as possible). Nia say's that I have to get out of the "fatigue" mindset -- not leaving the workout in a pool of sweat wanting to die. I'm supposed to finish the w/o's feeling refreshed, wanted to do more. Yup, I actually wanted to do more! I ended up fiddling around w/my foam roller :D. OMG that thing hurts sooo damn good :eek:. Regarding the deadlifts, I'm doing the version where you pull the bar off the ground. I don't have much experience with that version, so I'm trying to get the form right.

Did I tell you guys that I got a really good deal on a pull-up tower/dip station! Since doing unassisted pull-ups is a goal of mine, I feel as though I really needed this piece of equipment. Can't wait until it arrives! Right now I'm subbing inverted rows on my TT with my feel elevated on a high step.

Gotta scoot! Have an awesome day ladies :)

Interesting mindset she has but I like it. WTG on your workouts!

I have a feeling you'll be doing pull-ups in no time! You're so strong already!
Last night was a butt-kicker! I really love STS TB, but it does leave me worn out! I had to back down on the weight for the one arm row (I really don't know where the prescribed weight came from..way too heavy for 16 reps :eek:!), but other than that I pushed through! Tonight will Tabatacise + Core #1.


Way to get back in the groove! That always feels good :)
Hello ladies!

This weekend was super busy! :eek: Friday night we hung out with our neighbors and had lots of fun just talking, playing pool and having a few drinks. Then Saturday I had some of my work people over. We didn't end up having a campfire since it was SO cold and started to rain, so we retreated to the garage and hung out...more drinks, pool and chatting! :p

I didn't manage to work out Friday or Saturday. On Sunday, I doubled up and did Supercuts (minus c/d) and then STS disc 10 (chest, shoulders and biceps). I was slotted to do STS on Saturday, hence the double header. ;) I was a hurtin' unit in the chest yesterday! lol I forced myself to do all the push ups, and even did 7 of the 8 push up/sit up combos in Supercuts! I will admit to collapsing and going to my knees during many of the STS push ups, though. :eek:

Yesterday was another rest day, and then today I did that Michelle Dozois BodyFit 360 workout. It was definitely different! It was sort of dancey with some yoga inspired moves, but also pretty fast paced in some parts. I'm pretty sure I looked about as graceful as an elephant. :eek: It will take a few tries with this one to get the choreography down!

Have any of you guys read the Hunger Games books or watched the first movie? I LOVED the books and liked the first movie. However, the second movie is looking phenomenal!!! I just watched this trailer from comic-con:
The Hunger Games:Catching Fire-Official Trailer #2 (HD) Comic-Con 2013 - YouTube
One word: GOOSEBUMPS! :eek:

Hi Jen, Sarah and Marie! TTYL girls!

Another workout to add to my wishlist. Sounds like just my style! Thanks :)

I LOVED the movie. Can't wait for the next one. I had no clue there was a second one coming out.

Cold and rain...yup sounds about right. It's been like fall around here lately.
Natty- That's too cute that she started walking at 10 months. I have a feeling B is going to be the same way. He is standing, walking along furniture and bouncing up and down. Little man :)

The appt went great thanks :) He weighs 18lb 11oz- 17%. Length is 27.5 in- 14%. Head is 18.5 in- 90%...lots of brains :) No immunizations at this one thank goodness. I actually think it's more painful for me than him lol. Speaking of pain, little dude has been biting while breastfeeding lately. I'm super bummed because I just love breastfeeding and don't want to stop but for now I have just been pumping and then giving bottles. I've told him no and then stopped him from going back to the boob. He gets upset of course but bleeding nipples are no fun for me. He is teething so I'm sure that's why he is biting me and everything else in sight. I've tried giving him a cold teething ring before feeding and that doesn't help either. I'm not giving up though so for now I'll just be pumping and giving bottles. Figure I'll try that for a week and then try the boob again. If any moms have any other suggestions let me know.

Alright off to bed. I work early tomorrow.
Hello ladies :)

My w/o yesterday was a 40min walk outside + 20min of this kickbox vid from the Jessica Smith youtube channel: Kickboxing, Free Workout Video: Kickboxing for Weight Loss - Full 15-Minute Fat Burning Workout - YouTube. It was really fun!

I got my chin-up tower! Hopefully this w/e Mark will be able to put it together :eek:. I can't wait to try it out!

Ok, so I did something that I hopefully won't regret. Upon careful consideration, I decided to cancel my pre-order for Cathe's newest. TBH, the new w/o's don't really appeal to me :(. The only one that I'm really interested in is the step w/o, but I can always buy that one as an individual download later on. But I look forward to hearing all of your experiences with them tho!

Glad to hear B's appoint went well. I feel so bad about B biting on your nipples :(. Bleeding nipples are no fun that's for sure :mad:. I think you made the best decision for YOU, so try not to feel bad.

I hope you end up get Nia's body weight program! Working with a PDF file takes a bit of getting used to, but now I love it! I use Songza playlists, an online countdown timer, and my worksheets to log my weight #'s and rep #'s.
I hope you enjoy Cathe's newest! I think you'll have them in your hands very soon :eek:.

I have never read the Hunger Games trilogy, but I DID watch the first movie a few weeks ago. It was pretty good! Look forward to the new movie :eek:.
Congrats on the chin-up! That's really great :).

Have a great one ladies :cool:
So Long July!!!! :cool:
Decided to ease into this week and only did 3 segments from Tabatacise last night. Tonight will be Afterburn, which seems an appropriate way to usher out July :rolleyes:!

My forearms are still really sore from Monday's STS TB. I was fatiguing holding my heavy weights for squats and deadlifts. I haven't really felt it this bad since last year doing the STS series. Odd. I don't want to use my vest for these moves because I NEED my arms to get stronger! I have this little squeezie sheep that someone gave me...like a stress ball but stiffer (and looks like a sheep!)...and I've been workin' away on him for a few weeks...need to build that forearm strength! I've also been rolling them on a tennis ball on my desk to work out the ouchie! I'm always looking for things I can use as a foam roller! I have the ball mainly for my foot, but I use it on my pecs and between my back and the wall too (feels SOOOOOO good)! Way back when my now 33 year old nephew was about 3 years old, I'd have him roll me with a little wooden car on my back and legs....he thought it was hysterical and I thought it was heaven:p!

Natty, you'll probably be chinning away by the time you read this post! So curious to see how the band helps with the assisted chins! Does the tower have a set of dip handles too? I used to love to do dips! I would love to have a chin/dip station! I actually can understand why you decided against the new Cathe workouts. I went back and forth with it because I feel I have enough workouts to choose from, but the next thing I knew I was pre-ordering :eek:! The first step is admitting I have a problem :p!
Oh, something I've been wanting to ask you: what do you think of the little "snap" that Nia does on her deadlifts at the end of the move? Cathe always stresses a smooth lift with no hyper-extension....It confuses me because it looks jerky....?????? Your thoughts?

Colleen, I find it so odd that I can't do Hard Strikes, but I can do Tabatacise with minimal modifications! For some reason, Hard Strikes really makes my foot pain flare up! I have what I thought was PF, but I'm pretty sure it's trigger points in my soleus...anyway, last year I was doing CF and TTM Extreme premixes along with STS Plyo and I think I overdid it and didn't stretch out my calves enough. The pain became unbearable for a while, but has been slowly fading away. I have VERY slowly incorporated impact back in. I am very lucky that I don't have joint pain...but this foot thing really bums me out. I was quite an avid hiker and had to take a break from it for over a year now. I've been gradually getting back to it, but I really suffer for while afterward :(.

Justina, how is Gym Styles treating you?????

Marie, what are you doing workout-wise? I can't think of any exercise specifically designed to toughen up nipples ;)...if anyone knows of one it would be Natty; she is very well informed! Your little guy is so adorable...I know you can't really hold it against him!

Okay ladies! Hope everyone really kicks butt on this last day in July! Grip 'em and rip 'em!!!!:D
Hello ladies!

No workout today. :eek: I had Travel Fit on the schedule but I decided to move it to Saturday, which I initially had planned as my second rest day this week. I had to get to work earlier than usual today for a conference call. Of course, I could have gotten up at 5:30 instead of 6:30 to squeeze it in but it just didn't happen! lol Somehow, even getting up at 6:25 seems like a huge hurdle for me to jump over! :eek: Tomorrow I'm planning on Circuit Blast! Thanks for reminding me about that one, Sarah! :D

Nancy- OMG, I am the same way with Hard Strikes! It's those *&%#$ jumping jacks, I swear! :rolleyes: I LOATHE traditional jumping jacks. They make everything on me hurt...my feet, knees, hips...you name it. They just do not work with my anatomy. Not to mention the embarrassing little pelvic floor issue I get with them. :eek: Give me plyo jacks or even air jacks any day and I'm just fine! Can you tell I traded Hard Strikes on VF right away? hehe ITA about stretching the calves. I neglected that for soooo long, but it makes a world of difference when it comes to foot and knee issues actually.

Natty- I totally understand why you cancelled your preorder. I noticed you've taken a totally different direction in your workouts this year and that is great! Sometimes our interests just change. Who knows, maybe you'll circle back around to the Cathe style stuff in the future? In the meantime, nothing wrong with freeing up some of that cash now! ;) I, on the other hand, can NOT wait until I have those new workouts in my hot little hands! lol I am totally psyched for the two leg workouts, the kickbox one, X10 (!) and Flextrain has me intrigued now, too, after I discovered the love for Supercuts. :D

Marie- Oh I've totally been there with the little boogers biting while breastfeeding! :rolleyes: Unfortunately, I couldn't get the kids to stop and I wound up weaning them at 9-10 months. :eek: It happened almost the exact same time with both kids. Right around 9 months, when they started to teeth and got really nippy, I just decided I was ready to stop. I fortunately had enough breast milk frozen so I mixed it with formula half and half for about 2 weeks after I had them totally weaned. I also weaned VERY slowly. I dropped one feeding a day for a week at a time so that it took me a full month before we were completely off the breast. I had originally planned to breast feed for the entire first year of their lives, but I just couldn't live with the biting. :( Whatever you decide, remember it is the right decision for YOU and you are doing fantastic! :D

Better get back to work. Waving HI to Jen, Justina and Sarah! TTYL
Hello ladies :)

My w/o yesterday was a doozie :eek:. It was as follows:

1) 5X6R barbell reverse lunges (60lbs)
2) 5X6R push-ups w/15lbs vest (OMG HARD!) superset w/
5X6R inverted rows w/15lbs vest
*just a note about the vest. 6R obviously is too easy, so Nia say's I must make the exercise harder. Break out the vest*

3) 3X side plank

4) 2X10R hip thrusts w/45lbs barbell (3 sec pause at top).

During the breaks I did firewalkers w/my blue band :eek:.

These w/o's are short n' sweet, effective, simple, to the point. I even have time to foam roll afterwards! LOVE training this way :).

Have you heard of the The Band Guy?! The great thing about subscribing to all these health/fitness youtube channels (beside the incredible info, of course) is the links to other cool vids! Watch this: Can I Build Muscle Using Only Bands? - YouTube (talks about how bands can create muscle mass)
and then go to this channel:
Resistance Band Training - YouTube website:Resistance Band Training - Band Exercises - Fitness Bands

Nia does a "snap" at the top of her deads? Hmmm, why have I not noticed this? Is that where she does the 300lbs dead? Cuz' in the video tutorial that came with my program, she does not do that :confused:. Is she squeezing her butt at the top? Nia's deads hold a ton of weight, so maybe the "jerk" is the result of the insane amount of weight on her bar. I gotta check it out now!
YES the tower has dip handles too :eek:. I really cant wait for Mark to set it up for my Friday w/o -- there's dips scheduled!

Have a rockin' sockin' day folks :cool:
Just wanna show off my new fitness goodie :eek:. I AM IN LOVE! And I gotta show off here by telling you guys I did 1 pull-up,
1 chin-up, 1 pull-up w/a vertical hand position :eek:. ALL UNASSISTED! I did them in front of Mark too, and felt like a total bad a$$! TAKE THAT! I'm strong and I know it ;).

BB tomorrow :)


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Natty, you lucky girl ;)!!!! LOVE the tower!!!! And initiating it with chinning and pulling all hand positions!!!! WAY TO GO :eek:!!! I had a lesson in humility last night trying to do STS TB compound only premix: I tried "inverted rows" in place of the pull ups. TOUGH!!! I could only do 6 the first set! Well, I've got no place to go but up, right :p! I used the loop handles that came with my TT and tried a vertical grip because I thought it would be easier. It wasn't! I feel like I have lost a lot of upper body strength...I have a hard time with push-ups on my toes lately. My DH says the only way to get good at push-ups, pull-ups, inverted rows, etc. is TO DO THEM!!!! and do them A LOT!!! SO I WILL :rolleyes:! I'll have to make out some kind of schedule for them so that I include them in my rotations. It's too easy to forget if I don't have a little box to check "done" somewhere!

I'll try to get back again later today! Bye for now!
Hi everyone :)

My w/o yesterday was a 4 mile outdoor walk (to McDonald's PlayPlace and back. I had a Big Mac btw :p) + this:

1) 5X6R squats (I'm going lower and heavier!)
*firewalker's on my 2min breaks*

2X15R barbell glute bridges

2) 5X6R weighted 12lbs bench dips superset w/
5X6R barbell rows

*optional beach work finisher*
3) 3x10R dumbbell curls
3x10R tricep kickbacks
3x10R lateral raises

Inverted rows are my fav! I think that's what is allowing me to do that many pull-ups TBH. I would always throw them into any UB w/o. Your DH is right -- you just need to keep at it and you'll be there in no time :). Compound exercises are DA BOMB :eek:.

Have a great w/e:cool:
Sitting at the Anchorage Airport right now waiting to fly to Seattle. I feel a little lonely without my husband already. I will be happy to see the kiddos though. I feel bad for my DH he is already missing the kids and teared up when he said goodbye to them 7 days ago, and then again when he said good bye to me.

We found a house! It was a roller coaster of a week. We have probably looked at 50 houses. We made a offer on one that had been on the market for 2 hours only to find out someone else made an offer also. We offered 5000 over asking price but they offered a significant amount more and so we didn't get the first one. We had just about given up and a new one literally just came on the market and we looked at it, and immediately put an offer in. It was accepted! It is a cute house dated 1980's all the way with a wet bar and mirrored surround around the fireplace. But its got potential. No exercise room, oh well.

I have eaten very well this week. When I say "well" I mean whatever I wanted! I think I had bread pudding almost 4 of the seven nights I have been here. I Love me some bread pudding.

Nat - I love your new fitness goody! I am curious to find out more about your rotation realizing I will have less time to exercise because of homeschooling the kids for a little bit.

Marie - I am sorry to hear about the teething thing. My 2 cents I feel a little bad about even saying : ( someone told me to flick them in the head when they bit me. I felt really bad about doing it, it doesn't have to be hard its more to startle them. It did work and honestly once they stopped within a couple of weeks it never happened again. Like you, I really enjoyed breast feeding and didn't want to give it up.

Hi Colleen, Nancy, and Justina.

Hello ladies :)

Yesterday we spent the afternoon at a local fair. Bella is so brave :D she wanted to go on all the rides.

My w/o was KCM LIFT (Olympics lifts). This w/o just does NOT get easier! It's amazing how it works the entire body to exhaustion in under 30min. It's also very humbling trying to perform a power clean w/overhead press into a split lunge -- a very complex move.

CONGRATS ON THE HOUSE PURCHASE!!! I'm SOOOO happy for ya!!! The house sounds very lovely. Please post pics when you get the chance :).
I'm really loving training for strength Nia Style :eek:. No dread at all for me. I've come to the conclusion that I really do prefer training for STRENGTH w/heavy compound exercises, even body weighted exercises like push-ups and pull-ups. Right now I've chosen the beginner program which has 3 total body w/o's (I add in a 4th day with Olympic Lifts or KB's). I think the 6X/week exercising days are over for this chick. The one thing I will continue to though do is walk my miles every day, in addition to my strength w/o's. I think you might really enjoy the BBA program and all the rotations and options to chose from :).

Colleen, Nancy, Justina, Marie, Jen
Hello ladies :)

Yesterday we spent the afternoon at a local fair. Bella is so brave :D she wanted to go on all the rides.

I'm really loving training for strength Nia Style :eek:. No dread at all for me. I've come to the conclusion that I really do prefer training for STRENGTH w/heavy compound exercises, even body weighted exercises like push-ups and pull-ups. Right now I've chosen the beginner program which has 3 total body w/o's (I add in a 4th day with Olympic Lifts or KB's). I think the 6X/week exercising days are over for this chick. The one thing I will continue to though do is walk my miles every day, in addition to my strength w/o's. I think you might really enjoy the BBA program and all the rotations and options to chose from :).

I feel ya on the 6x/week days being over. It's been really hard for me to get my workouts in lately. Nancy- I've been averaging about 3 days a week with mostly my all time favorite step workouts! Like you say Natty no dread :) Those are it for me :)

I've been working full time because I'm still in training. It is really hard working 5 days a week. I miss Breckin so bad. I can't wait to get back to my 3 days a week. I do love it though. It was so crazy insane busy today. I was working the cardiac unit. Lots of procedures to get people ready for (echos, stress tests, etc), discharges, admits, heparin drips, cardizem drips, and so much more. I get such a rush from flying around that place. I need to get a pedometer to see how many steps I get in during a shift. I just love it!

Well I'm thinking B is officially done breastfeeding :( I'm beginning to accept it and realizing that whatever makes him happiest it best. It was just too much of a stress to continue. He didn't want it and it was hard for me to see that. So I am pumping still and planning on it til he is a year so I can give him breastmilk until then. Thanks Natty, Colleen and Sarahfor your insight on that subject. Sarah- My mom mentioned that flicking thing too and it worked for awhile but then he didn't even seem to mind the flicking after awhile little stinker ;) Thanks for mentioning that though! And you're totally right Nancy, I just can't think of a workout to toughen up those nipples either lol ;)

Natty- You rock lady! TAKE THAT is right! Love it :)

Sarah CONGRATS on the new house. So excited for you and your family. Glad you'll all be together again.

Hi Justina!

Way to be rocking the workouts ladies! Keep up the good work!

I'm planning on Low Impact Challenge tomorrow :) The past three days I worked day shift and my workout ended up being my walk during lunch time. Better than nothing right ;)
Hi ladies!
Hope everyone had a good weekend.
I can't believe I've been MIA for a week! Let's see...what has been going on.
I have been very busy at work; at times it's pretty frustrating. I'm open to new opportunities now. I'm ready to do something different in my field.
The girls are going back to school this week. I can't believe summer is over already. Morgan starts high school and Jaden starts middle school. I'm slowly getting back to full workouts. Last week I did GS and this past weekend I did Burn Set and I took the kids to the park. :D

Hi Natasha,
Love that pull up tower. So proud that you did all types of pull up unassisted! It makes me smile when you talk about being a bada$$!:) That's flipin awesome! What does Mark think of his bada$$ wife? :D

Hi Nancy,
When I'm not working out to Cathe's DVDs, I try to do as many push ups as I can; on my toes first and then on my knees. I'm still working on getting back to the full work outs. :D I guess now that my exam is done, I wanted to spend more time with the kids and do some reading. I can't remember the last time I read for pleasure!

Hi Marie, looks like your job is highly stressful. I can't imagine being responsible for someone's medical procedure. It would totally stress me out.
As with breastfeeding, I didn't do very well with Jackson. I only was able to breastfeed for about 6 months. I wish I had done better.

Hi Sarah,
Congrats on your new house! So excited for you. It's a new beginning! I would love to see pictures when you're ready. :)

Hi Colleen, Jen, hope all is well with you!

Have a great day everyone!

Hello Ladies!
Yesterday I decided to get a jump start on the week and did Pyramid Upper Body to start my week! I'm doing a seven day rotation this week (at least that's the plan ;)):

Sun: Pyramid Upper Body
Mon: XTRAIN All Out Low Impact HiiT + Core 1
Tue: LIS Total Body Trisets Lower Body + XTRAIN Rear Delts
Wed: XTRAIN Tabatacise + Core 2
Thu: LIS Total Body Trisets Upper Body
Fri: LIS Slide 'n Glide (cardio + abs only)
Sat: Pyramid Lower Body

I also plan on throwing in some inverted rows and push-ups as well. I will not be as swamped at work and should be able to stick to a rotation a little better. I'd love to go hiking on Sunday (my "rest" day)...hope the weather holds out!

I'm glad that everyone seems to be settling back into their grooves! So many changes going on in your lives (especially Sarah with the BIG MOVE!!!). Justina, I'm glad that you had some fun with your kids! They probably loved having you "back" in their lives again! I'm sure that Marie can relate to those painful separations! It is tough to work full time even without kids! I don't know how you ladies manage it all :confused:???!!! Natty, I hope you don't end up bashing your barbell into the ceiling with those overhead presses :)!!! I always hit my ceiling with the stability ball during the B&G warm up! Glad it's not a kettle-bell! Well, I'm going to head over to the Workout Manager and update my nutrition stuff for the day! Hope everyone has a great start to their week!
Last night's w/o went well; did a lot of foam rolling after to loosen up a bit. Looking forward to LIS TBT LB tonight. I'll probably do some inverted rows and push-ups as well since I don't have upper body until Thursday. I really like the layout of my rotation this week, it gives me a bit of flexibility with add-ons.

Well it will only be a matter of time until the new workouts arrive :D! I find that I am liking shorter workouts a lot better than long drawn out ones, so I am really looking forward to checking out X10! I also hope that I'm able to do the new boxing one. And slowly but surely I'd like to get more step in there (my foot willing of course!). I used to just love Kick Punch & Crunch...my foot, however, did not :(.

Well, I'm going to finish my lunch and get back to work...it's quiet on the forum today...everyone must be on vacation!:p
Just came back from the park...it was a 40min walk there! I am always on the look-out for parks that Bella and I have never been to. When looking at google maps, I though the park would take no more than 30min to get to, but then I forgot that it's all uphill on the way there :eek:. So I'm estimating that the walk there/back equals to roughly 5 miles :eek:.

My w/o yesterday was:

1) 5x6R sumo deadlifts (75lbs baby :p)

50R floor glute bridges (no rest - 30lbs. I went lighter because my legs & glutes were already fatigued)

2) 5x6R chin-ups superset w/
5x6R barbell overhead press

3) 2X10R barbell curls
2x10R scull crushers
2x10R upright rows

LOL no worries about me hitting the ceiling with my overhead presses -- I have 10ft ceilings, thank goodness!
OMG I am addicted to my foam roller! I have been doing it every day, right after my w/o.
Good for you to add inverted rows and push-ups into your rotation. I'm telling you, my love for inverted rows (and doing them every chance I got!) is what allowed me to do those unassisted pull-ups :eek:.

I can't believe your kids go back to school in August. In Canada, first day of school for grade school and high school is always first week of Sept. Do you get stressed with BTS shopping? I'm starting to feel a little anxiety about it -- and I don't even really have to buy anything yet lol ;).
I think if your heart is telling you to switch careers, you should def go for it!

I can bet my life that you are getting well over 10,000 steps/day at work! You have a very active job! I remember when I was working full-time, I wore one of my friends pedometer's and I think I averaged like 20,000 steps on a 8hr shift :eek:. Those steps WILL keep you healthy :). Those 3 w/o's that you add-on in addition to your active job is just bonus, baby ;).
I'm sorry to hear about B :(. Try not to feel too bad though -- you have done an incredible job :).

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