some questions:
There's a possibility that some may read this thread and feel defensive about their way of life.
Unfortunately, I think it is human nature for both sides to feel defensive about their stance.
To those of you who might be put off by this discussion, please understand that we aren't targeting or judging anyone. I know I've said this before, but it's worth repeating: My husband and children eat animal products. Add to that, my brother-in-law and nephew are hunters, and my brother used to own a sheep farm where they killed sheep and pigs.
Are they bad people? No.
I do think they suffer from a degree of ignorance, though it's not the "ignorance" many have come to associate with the very insulting "stupid." It's a simple not-knowing, for lack of a better term. Not quite seeing things as they are ~ maybe a kind of mental blindness.
We all suffer from this kind of ignorance in one fashion or another. I know my faults well, and I have no doubt I'm ignorant in ways that currently escape my awareness. I do my best to learn and erase as much of my ignorance as possible though. (I fear I'll need several lifetimes to get it all done!
What if it is not ignorance?
For myself, I have researched and researched food, by-products, etc. for multiple reasons:
1. my hubby and i love to learn
2. my stepson is autistic and dietary adjustments are one suggested form of therapy
I understand all of the facets of animal cruelty - and I am opposed to any form of cruelty. As silly as this is - I even prefer to catch flies and release them outside than to kill them.
But here are a high-level summary of my personal situations with the vegan / vegetarian lifestyle (which by the way I promote as my husband is vegetarian working towards vegan - and I help him as much as I can)
1. I am severly anemic and red meat happens to be the easiest form of large enough quantities iron for my body to digest. Plant-based iron is hard for my body to process quickly enough to help my hemoglobin. Yes, I know there are iron supplements, but everytime I take them they make me ill - I do not like ingesting anything synthetic (in this case I mean: produced in a lab and put in pill form) When I took an iron supplement during my first pregnancy - I was hospitalized due to my reaction to it
2. Second - protein sources are also difficult for me. I have severe migraine reactions to any soy product - sometimes just looking at soy gives me a headache
and while I do love quinoa i can only eat so much of any one type of food before I gag on it . . . although that is mostly in my head i think
3. I did try the vegetarian lifestyle for almost a year and was so sick by the end of that year my doctor had me see a nutritionist (who is well regarded and was wonderful - so please do not think badly of him when I say this next part) who recommended that i add animal products back in to my diet. I still grill my hubby portobello mushrooms instead of chicken! Since I do not ingest anything with any chemicals or having come from a lab - supplements are out for me.
These are just a couple of my issues (and I didn't go in to all of the details of each one) . . . so where does this leave me? Well, any vegetables we do not grow - I shop from local organic farmers who do not use pesticides, I watch closely who I get my milk and my eggs and my meat from.
And you know what . . . I am healthy and migraine free with radiant skin, and long silky hair and fast growing nails . . . so i am not ignorant nor do I suffer mental-blindness in this area . . . but do eat animal products.
This is a great discussion and glad that for the most part it has been knowledgeable and adult!!!