~*~We're In This Together~*~ (June-Sept)

Do you ever have the feeling you have so much to do and you just dont want to start any of it?

I have been walking everyday. I would ike to do a little more but havent decided what.

Nat - I'm really liking the simplicity of your new wo's. It so from what i'm used to. Which is either all (meaning to much exercise) or nothing. I love it to exercise but when i go at it, I'm all in. Which probably explains why I take November and December off. I have a feeling in Ak, it will be more important for concistency as not to get down because of the light in the winter.

Nancy - So sorry about the foot. : ( It's hard when you cant do something you like anymore because your body doesn't allow you to.

Marie- I'm sorry the breastfeeding isnt working out anymore. I had a day with the girls when I lifted up my shirt and they wanted nothing to do with it anymore, it was like a switch. The flip side is my son, which I don't really remember how old he was maybe 1 1/2 or 2 that loved it. He would come right over and start lifting my shirt on his own (I know, kind of weird). I had to break it off with him, and that was super hard. So either way it was hard. I'm glad your enjoying your job, I can imagine your feeling pulled by your in many directions. At least its a great feeling to know your "boys" are at home, and will be so excited to see you.

Justina - Are you actively looking for other opportunities yet? How long have you had this job? I can't believe your kids started school already. For me, it's always bittersweet to send them back. By the end of summer we are usually really enjoying each other. Buy then again ; )

hey Colleen and Jen



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Sarah, what a lovely home!!!!:eek: Looks SOOOOO livable...I bet your family will be very happy making new memories there!
Here is my little tale of woe:
Wednesday I started to get a UTI (haven't had one in about 23 years!:confused:)...maybe it was out of sympathy for Sarah? Picked up some Uristat after work, did the test strip, confirmed infection, took the pain med. Yesterday I went to employee health to get antibiotics. Got them, took them, got a GINORMOUS headache and tomato red face from them :confused:. Turns out they gave me Bactrim which is a sulfa drug and I'm allergic to sulfa drugs :mad:. I felt like I had the flu. My head was really pounding and felt like it was swelling up with fluid like when you hang upside down for a long time. Needless to say, I had them get me a different antibiotic and eventually got over the reaction to the Bactim after midnight! I didn't work out last night :( .

Tonight I'll be doing LIS TBT UB. I moved the Tabatacise from yesterday over to Sunday. I'll also be doing the inverted rows tonight...I am getting better at them! I'm noticing little improvements each time :D!

Natty, way to go with sticking to your rotation! I notice you're doing those "beach" muscle exercises, too! BTW, 75 lbs on the sumo deadlifts??? DANG!!!;) I love how adventurous you are with scoping out new parks in your area! Bella is definitely going to be a go-getter with you for her hero/inspiration! Lucky girl!

Well, I'm going to sign off for now....just want to end with the fact that I feel MUCH better today and I REALLY hate unsweetened cranberry juice! But I will drink 4 oz every morning from now on! and I promise not to put vodka in it no matter how much I really really want to :p!!!!
I hope everyone is doing well :)

My w/o yesterday was:

1) 5x6R barbell lunges
*firewalker's on my 2min breaks :p*

3x20R barbell hip thrusts with a 50lbs bar.

2) 5x6R push-ups w/a 12lbs vest superset w/
5x6R inverted rows w/a 12lbs vest

3) 3X planks

*optional 10min finisher*
Intensity high impact hiit (10min exactly!)

Just a note about my 10min "beach work" and "finishers". Those are optional at the end of each w/o. Beach work is considered isolation exercises and finishers can be any cardio of choice (preferably hiit/tabata/KB swings/sprints).

:(:(:( UTI's suck! I feel sooo bad they gave you antibiotics with Sulfa :mad:. Mark is severely allergic to it, so I know how serious it can be. I wish you a speedy recovery :). LOL about the vodka too :p.
WTG on improving on those rows! Wait until you see how your back muscles develop with those babies :eek:.
Thank your for the compliment btw :eek:.

That house is absolutely beautiful! I'm so happy for you guys :).
I really like the simplicity of the w/o's as well. The best part about it (for me, anyway) is that they are fun and not dreadful. I get all pumped up when I have to strength train. I'm really trying to get out of the mindset of exercising to get "aesthetic results". I mean, yes I want a better looking body...and I'd be lying to say otherwise. However, I'm trying to put my focus on getting stronger and improving my performance. Appreciating my body for all the wonderful things is can do, and IS capable of. It feels very gratifying to train with this purpose. Did you read this article from Nia about getting back to basics? :The Best Thing You Can do is Quit, Get Back to the Basics, and Reset Your Workout Program » Nia Shanks
What an excellent read!

Have a good evening ladies :)
Proud mama moment!!! B walked 3 steps today :) It was so adorable. He was so proud. He even clapped for himself :)
Here is my little tale of woe:
Wednesday I started to get a UTI (haven't had one in about 23 years!:confused:)...maybe it was out of sympathy for Sarah? Picked up some Uristat after work, did the test strip, confirmed infection, took the pain med. Yesterday I went to employee health to get antibiotics. Got them, took them, got a GINORMOUS headache and tomato red face from them :confused:. Turns out they gave me Bactrim which is a sulfa drug and I'm allergic to sulfa drugs :mad:. I felt like I had the flu. My head was really pounding and felt like it was swelling up with fluid like when you hang upside down for a long time. Needless to say, I had them get me a different antibiotic and eventually got over the reaction to the Bactim after midnight! I didn't work out last night :( .

OMG Nancy that sounds terrible. So sorry to hear that. I can't believe they gave you that med. Assuming they have your allergies on file correctly that is really bad practice on their part. The dr, pharmacist and nurse should have all had the chance to catch that mistake! Feel better soon!
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Do you ever have the feeling you have so much to do and you just dont want to start any of it?

I have been walking everyday. I would ike to do a little more but havent decided what.

Marie- I'm sorry the breastfeeding isnt working out anymore. I had a day with the girls when I lifted up my shirt and they wanted nothing to do with it anymore, it was like a switch. The flip side is my son, which I don't really remember how old he was maybe 1 1/2 or 2 that loved it. He would come right over and start lifting my shirt on his own (I know, kind of weird). I had to break it off with him, and that was super hard. So either way it was hard. I'm glad your enjoying your job, I can imagine your feeling pulled by your in many directions. At least its a great feeling to know your "boys" are at home, and will be so excited to see you.



Your house is BEAUTIFUL! I love it! Congrats :) I am so happy for you and your family!

I'm with you on the walking. My workouts have really been slacking lately. I need to hit it hard soon and get back in the routine.

It is hard to know that he doesn't want to breastfeed anymore. I was almost hoping he would be like you said your son was and I would have to break him of it but oh well, to each their own. He is quite the little man and will do as he pleases lol. I'm getting in a good routine of pumping three times a day so I can keep giving him breastmilk. I'm not pumping as much as he is drinking but I'm close and I have about 500oz in the freezer so I should be good for awhile which makes me feel better.
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Eek! Just noticed the time. I have to get to bed. I have to get up at 5:15 tomorrow.

Hi Colleen, Natty and Justina!

Night all and chat soon!
LIS TBT UB premix was a sweat-fest for me last night! I had the windows open because it has been unseasonably mild lately and I wanted fresh air. Guess it was warmer than I thought, though, I kept sliding around on the ball and mat and finally had to cover them both with towels :p! True to my word, I tacked 3 sets of inverted rows on at the end. I've been doing one set of 3 hand positions: overhand, underhand, and vertical grip with the handles. I find that I like the overhand grip the best and underhand the least. The vertical grip ones need more practice :eek:! I'm also using the uber-beginner position: legs bent, pulling up to a horizontal "table" position. My immediate goal is to advance to the straight leg angled position. I need to really master what I'm doing right now though.

Do any of you use the WAG gloves? I've been reading about them on other threads and they sound great. They're really expensive, though. Plus, I don't know what "model" to get. My wrists bother me on some of BW exercises like push-ups, dips, side planks, etc. Also when I use my foam roller. I guess after all the years of ding this stuff I'm not really surprised :rolleyes:!

Natty, inverted rows with a 12# vest :eek:? WOW! You're my hero! How are feeling about your program? Any noticeable strength results yet?

Marie, Hooray for B!!! Get ready to start running running running after him!:p

Sarah, how's packing going? Are your kids getting excited?

Justina, where, oh where can you be????:confused:
Just a quick drive by check in so you guys know I'm still here! :eek:

This week we took the family to Wisconsin Dells for a short little vacation, and it occurred to me I don't think I checked in before we left to tell you guys what I was up to! I did Horizontal Conditioning Bootcamp the day we left (Tuesday), which has become a tradition in that I've done that particular workout right before my last 3 vacations. LOL :D Had to keep with tradition!

I'll tell you guys...whatever you do, if you go to Wisconsin Dells to vacation at one of the waterparks...never ever ever go to Mount Olympus! :mad: What a nightmare! We stayed there one night and I told Mark (at 3:00 am because I couldn't sleep due to the ghetto-like conditions of our MOTEL room and the elephants above us due to no insulation between floors...) that there was no way in this lifetime or any other that I was going to stay there another day! We went up to the front desk the next morning and demanded our money back, then had to drive around trying to find another place to stay the rest of our time there. We ended up staying at an Americinn, which was fine and the people there were very nice and understanding about the disaster at Mount Olympus (apparently they hear that ALOT). They gave us free waterpark passes to Chula Vista which was a lot of fun. :)

Still, last night sleeping in our own beds felt reaaalllllyyyy good! :eek:

Nancy- So sorry about your UTI! :( I have been having that threatening for weeks now and I've had to continually take cranberry extract and D-Mannose to keep it at bay. It hasn't turned into a full fledged UTI, but I'm also having other "female issues" I think I should get checked out like discomfort in the pelvis kind of thing. I googled my symptoms and now I'm worried about uterine prolapse...:confused: so I gotta make an appointment.

Marie- Yay for B's first steps! :D

Sarah- the house looks BEAUTIFUL! How exciting!

Natty- You are rocking it as usual with your workouts! :eek:

Hi Justina and Jen!

Gotta fly! TTYL
Nancy- I forgot to mention that, yes I do have the WAGS gloves! I have both the wags flex and wags pro. TBH, I love having them both, but if I had to only buy only one pair I think the Pro are definitely worth the extra $$. I use them every time I do any Horizontal Conditioning workout and they make a BIG difference! HTH! :)
Hope everyone is having a nice w/e :cool:

Yesterday was my rest day, but you know I don't actually "rest" and do nothing . We spent a good 3hrs walking to a nearby trail, at the park, and then we went to Menchies afterwards :p.

My w/o on Friday was:

1) 5x6R squats

2) 80R floor glute bridges

3) 5x6R tricep push-ups superset w/
5x6R barbell underhand rows

*beach work*
a) 3x10R barbell curls
b) 3x10R scull crusher's
c) 3x10R upright rows

I think you mentioned that you were going on vaca earlier :). I'm sorry to hear about the trash hotel you went to :(. You would think that because we live in North America, the hotel's/motel's would have higher standards :rolleyes:. Anyway, I'm glad you were able to switch hotels and enjoy the rest of your vaca :).

I hope you are feeling better :).
No, I don't have WAGS. Looks like it would be a worthwhile investment.
WTG on getting stronger with the inverted rows! Don't worry, you'll advance very fast if you are consistent with them. Don't forget to contract at the top of the movement! It really engages the back muscles :eek:.
I LOVE THIS PROGRAM :eek:. At first, when looking at the program, I thought it might be a little "too simplistic". How can only a few exercise be so effective? Well lemme tell ya... THEY ARE!

Congrats on the 3 steps!!!! That's awesome!!! You do realize now he's a walker, right? That's all he's gonna wanna do :eek:. Bella literally stopped crawling after she took those few steps. It happens WAY too fast when they start so early :(:).

Have a great day ladies!

Just working today and it's super slow. Kind of nice for a change but I can't stop looking at the clock so that's a bummer!

No workouts for me this weekend. I've been the biggest slug lately. I've been walking but that's it. Must burn more calories soon lol!

Hope everyone is having a good Monday! I'm ready for 3:30 so I can go home and hang with my boys! Come on clock!
Feeling head-achey and nauseous from the Cipro they gave me for my UTI :(. Took Friday off and did a long walk on Saturday. Yesterday I did PLB...today my lower body is talkin' to me :p! Tonight I'll do Xtrain Chest, Back, & Shoulders along with some inverted rows. This will be an Xtrain week.

One of the side effects of Cipro is tendon rupture! It really freaked me out to read that! I decided to take it easy while on it (took my last dose this morning), but I read that these ruptures can occur up to 2 months after taking it! I am not sitting on the sidelines for 2 months! So, I guess I'll just hope that the headache and nausea are my only symptoms! At least the UTI cleared up :D!

Finished the 4th book of The Song of Ice & Fire (Game of Thrones) series. My coworker is bringing in the 5th one for me tomorrow. I have had so much fun reading them!!!!

Well, only a couple of hours to go before I board the Xtrain! What is everyone else doing to start off the week?
WTG on getting stronger with the inverted rows! Don't worry, you'll advance very fast if you are consistent with them. Don't forget to contract at the top of the movement! It really engages the back muscles :eek:.

Natty, thanks for the tip! I'll remember to contract tonight! ;)
Hello everyone :)

Yesterday Bella had a play-date with her 5yr old cousin. The little guy is such a champ -- he was diagnosed with Leukemia at 2yrs old and is going strong! He is just finishing up the last of his chemo treatments. We are very fortunate because we have a well renowned hospital in Toronto called Sick Kids. Children from all over the world with life threatening diseases are sent to that hospital for treatment. I thank my lucky stars every day Bella is healthy & happy.

My w/o on Sunday was supposed to be a total body, but my upper body was just too sore and I had to pass. I did a LB w/o instead:

1) 5x10R goblet squats superset w/
1min KB swings

2) 3x10R, 1x20R stab ball back extensions superset w/

3) 3x10R split lunges superset w/
1min jump rope (with an actual rope)

3) 4x12R RDL

When I was working, I used to love getting off at 3:30! I felt as though I had the rest of my day to enjoy :).

I'm sorry you've been feeling crappy from the medication :(. Tendon Rupture? Oh god that sounds brutal :confused:. I'm sure that's the worst, worst, case scenario though! Try not to worry :).

ANYONE WATCHING BREAKING BAD???!!! :eek::eek::eek:
Hi ladies!

So sorry I've been MIA. Slammed at work. I'm about to work on some stuff when I'm done posting. I bought work home last night too! :mad: That's the only way I can have things somewhat under control.

What a beautiful home! I'm so happy for you and your family. It's a new beginning for everyone. How exciting! :D I'm not actively looking for a new job but I will stop saying no to recruiters now. :)

Hi Nancy,
Sorry about UTI. How are you feeling today? The last time I had it was probably 13 years ago. I hope you recover very soon. :) Wow, Games of Thrones is actually on my kindle. I started page one the other day! :D I'm glad you're enjoying it! I can't wait to get back to it.

Hi Natasha,
I have seen the first few episodes of Breaking Bad and really enjoyed it. I didn't finish the entire season though. I'm waiting for The Walking Dead to come back on and of course Downton Abbey. :D I'm happy your little nephew doing well with his treatment. :) It's great to see little ones with a fighting chance to live. At one point in my life I wanted to volunteer at a hospital reading to kids with cancer. Well, maybe one day when my life isn't as hectic.

Hi Colleen,
How was your short vacation in Wisconsin Dells other than the nightmare at the motel? We usually take a vacation in the summer but this year no such luck. Maybe next year. :)

Hi Marie,
Awww, how cute is little B taking his first step. It's definitely a milestone. I remember when Jackson took his first step. I was so proud. But then weeks later when he got into everything, I started to miss the days when I could take my eyes off him for whole two minutes without any problems! :D

Gotta get some work done. My laptop is calling me. :(

Have a good night everyone!

I am so glad it's Wednesday! So far I've gotten 3 workouts in this week and I'm feeling okay! My foot felt a little dicey last night and I didn't want to do All Out HiiT...I thought maybe I'd do the Crossfire Low Tabata Premix and leave it at that, but I did the low impact tabata segment 3x (I changed up some of the moves to more aggressive ones...still low impact though :eek:) and tacked on some ab work too! Tonight I'm slated for Cardio Leg Blast and I'm worried about aggravating my foot...I really won't know until I get home and changed into workout garb:rolleyes:!

Natty, I feel bad about your little nephew. It is heartbreaking when little folks suffer like that. I count my blessings everyday that my family has good health. I just found out that I'm going to be a great-aunt again...this time to a little girl! My nephew and his wife are super health conscious and she worried something fierce through her first pregnancy with their son that she was exposed to things that caused cancer in children. Someone had sent her brochures on a children's cancer fund and it petrified her! This time around she is a little more relaxed, but I'm sure the fear never leaves you as a parent.

Justina, glad you're back...sorry about the heavy work-load...guess you didn't win anything in the lottery either :p!

Well, I have to go for now...sending a hi out to everyone else!
Hello!!! Long time no post. :eek:

Let's see...workouts:

Saturday- AOLIH (floor plus step premix-minus c/d) + Lower Body Trisets (minus w/u)

Sunday and Monday...no workouts. SLACKER! lol Sunday we had my nieces birthday party two hours away and then Monday was nuts in the morning trying to get the kids to karate camp and then run home to get ready for work. Mondays are always insane anyway, which is why that's typically my rest day.

Tuesday- STS Meso 2 disc 13 (chest, shoulders and triceps). I also took a 2 mile walk with the family after dinner (I always neglect to report these walks...we generally go for a walk at least 3 or more times during the week after dinner). Then I got home, poured a glass of wine, spied my copy of Zuzana's Power Yoga on the shelf and decided to do the Crescent Series on that one (7 minutes). Then I finished the rest of my wine. :p Mark is like "are you supposed to drink wine while doing yoga?" LOL

Wednesday- Tabatacise (w/u + tabata's 1 and 5...I hate how you have to chapter skip several times if you want to do different tabatas out of order :mad:) + STS Meso 2 disc 14 (legs).

Today- STS Meso 2 disc 15 (back and biceps). Anyone else have to drop their weight significantly when they do preacher curls on the ball? I can rock 15 lb on bicep curls, but put me in the preacher curl position, especially when doing both arms simultaneously, and I suddenly feel like a weakling! I had to drop down to 8 lbs in each hand! :confused:

Yikes, it HAS been a long time since I checked in. Bad check in buddy! :eek:

Nancy- I hope your feet hold up for CLB! One thing that I found helped me a lot with my foot pain when I was flirting with (what I think was) PF was to wear my Ortha heel flip flops around the house. They are way better than crocs at supporting the heel and arch! I work out barefoot, but than as soon as I leave the mat I slip into these babies. It made a world of difference! Amazon.com: Orthaheel Tide Slide In Orthopedic Sandals: Shoes

Natty- Breaking Bad! :eek: :eek: :eek: I'm in heaven now that it's back on. I can not WAIT to see how this ends! Of course, than what will I obsess about? lol At least I have Game of Thrones still. Mark and I have been watching a new show on Showtime called Ray Donovan that's pretty good. I bet you would like it! Did you ever wind up finishing Homeland? What did you think of the second season if so?

I see you are doing kettlebell swings! :D Did you end up getting a heavier weight? There is nothing like swinging a 35 lb kettlebell! After STS I'm going to focus more on HoCo and kettlebell workouts again, and use Cathe for cardio. Of course, I'll have to throw in a day of Cathe lower body, too... :p

Justina- Our trip to the Dells was, well...just okay. :eek: Unfortunately those first few days really stressed me out and me and the hubby were fighting quite a bit because of it (sad to say). It did get fun when my sister and her husband decided to join us and showed up the second night, though. :) We had a pretty good time at the Chula Vista water park (the hotel we stayed at gave us free water park passes!). I think the next time we go (we are thinking of taking some winter "mini-vacations") we are going to check out the Wilderness Resort (Wilderness Waterpark Resort in Wisconsin Dells | Wilderness Resort). When we were driving around desperately trying to find a new hotel, we went into this one to check it out. It was really expensive, but they have a lot of special rates and promotions, especially during the winter, that we could take advantage of if we plan ahead next time. We decided to eat there and they had an AMAZING breakfast buffet! Crème brulee French toast...NUMMY! :eek:

Waving Hello to Sarah, Jen and Marie! Marie, the pics of B on facebook are ADORABLE, btw!! :D
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