We're Filming Again!

I cant't believe it either!!! I am SOOO excited!!! I was hoping she would film again soon as I cant get enough of my Cathe workouts.
Thank you thank you thank you!!!

:7 :7 :7 :7 :7
WOW! Go away on vacation and look what happens!

Excited, Cath? I am out of my mind!!! Let's see now, if I start today and you're filming this fall and I get the new series next winter sometime, I figure I have... well, SO MUCH TIME TO PREPARE I'LL HAVE NO EXCUSE IF I'M NOT READY!!!!! ;-)

Right before you turn 40, Cathe, I'll be turning 49. Mastering this series will be my 50th birthday present to myself! :)

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/spezial/spudniks/spudniklifter.gif
YAYYY!!! Sounds like the best series yet!!:D :D Is it true you will be doing DVD only from now on? Because if so, I'd better get ready to find some very,ahem,creative ways to butter up my hubby for the new workouts AND a new DVD for my workout space...:eek:
WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cathe you are the BEST!! Now I guess I'd better get than DVD player so I don't miss out on these!!!! This is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMAX3 and Advanced Heavy Split Routines - I'm in heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
I am so psyched about this because I have been working my way up the "Cathe choreography chain", having started with the wedding video and working my way up. Maybe just maybe I'm ready for the new stuff!!!

I wonder if previews are going to be posted????? (that would totally rock)

Here we are going nuts, and they're just filming at this point LOL!

Can't wait to pre-order!
Hi Cathe

Okay, now I understand what you meant in the July rotation... I definitely want to pre-order now! The new series sounds terrific. Oh, and never fear about turning 40. I've got 50 staring me in the face in Dec, but it's not gonna slow me down!! Take care and thanks for helping us all stay so fit. You're the best


You absolutely rock! This is more than awesome! Hey, I am glad you are turning 40, if it inspires a workout series like this one.

I must say that I have the P90X workout, which is good, but there is nothing like your work out style and your DVD's and their formats. You give us so many options with each DVD -no other workout DVD's give us that.

No matter what other workouts I have I always incorporate yours in my rotations!

I will preorder as soon as it is available.

Welcome to the 40 and older group (next month). I am 48 and I just keep getting stronger and better thanks to your workouts!


Cheryl (mother of 10)
Yipeeeeeee!!! I'm going to start a savings plan now. I was
just starting to get rabid for new workouts. Thanks Cathe,
your the best!!:7 :7 :7 :7 :7
>Hey Cathe!!!
>I am soooo excited about these workouts!! My credit card is
>ready for the pre-order!

I'm so excited to see such an advanced workout with only 2 step workouts included. I can't do step so I can't thank you enough for doing a series with some non-step cardio and lots of weights...love it!


Have a great day

Debbie:) :) :) :) :) :)
Cathe, you are an absolute angel to let us know about this even though you will get 6 zillion questions & comments before they come out.
I am SO excited! Have been ill & out of sorts & this just perked me right up.
Can't wait! Don't care what it costs! Bless you!
Ruth:) :) :)

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