We're Filming Again!

I could not BE more excited to hear this news. Thank you, thank you, thank you Cathe. Sounds like my prayers have been heard and answered. My credit card is ready and primed for the preorder announcement.

I'm so giddy about this I could just explode. I just called my husband and he's laughing at me, trying to calm me down.
Cathe - I only have one thing to say . . .

"Have I told you lately that I love you . . ."

That's the best news I've heard in weeks.

Hip...Hip...Hooray! Woo hoo! This is VERY exciting news! My husband is going to DIE but oh well....he knows Cathe is as much a staple in my life as the four basic food groups!
Angela:7 :7 :7 :7 :7
OMG!!!!!!!!! I got a major endorphin release just reading about this, and I liked it A LOT!!!!!:) :) }( }( :)
Words can't express what I want to say but CATHE YOU ARE THE BOMB!!!!!
:* A million thanks for all that you do!!!!

Take Care
OMG - I think I just fainted and was unconscious for a few seconds. This series sounds like my dream come true. Maybe a secondary title to this series could be something like "That which doesn't kill you only makes you stronger."

My credit card is ready. I'm going to be grinning ALL DAY over this!!!
That is great news!!!! Just the motivation I needed to get working so I am ready to push myself to the MAX!!!! Thanks soooooooooo much. Hope they will be done in time to be on my christmas list or if sooner I have a b-day in Nov. I know I will want them right away.
>I hope you are as excited as I am……
SCARED is more like it!!
But - bring it on, Cathe, bring it on. :) :) :) I'm warming up the CC
(this is actually even better for me, because I haven't ordered P90X yet.)
Kathy W
OMG!! - thank you! thank you! thank you! i am so excited i can't work - yikes! uh-oh. better reign it in somehow.... this is SUCH FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm soooo HAPPY about this one!
I'm definitely gonna start to save $$$$$$ for this series.
WHO AH!!!!!
This new series sounds like you are going to take us to the next level. My body needs it. I am really pleased with the type of series you have planned and love the advanced level. I will definitely order this series. Bring on the pre-order.

:D :D :D :D :D

Can't you tell how happy I am.
It's complete pandemonium!!! I’ve read this post about 10 times and get more and more excited each time. Goodness, this is just the announcement…how am I ever going to wait for the actual series??? I think you can gather from the responses here that…we are…all for…hard core. So, so, so excited I can’t even get back to work.

One of my cube-mates looked at me very strangely when I screamed and said "Yes!!!!!".

He understood when I told him what was up!! I tell him about my workouts all the time, and various scenes from your workouts are what I always have as my background on my computer.

Fantastic news!! Cannot Wait!!!!

I am beyond excited!!!!!:) I've been itching for a presale all summer, and now here it is! I can't wait to order as soon as the presale details are up. This set looks so amazing! :)

You're amazing. I can't wait for this series of workouts. Plus I can't wait to see the tough rotations that you come up with after they are released.


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