~*~We're In This Together~*~ (June-Sept)

Sorry I have been mia lately! I tried to write a post earlier today and lost it :mad: d@#% touch keypad!!!

I swear I will write a lot more tomorrow....for now I am just going to check on with the one workout I did this wekend! :eek: Friday and Saturday I did nada. :eek: Sunday I did cardio leg blast plus 35 minutes of sts disc 4. Today was again nada...:p. I'm supposed to do week3 sts tomorrow but I am jonesing for a circuit workout!

Hi Colleen!

Glad I'm not the only once that has been mia lol! No worries! Life is busy!
Today's workout was Low Max. Long but great! Really gets those legs good :)

B had swimming lessons today. He just loves it! Always splashing. During the dunks under the water he did great! Proud mama!

He is sleeping in my arms right now. Crossing my fingers I can transfer him to his carseat without a wake up.Time to make a Costco and Target run.

Have a great day everyone!
Last night's Gym Styles Chest & Triceps/Burn Sets Shoulders was SOOOOOO effective! I haven't had DOMS like this in my chest and tris in a VERY long time! There is just something about that particular workout that clicks with me! Tonight I'll be doing All Out HIIT + Core 1 and Burn Sets Bis. I hope my DH closes up the house and turns the air on before I get home. We wanted to get some fresh air in and let our kitty have fun window time, but it is REALLY hot out right now (92 degrees!) and I don't want to pass out during a HIIT workout :eek:!

I have just got to say that you ladies have adorable children! What great inspiration for you to stay healthy! I'm sure they'll all grow up to appreciate how wonderful their mothers are ;)!

Special shout-out to Justina: I know your exam is just around the corner; keep doing those Burn Sets!

Natty, how did LIFT go? Where on earth do you store all of these DVDs :rolleyes:????
Hello girls!

This weekend was a whirlwind, but everything went great... thank goodness! :eek: I was really stressed out on Saturday trying to keep everything going, but luckily I had my neighbor (we are pretty close to our neighbors and they are great friends!). She helped me keep things going. I'm like "okay, out of the pool! Time for piñata!"..."okay time to open presents!"..."okay girls, cake time!'' I felt like we were herding cats! :eek: LOL

Yesterday I had to fill in at another optical on the south side of town, so I didn't have my internet connection save my smartphone. UGH! Typing on the touchpad keyboard sucks rocks! I lost one draft, and then managed to submit the one you guys saw before it went screwy louie on me. My connection was really slow in that building, too, which made browsing the forums challenging. :(

As I mentioned yesterday, I was totally jonesing for a circuit workout. I think I just needed to be dripping with sweat to relieve some of my stress from the past few days! :eek: So, my workout today was: Crossfire w/u + firewalker tabata (minus c/d ~11 min) and then Patrick Goudeau Extreme Calorie Burn (51 minutes, stopping after the last set of the "four corners" move). Of course, I had to do CF first because the warm up in ECB is not a warm up :rolleyes:. I get very frustrated with some of these other workouts in that department...plus many of these instructors don't put chapter set points in the disc so I have to be verrrrry careful not to push the chapter button if I need to rewind or pause the dvd for any reason. :mad: Still, ECB is a good workout with some interesting moves. I had to stop it early as I was running out of time and already had hit my 1 hour mark.

Gah! :confused: Just got a file so I gotta run. Sigh. Busy busy!!
Feelin' hot, hot, hot :cool:

Record breaking temps over here! What about for you guys?

My w/o yesterday was Supercuts. I did all those nasty push/sit-up combo's. No matter how fast I go, I'm always 2 rounds behind Cathe :confused:. It's all good though ;). Love that w/o :eek:.

Glad the party went well! How awesome of your neighbor to help you :).
I'm excited to try out Burn & Build! This could be the start of me loving KB circuits :eek:. OH.NOOO.WHAT.HAVE.YOU.DONE???!!!

Glad B loves swimming lessons! Did I mention he is the cutest baby in the world? :)

I gotta break out GS again! After Body Beast, my DOMS has not been as bad as I would like it to be :(.
LOL about the DVD's :D. Remember that the majority of my w/o's are downloads, not DVD hard-copies. I'm going to try LIFT either today or tomorrow!

Hope your exam went well!

How are you doing?

Have you left us? :(
My w/o yesterday was the the KCM LIFT dvd. I did 30min of Olympic Lifts :eek:. Holy crap is it ever HARD! Very humbling to say the least. I only used 25lbs on my bar because I wanted to make sure to get the form down pat. All in all I'm extremely pleased with this DVD and I really like Kelly as a trainer. I will be doing this at least 1X/week. If anyone is interested in Crossfit-type exercises, I highly recommend this workout.

Stay cool everyone :cool:
Hi everyone!

Busy busy here. Exam is next week. I honestly don't feel like I'm ready. I'm at a point where I'm ok to doing my best and whatever happen is fine.
With my busy life I don't know if setting this expectation is realistic. If I don't pass, I will take it again. :)

Work has been crazy. It will be like this until we have the new system in place. Sometimes I do feel very stressed out at work. I think working on daily helps. Continuing with Burn Set since these are express workouts! Love'em. :D

Hi Nancy,
Your work plan rocks, as usual! Where do you find the time? You work full time too, right?! You're doing multiple works outs in one day. I'm just happy to squeeze in 15 minutes. :D How's your foot? I love Gym Style too. I can't wait to get back into it full force once my exam is done.

Hi Natasha,
Too bad we can't train fish. :( So what did you decide to do?
Hope you and Bella enjoyed the beach. Awesome picture of little Bella! She is adorable. This summer we had planned to hit FL and go to the beach for a few days, but with demanding job right now it's difficult to do. What's this new DVD LIFT about? Hope you enjoy it!

Hi Marie,
Yep, time flies by. I look at Jackson now I'm just in awe. I can't believe he's three already. It felt like yesterday he was a tiny thing; 7 pounds and 3 ounces. :)

Hi Colleen,
Glad the party went well and you had help! :) Great to have neighbors and friends who are supportive and helpful. I understand being busy. Really, there is not enough hours in a day!

Hi Sarah,
Hope all is well with you.

Have a great day!

Last night was an unscheduled rest night because I'm a big whiny baby :eek:! I STILL had DOMS from Monday's GS Chest&Tri/Rear Delts w/o!!!! I ended up feeling so wiped out by the end of my workday that it was all I could do to get a 30 minute walk in! I think I needed the rest because I feel pretty dang good today! Tonight I have Cardio Leg Blast + BS Shoulders. I like CLB better than Plyo legs because I don't have to modify the cardio as much and my heart keeps thumpin'! I'm still babyin' my foot but it doesn't hurt nearly as much as it used to :D!

Natty, I know your are just itchin' to tackle LIFT again!:eek: If anyone is going to kick down a roadblock it's YOU!!!! It is the best feeling to master something that intimidates you, isn't it? I've been lurking on your "KCM" thread and laughing away! I just love the energy coming out of it!

Colleen, I am giving myself another 3 weeks before I attempt to revisit CrossFire or To The Max...I really loved the extreme premixes of those and got great results doing them with STS. I'll have to modify the bajeebers out of them, but I know I can still get a great workout! How are you liking the endurance phase of STS this time around?

Marie, I felt so sad when I read about your experience as a geriatric nurse :(! I think that is my main motivation for working out and eating healthy! I know I have to grow older but I don't want to have a crappy quality of life! You must get a lot of motivation throughout your day for maintaining a healthy/active lifestyle (no matter what department you're in!)!

Justina, I hope you're taking a few moments at some point in your day to do something that makes you smile!

Sarah, I think you're on vacation right now? I hope you can relax!

That's it for now. I have about 20 minutes left for lunch and I'm going to spend it reading (halfway through A Storm of Swords"!!!)!:p
Afternoon ladies!

Yesterday I had the day off, so of course I was super busy. ;) It's amazing how I always seem to have more time to check in when I'm at work. :eek:

Yesterday I did a double header: First, HoCo April Year 2 Hardcore and then STS disc 8 (tri's/back). I had to stop disc 8 at 23 minutes since I had to shower and get the kids to their dentist appointments. However, I left all my stuff out promising myself I'd finish it later. I did...3 hours later. lol :p

Today I went to do STS disc 9 (legs). However, I forgot that this was the one disc that was all scratched and froze. You see, I got Meso 1 and Meso 2 by trading on VF (I bought Meso 3). The person I traded Meso 1 for neglected to tell me that the discs were packaged in the original STS packaging which was inferior to the cases they use now. The discs fall out and get scratched. :mad: I usually have great experiences with trading on VF but this one particular exchange was less than optimal. :( Anyhoo, after farting around for 10-15 minutes I finally decided to do the last leg workout (disc 12) instead. The damaged disc didn't even want to eject from my dvd player at first :)mad: I thought it was going to be stuck in there and then I would have been REALLY screwed).

Sigh, gotta run as the next patient is here. I WILL be back to post personals later!
Hi Friends,
Checking in to say Hello.
Job is going well. Learning alot post training into active now.
Hoping to start working out once my schedule is defined and a bit cooler weather.
Cats have adjusted to job & to new apt.
Reality hit me yesterday that I'm not in MI anymore. Big family get together in MI that I will miss.
Here's my new rotation for the month utilizing the new DVD's I got:

D1- KCM Split Sessions (Legs)
D2- KCM Split Sessions (UB)
D3- Off
D4- Plyo Legs
D5- KCM LIFT (Olympic lifts) + jump rope w/actual rope (4min)
D6- off
D7- KCM LIFT (power-sculping) OR Paul Katami Burn & Build (KB circuit)

My w/o yesterday was a indoor Leslie 3 mile walk + KCM Split Session LB. I would have to agree that this w/o is intermediate. The standing work is not nearly as hard as any of Cathe's LB w/o, however I really enjoyed it! The firewalker and floor session is a gem! I would have to say just as Challenging as Cathe's :eek:.

SO happy to hear everything is going well in TX! I meant to tell you that I subscribed to some fitness channels on youtube, and the dudes that own the channels all live in TX! Really cool guys. I'm learning a lot from them.


Thank you for the vote of confidence :). I AM going to nail those lifts because I love challenges like that...plus I look like a bad a$$ too :eek:.
I'm happy to hear your foot is getting better!


Don't stress about the personals! It's nice to just read what you've been up to :).
I feel so bad about STS D9 :(. Do you want to borrow mine? I can send it to you :eek:. I think D9 has the bonus section that nearly kills me! Love M1 legs :eek:.

I love your positive attitude :). I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed that you pass!
We decided to keep the bully fish :(. In the wild it would be survival of the fittest, so who am I to mess with nature ;). You know what, I feel bad giving her back to the store.

Keep cool everyone :cool:
OMG I just did 30min of Paul Katami Burn & Build :eek::eek::eek:.
Sweat is dripping off me! For heaven sake it's a 70min w/o! If I ever did the full 70min I think someone would have to rush me to the emergency section of the hospital :eek:. KB's are awesome!

Thanks Colleen! You picked a keeper for me :eek:
Whoo Hoo!!! :D :eek: I'm so happy you enjoyed Burn and Build! It's still one of my favorites. :D I SO hope Paul makes a B&B 2 someday soon!! It's so nice the way the workout is in "blocks" so it makes it easier to cut the workout short if you need to ;). His Bootcamp 4x4x2 is that way as well. I usually leave the last block off on that one which makes the workout 45 minutes. I often leave the last block off on B&B, too, so it comes in at an even 60 minutes.

Kettlebells are awesome! :eek: Paul ain't too shabby, either. ;) ;) :p
Felt good and worked out after last night's Cardio Leg Blast/Burn Set Shoulders. I forgot to foam roll afterward, though, and my foot was a bit tender because of that. Tonight I have Tabatcise/Burn Sets Triceps and Core#2. My tris finally feel ready to be worked after Monday's GS Chest&Tris ;) (I can't believe how long that DOMS lasted!).
I am looking forward to a productive weekend with some housework, more GS workouts, and READING!!!!!

Natty, I like the look of your rotation! I'm glad you give yourself rest days after those demanding workouts :p! I agree that 70 min w/os are grueling! When I do Xtrain Legs and core it never seems to end! I don't mind doing that length of workout as long as it's on a day off from work. I work out in the mornings on days off and feel much more relaxed with my time.

Justina, yes, I work full time but keep in mind that I don't have little ones to take care of so I have a more "me" time than you Super Moms ;)! Basically I do a full workout and then tack on one of the Burn Sets. I just have to juggle the rotation around a bit so that I don't work the same body part on consecutive days. Years ago I years to do 2 full workouts a day: one in the morning before heading off to school, and then again in the late afternoon when I got back home. Those were the days :rolleyes:!

Colleen, I always wondered who enabled out "enabler" (AKA Natasha)! You make everything sound so fun and doable!!!!

Gotta go for now....sorry so short today!
Hey all!

Quick post to say my mom and I did CSS today. My sis and her family went back to CO today. It was so great to have them in town. Miss them already!

Have a good evening everyone!
Heya ladies!

My w/o yesterday was a 3 mile walk plus KCM Split Session UB + STS TB compound back add-on + chest/tri's/shoulder's add-on (total time 50min). As far as the KCM w/o, again not as difficult as Cathe's, but still VERY challenging! Kelly uses 15lbs for tricep kickbacks for heaven's sake :eek:. I really like her because she is very direct, no-nonsense, motivating, nice but not overly bubbly (ahem Denise Austin ). She also keeps the reps in this program between 10-15, so you can go heavy (score! ;)).

My w/o today was HS (cardio portion only).

I LOVE that you and your mom do w/o's together :).

Make sure you check out that link! I hope it is useful :).
I'm getting a foam roller this week :eek:. I really feel as though my lower back would benefit from it.

I really like Paul Katami :eek:;). I noticed his quads while the camera kinda zoomed in on them while he was doing step-ups :eek:. WOWEE ;). I shall say no more ;).
I feel like I've been away forever. We got home yesterday from Prineville Oregon. My skin is so dry. I need to get a pedicure soon my feet are so dry they are snagging on the sheets. This vacation wasn't the relaxing kind but then again none of them are when you take 3 kids ; )

Next Monday Tristan and I leave for Alaska for our house hunting trip. I will be gone for 6 days again. So much for my BB rotation : ( He won't be coming home with me, he will just start his new job at that point.

Nat - Your new DVDs sound fun. I have always wanted to try kettle bells but those suckers are $$$$$$. Loved the pic of Bella.

Colleen - Glad to hear Lydia's party went well.

Jen - Glad to hear from you and that everything is going well in your new position.

Marie - B is so cotton pickin' cute. So you had to say goodbye to your sis. I beginning to wonder when I will see mine again.

Nancy - Good job on your WO's. I really like those Burn Sets too.

Justina - Good luck on your test. I sure your more ready than you are giving yourself credit for : )

Hi everyone!

Hope you are having a good day so far.

So my exam is this Friday. I have been reviewing all weekend. I managed to do Burn Set last night. :)

I can't wait to start full work outs. I think Gym Style is calling my name. :D

Hi Nancy,
I'm definitely not a super mom. LOL. Just the other day I drove almost all the way to the bus stop (where I catch transit for work) before I realized that I forgot to drop off Jackson at daycare. I had to turn around quickly just so I won't miss my bus! I'm happy if the kids end up where they're supposed to on daily basis.

Hi Natasha,
I know. I wouldn't feel right returning it either. Just hope the other fish can fend themselves. I'm going to check into Paul Katami too. Is his style similar to Cathe? How long are the workouts?

Hi Sarah,
I agree. Whever we go on family vacations I typically come back not feeling refreshed. Taking three kids stresses me out. :D There is just too much prepration to do you know? Is the dry feet related to being away in somewhere different? Water quality sometimes can dry out skin. I have dry feet genetically, and I found something that works really well. It's called O'Keeffe's. It works! Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Hi Colleen, Marie and Jen!

Have a great day!

Just enough time to post my workouts from the weekend, then I'll be back for personals!

Saturday: I split my workout between a short session before work and then after. In the morning, I did Kettlebell Kickboxing: Longevity (but had to stop at 30 minutes due to time). Then after work...well I knew I needed to get some weights in and I was due for that STS disc 7, but I just didn't feel like an hour. I thought about it, and I figured the HoCo I did early in the week covered chest, but I really needed some pump in my biceps especially. Soo...I cheated and did XTrain Burn Sets: Biceps and Shoulders. I went as heavy as I could! 15 lbs on the bicep curls! Then I remembered when I was done that I'm currently doing Meso 1 and endurance lifting...whoops. :eek: lol Oh well, it's all good! :D

Sunday: I ended up doing AOLIH (w/u + floor cardio only) followed by XTrain Legs-all sections (minus w/u and stopping the floor work when she goes to all fours). I wore my 15 lb vest during the standing work which upped the challenge nicely, then took it off for the rest. I really have under-rated this one. It isn't her toughest leg workout, but it sure does hit the legs at every conceivable angle with multiple variations of moves. I'd say it's probably her most comprehensive leg workout, actually!

Today was supposed to be my rest day, but since I had an extra 15 minutes this morning I decided to do a quickie ZCuts. I did Zuzuka's Strength workout 5. It was a goodie! Fifteen minutes isn't usually enough for me, but it was just right for what should technically have been a day off. ;) Just enough to get my blood flowing and a little light sweat. Love these! :eek:

Gotta run...BBL

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