We're Filming Again!

Okay...I'm officially jolted! Couldn't believe it when I saw it and just said, Huh? Then I got all teary eyed. Does this hopelessly mean I have no life what so ever if I'm that excited over more Cathes??? And 11 to boot.....Cathe you just blew me away today...I'm kinda happy you're turning 40!

Go Cathe Go!!!


Cathe, you are the greatest! I am soooooo ridiculously excited- this is definitely what I'm asking for for my b'day :)

Cathe, thank you for taking so many of our suggestions from the suggestions forum...actually, I think you took them all! It's really great to see how seriously you take those suggestions! My cc is ready :)
I'll be turning forty soon and I can't believe how much better shape I'm in than when I was 25. Thanks Cathe for bringing out the new series. I did order p90X but it's always great to mix it up! Your the best at what you do!! You Rock Cathe!!!
OH I am sooooooo excited. I am just starting p90x today and am definetly looking forward to a new Cathe series. This is wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yipppppeeee!!!!
SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET! The variety in this series is astounding! How great of you and the rest of SNM to be so very responsive to your loyal followers. Okay, now I've gotta go workout if I'm gonna be even close to ready for this...

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
My mouth just dropped open!!!


This is SOOOOOO wonderful Cathe. Especially because I have to have surgery this Thursday and won't be able to work out for six weeks. (UGH---I am DREADING IT)

But I'm sure I'll be back in workout shape by the time these babies come out and these (I have NO DOUBT) will whip me back in shape in NO TIME!!!

Cathe, THANK YOU GIRL!!!!!!!! I can't WAIT.

Isn't it a shame NO ONE is excited! Tee-Hee! I have the BIGGEST smile on my face right now because Cathe made her fans even HAPPIER!!! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

All I can say is YOU'RE THE BEST!!!!!! I can't wait for this series to be finished...sign me up for the pre-ordering now!
My first thought (next to a big thank you!!) is I'm soooo glad I'll have completed the P90X so I don't drop dead amidst "Hardcore". Thanks, thanks, thanks, from the bottom of my P90X fatigued heart. I will be ready and waiting for that pre order announcement. And I'm sure at the point of release I will be sufficiently tired of Tony for some time. One can never tire of CATHE:7 :7 :7 . Way to go girl. I will be celebrating my 40th right after you and be happily sweating out the "ringing in of the year" with you. Your the greatest!!


Died and gone to heaven! Cathe you have made my day totally!!!!!

All I can say is: I'm ready to pre-order, just get it all set up and my credit card is ready to flex its muscle!!!!

Clare ;-)
Debbie....I haven't been this excited since our septic line froze and we went without flushing toilets for almost a month and......I could go on and on, but you get the idea!!!!

Cathe...thank you for being so in touch with your loyal fans!!

I'm turning 40 this summer and am approaching the best shape of my life - this series will put me over the top, I'm sure! Great news, Cathe!

Oh yes I am!!! I'm at work right now and it's everything I've got not to SCREAM! Thank you thank you thank you Cathe! And thanks for turning 40 like the rest of us. ;-)
I was really hoping you'd be doing another series soon! I'm also hoping that you'll be offering a pre-order very soon too! Thanks for always listening to everyone's thoughts and ideas Cathe. You're the best!


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